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Jan 2nd 2023
⚡️ Open Interest ⚡️

Open interest artış: Yeni pozisyonlar açılıyor.
Open interest düşüş: Pozisyonlar kapatılıyor veya insanların stopları patlatılıyor anlamına gelebilir.

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#openinterest Image
Oi düşerken fiyatın yükselmesi stopların patladığı hikayesini oluşturmamıza yardımcı oluyor.

Fiyat düşerken Oi(pozisyon açılması) artışı bize short pozisyonların açıldığını fısıldıyor.

Fiyat ile birlikte okumalı ve asla tek başına kullanmamalıyız!
---> Image
Open interest indikatör:

Türkçe anlatım video:

Örnekleri canlı olarak Btcde paylaşmaya devam edeceğim.

Destek için beğeni ve paylaşım yaparsanız çok sevinirim 🥷🖤
Read 3 tweets
Dec 25th 2022
Explaining open interest in simple terms …

#OpenInterest is a measure of the number of outstanding #derivative contracts in a particular market.
It reflects the number of contracts that have not been closed or settled, and helps to show the level of activity in a market.
When open interest increases, it can indicate that new #money is entering the market.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
A 'Stethoscope' will not Make a Normal Person a Doctor.

Similarly, an 'OI Tool' will not Convert a Normal Person into a Successful Trader.

One Should Know the Right Way of Using It.

Debunking the "Myths" related to Open Interest!

Thread 🧵🧵
#openinterest #OI
(1/N) How to Open Interest in Options Trading in Nifty/Banknifty u
#1 OI is Not An Indicator

Price Action consists of 'Price' & 'Volume'.

'Volume' is a measure of Market Activity, but not Liquidity.

'OI' measures both Market Activity and Liquidity!

So OI is better than Volume.

Hence, OI is a part of the Price Action.

(2/N) OI vs. Volume
#2 OI is Not a Holy grail Concept

Open Interest helps to identify the direction thought by the big players.

But one has to prepare his own rules for trading.

Hence, don't assume you will become a successful trader just by using OI!

Read 18 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
#PreMarketCapsule |26th September, Monday | Edition: 43

In the document ⬇️
1. #Nifty Range and Breadth
2. #Banknifty range and Breadth
3. #Sector Breadth
4. #FII Derivative Activity
5. #Summary of the analysis Image
1. Demand Zone 17415 to 17250
2. Initiate short below 17250 only
3. Price trading below TMA is bearish
4. Pullback towards TMA and getting red brick is a good place to go short
#Nifty #nifty50 #NIFTYFUT Image
Read 11 tweets
Sep 24th 2022
Bhav Bhagwan Hai (Price is God)

Lekin Open Interest (OI) Bhagwan ka Baap Hai (OI is Father of God)

This is what some traders claim about Open Interest (OI)😄

Is it True or Not?

Check These Features about OI & Decide Yourself!

Thread 🧵

#openinterest #OI
(1/N) How to use Open Interest of Futures and Options in Day Tradi
Check the ZEEL OI Change Chart as of 22/Sep/2022

There was a huge spike in 270 Puts (PE).

It means people sold 270 PE anticipating the price would not close below 270 before this month's expiry.

But the closing price of ZEEL on the next day (23/Sep) is 260.95.

(2/N) ZEEL OI Change CHart in Sensibull
Now can you imagine the conditions of these 270 PE sellers?

They have trapped - Either they have to book a huge loss or shift their position (it brings more risk to the table).

On 23/Sep, most people closed their position in 270 PE.

Read 22 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
#PreMarketCapsule | 6th September, Tuesday | Edition: 35

In the thread⬇️
1. #Nifty Range and Breadth
2. #Banknifty range and Breadth
3. #Sector Breadth
4. #FII Derivative Activity
5. #Summary of the analysis
1. Price trading above TMA is bullish
2. Broke out of recent consolidation
3. Near resistance is 18000
4. Support is 17500
#Nifty #nifty50 #NIFTYFUT
Read 11 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
#PreMarketCapsule | 5th September, Monday | Edition: 34

