A 39-YO ♂️, same-sex relationships involving condomless anal sex: 38°C, cervical lymphadenopathy, mucosal ulceration on his tongue and a maculopapular rash on his face, neck and anterior chest. 1/5
Features of acute HIV infection occur 2–4 weeks after exposure.
Common presentation includes fever, arthralgia and lymphadenopathy, which may mimic acute mononucleosis.
Seroconversion usually occurs 3–8 weeks after initial infection. 3/5
Mucocutaneous ulceration is highly suggestive of acute HIV infection.
Rash occurs in about 50% of patients, It is characterized by small, well-circumscribed, erythematous macules or maculopapules, mainly on the anterior chest. 4/5
The diagnosis of acute HIV infection is often missed:
✔️ owing to the asymptomatic or self-limited nature of the virus, nonspecific signs (such as the rash) or ✔️clinician hesitancy to ask questions about sexual exposure. 5/5
A 49-YO♀️: fever, myalgia, headache, blanching papular rash on her trunk & limbs, & conjunctivitis (1)
Neutropenia & mild hepatitis
The patient's husband accompanied the patient to the Cook Islands: a highly similar rash (2) 1/6
Zika virus, endemic to Southeast Asia & Africa, is transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes.
Clinical manifestations (fever, maculopapular rash, myalgias, and headache) are similar to other arboviral infections, such as dengue and chikungunya, 3/6
Lactante ♀️ de 5 meses: fiebre, síntomas catarrales, buen estado general y lesiones redondeadas, algunas anulares con centro violáceo y otras en diana, algo sobreelevadas, desaparecen parcialmente a la vitropresión y de aspecto indurado 1/6
82 años♂️, DM, dislipemia, y enfermedad arterial periférica: dolor torácico anginoso con semiología de insuficiencia cardiaca.
ECG:⬆️segmento ST en V2-V3 y DI-AVL.
Coronariografía: arterias coronarias sin lesiones 1/6