Iron the centre of the heme group, which sits in the centre of each subunit of the hemoglobin protein structure.
Hemoglobin proteins pack the inside of our red blood cells.
Iron at the core of each hemoglobin molecule binds oxygen.
There are ~260 million hemoglobin molecules in each red blood cell and we each have ~25 trillion red blood cells in circulation!
This is our transport system for oxygen to get from our lungs to our cells and organs.
We measure iron indirectly in different ways in lab tests.
Most commonly used here are:
🩸 hematocrit - what percentage of you blood volume is red blood cells
🩸 hemoglobin - how much of the protein is in your blood
🩸ferritin - a protein that helps store iron in your body
I see two common scenarios where patients have low iron (measured as low hematocrit, hemoglobin, and/or low ferritin - often called anemia):
1⃣ pregnancy - the developing fetus requires iron and will take what it needs
2⃣ heavy periods - with all the blood loss, so goes the iron
So how do we get more iron into our bodies when they need it?
I spend a lot of time talking about iron rich foods with patients and there are many foods rich in iron.
Sometime food is not enough to replace iron if someone is pregnant or has heavy periods or another health condition... this is where supplements come in.
There are many different supplements (pills, powders, syrups) out there and it can be confusing...
@ontariomidwives put together a handy chart comparing different iron supplements!
I like how they compared doses, considerations for individual diets, and cost...
... monthly prices range from $4 to $700 😮
(there is an error however in that Blood Builder is not a heme iron)
Focussing in on Alberta cases of COVID-19 in pregnancy through the whole pandemic, the peak so far was Wave 3 however Wave 4 is proving challenging with steady numbers - over 50 new cases per day since mid August 👇🏻
For those who are following along...
I used to post these music requests after my surgery days since before the pandemic.
No such posts this month. Surgeries cancelled.
Behind every music request is a person who is having surgery. Some minor, some life changing... #COVID19AB
I am only one Alberta surgeon.
To date 21 patients under my care had their surgery cancelled - some minor, some life changing.
More to come.
My heart breaks.
We are working hard to advocate for Albertans but we need your help. #GetVaccinated #COVID19AB#AbLeg#abpoli
I have cared for pregnant COVID patients so understand the need for "all hands on deck" to weather the storm that is wave 4.
We need to appreciate however that we are robbing Peter to pay Paul in order to accomplish this.
And remember, this was predicted and preventable.
This morning's grand rounds were an update from University of Calgary Reproductive Infectious Diseases (Drs. Kuret and Castillo)
This was a comprehensive review of both Canadian data on #COVID19 cases in #pregnancy and #COVIDVaccines in pregnancy
... wanted to share some of it 🧵
Cases of COVID-19 in pregnancy across the country 👇🏻
(note that the data lags in some provinces more than other)
So far Alberta and Manitoba have the highest rates of COVID-19 infection in pregnancy - these numbers are expected to shift as we see provincial differences in case numbers and vaccination
Can we talk honestly about doctors for a minute?
We are human.
Like in many other areas of work there is stress - we know this going in.
Some days are tough.
The pandemic has been a long hard journey for many of us.
I worry about burnout...
As I listened I had an increased sadness for my colleagues in Alberta right now...
You see, for the months leading up to the pandemic we saw a coordinated effort by the Alberta premier, health minister, his issues managers and the health ministry to attack and demoralize our profession. The attacks are recorded in press conferences and social media posts...