In the document ⬇️
1. #Nifty Range and Breadth
2. #Banknifty range and Breadth
3. #Sector Breadth
4. #FII Derivative Activity
5. #Summary of the analysis
1. The marked zone in 'Green' is Demand Zone for Nifty
2. Price has traded there for more time than expected near the Demand Zone
3. Price trading near the demand zone is a negative sign and may have weakened the zone

#Nifty #nifty50 #NIFTYFUT
Read 10 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
Million calls still there between 17500 - 17700

With all the churning yesterday 15 million added at 17500 - 17700. Max at 17600, 6.5 million

No unwinding of calls

Nifty Puts

14 million puts between 17300 - 17500

3.5 million added between 17300 - 17500

6.8 million puts unwound from 17500 - 17800, Max 3.1 million at 17700

Result: Put Towers are big, and outnumber Call Towers

PCR: 0.65 (Between 17300 - 17800)

Read 7 tweets
Jan 24th 2022
A lot of #OpenInterest traders will look at the high #OI of today in Futures

The #Nifty F addition was 30458 contracts, a high for the series of Jan

The #Banknifty futures addition was 6265 contracts today, not a high but big.

A quick thread on why this is a half- truth.
The futures market of today is just a fraction of the Options market.

Any day the options market beats the Index Futures 100 times & easy.

So if you are only looking at Futures Open Interest , you are reading just 1/100 th of the market
The entire market is not just divided between 4 players

a) FII's
b) Pros's
c) Retail
d) DII's

but is also hedged completely

So a long F in NF is with a short call as a pair.
Another reason you should not focus only on Futures OI
Read 12 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
🧵/1. Here in this 🧵we look at the market structure from #onchain & #FuturesMarket perspectives and compare it with Dec 2020, when the price was breaking above the 2018's (20K) ATH for second time!
🧵/2. First, looking at the Monthly-Realized Profit Oscillator, we can see, similar to Dec 2020, market is approximately realizing equal to 5% of the total #RealizedCap monthly. This means we have not witnessed the old coins realizing profit at a concerning rate yet ( >10%).
🧵/3. The #FuturesMarket also has the same sentiment that the market had in Dec 2020. The #FundingRate is rising gradually, and #OpenInterest momentum (30D-RSI) has dropped (after reaching a new ATH; 67K) to the same level we saw in Dec 2020; 20K>18K> 🌙(Dec 20) = 67K > 58K > ?
Read 5 tweets
May 31st 2021
1/10-Going through the 2nd week of the biggest corrections of this cycle (~ 50%), the ultimate questions in market are,
-Whether the cycle is over?
-How are the Exchange Flow conditions?
-What is the picture that on-chain metrics are giving about market in long-term?
2/10- All-Exchanges Reserve has been declining since the beginning of this bull market. This trend was then upward on April 24th after prices dropped 64K > 50K [1A] = on-chain bearish sign.
3/10-Overall increasing level of bitcoin reserve on exchanges was due to Derivative-Exchanges (@Binance, @Bitrex )[1B]. The interesting point to notice here was the uninterrupted downtrend of bitcoin reserve on Spot-Exchanges (@Coinbase, @Kraken)[1C].
Read 26 tweets
Nov 5th 2019
Good open interest added both sides. Especially call OI is very high.
If market comes down I would like to sell 11750, 11700 PE.
If market goes up would like to sell calls 12050 and above.
(1/n) Image
Just one day Nifty has to do whatever it wants because Thursday we can get leverage and start adjustments.

Margin management is the main game here. Keep money for adjustments.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 27th 2019
I have received lot of queries on #OptionsTrading.
Specially on the trades that I take on expiry day where option prices move 10 times in last one hour. Let me tell you that this happens only 1 in 3-4 weeks.
Few pointers that I look at.
Expiry day trading in options few tips. I hope it will help others.
So what I look for is following 3 things.
1. Open Interest Build Up on expiry day
2. Trend of the market from start of the day
3. how to trade
3. Time when breakout or breakdown of critical levels happen
#OpenInterest Build Up
#Optionwriting has become very popular & there is heightened activity of the same on expiry day. This is clearly visible through OI buildup in specific strikes where OI goes up significantly & price goes down. Now these strikes become our boundaries
Read 10 tweets

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