#OpenInterest is a measure of the number of outstanding #derivative contracts in a particular market.
It reflects the number of contracts that have not been closed or settled, and helps to show the level of activity in a market.
When open interest increases, it can indicate that new #money is entering the market.
When open interest decreases, it can indicate that traders are closing out their positions.
Open interest can also be used to gauge the strength of a #trend. If open interest is increasing while price is moving in the same direction, it can suggest that the trend is gaining #momentum.
However, if open interest is increasing while price is moving in the opposite direction, it can indicate that traders are betting against the trend.
Open interest is different from volume, which measures the number of #contracts that are traded in a particular period.
Open interest is a lagging indicator, meaning it reflects what has happened in the past.
It is important to consider open interest in conjunction with other indicators, such as price and volume, to get a full picture of market activity.
#TradingInTheZone is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their trading skills. Here are ten key takeaways from the book:
The concept of "probability" - Trading is about managing risk and understanding the probabilities of different outcomes. #RiskManagement
The importance of "discipline" - Discipline is crucial for successful trading, as it allows you to stick to your plan and make sound decisions. #TradingDiscipline
The power of "confidence" - Confidence in your trading plan is key to staying focused and making good decisions. #TradingConfidence
1/ #Chocolate is a beloved treat enjoyed by people around the world, but did you know that a few countries dominate global chocolate production?
2/ The top chocolate producing countries are the Ivory Coast, #Ghana, #Indonesia, and #Brazil. Together, these countries account for over 60% of the world's chocolate production. #ivorycoast
3/ The Ivory Coast is the largest chocolate producer in the world, with over 1.5 million tons produced annually. Ghana is a close second, producing around 1 million tons per year.