I want to make this very clear: If I ever find out who that Product Manager was, or their venmo/kofi/whatever, I will personally buy them a drink. Or cheese.
Musk replaced Twitter’s old culture with one of his own, but it’s unclear, with so few workers and plummeting revenues, if this new version will survive.
As one employee said in December, “Place is done for.” #ElonMusk#tyrant
Elon Musk: “I was writing C programs in the ’90s,” he said dismissively. “I understand how computers work.”
Jesus Christ why would you trust this guy with anything. $TSLAQ
As we thought, Elon has no idea wtf he's doing.
"It seemed as though Musk didn’t understand the basic organizational structure of a social-media company; it was as if a rich guy had bought a restaurant and started telling the cooks he wanted to add a new dining room."
“David, this meeting is too technical for you,” Musk said, waving his hand to dismiss Sacks. Wordlessly, Sacks turned and walked out, leaving the engineers — who had gotten little engagement from Musk on anything technical — slack-jawed."
Shoutout to @Jason for being one of #TheGoons. Ya did it buddy- first the Little Black Book, now this. What a glow-up.
They had to find printers that worked, then were told to abort that after some had printed & shred what had already been put to paper.
How tf did they think printing things out in the first place made any sense?! #elonmusk
Damn, girl, deep cut lmao
"She had printed out a few lines of Python rather than her actual code repository. (“Python is more at Musk’s level,” she says.)" #elonmusk#swe#iLoveEng
"Dorsey, who was known for going on long meditation retreats, fasting 22 hours a day, and walking five miles to the office, acted as an absentee landlord, leaving Twitter’s strategy and daily operations to a handful of trusted deputies."
"In the meantime, managers and other senior employees began receiving calls late at night from the Goons. “Who are the best people on your team?” they would ask. “Who’s critical? Who’s technical?”" #ElonMusk#Twitter#TheGoons
This is just so grim guys. I've been through layoffs, and this is a level of cruelty I'm so thankful I never had to go through.
To the Tweeps that made Twitter 1.0 -- you deserved so much better, and I am so sorry. This breaks my heart.
Elon & The Goons are absolute sociopaths.
In which David Sacks is just as clueless, rude, and soulless as Elon Musk.
It reminds me of Andrew Tate with his "War Room." Blind sycophants who are just as terrible as the main guy. #grift
Nepotism is alive and well at Elon Musk's Twitter 2.0
Twitter Blue v1 was rated by Trust/Safety as a P0 level risk. Highest level of risk.
Elon Musk & The Goons said do it anyway.
The fact that they prepped this level of documentation which he disregarded- from a compliance/safety perspective this is horrifying. #security
By chasing Twitter Blue $, Elon Musk torched the company's ad business, their main form of revenue. By December, the remaining ad team began offering 100s of 1000s of $ in free ad spend to bring back advertisers.
It did not work.
This is the problem with only banning "illegal speech." Twitter is global, and there are places that outlaw specific things. There are all non-negotiable consumer protection & online regulations.
If you want unfettered "free speech," you end up with 4chan. #ElonMusk
Person who was only brought back from being fired because Yoel resigned, @/ellagirwin = drunk on the Musk flavor-aid.
The unnamed employee = seeing the reality of what happened by reinstating Trump. #TwitterDeservedBetter
“Basically, if you can show up in an office and you do not show up at the office, resignation accepted. End of story,” is exactly like what Elon Musk said to suspended journalists who, in reality, did not "dox" him.
"Uh uh you uh dox, you're banned. Uh.. end of story."
As expected, the group of people at the company that asked questions like "why deadnaming a trans colleague was bad" were thrilled that Elon Musk would buy the company.
They already knew he was on their team. #transphobia
LMAO PLOT TWIST - The Elon Musk Simp got CANNED.
Same with most of the prominent members of that group. Silver linings.
@CodexEntry Just when Elon Musk had decimated morale to what seemed to be the bottom of the barrel.. that's when he started his #TwitterFiles, doxxing Twitter employees' ex-colleagues. The tweet with @jack's email was deleted.. but theirs weren't.
@CodexEntry@jack "Employees rushed to warn a Twitter operations analyst whom Taibbi had doxxed to privatize her social-media accounts, knowing she was about to face a deluge of abuse."
Elon Musk, continuing to abuse women. Go Figure. #LiveTweet
"What Musk saw as damning forms of censorship were actually thoughtful conversations about user safety."
The man tilts at windmills on a daily basis, like Trump. They are nauseatingly similar in thinking they know and understand far more than they do. Completely clueless #grift.
After she was publicly connected w/ the @ElonJet ban, fmr employee says @ellagirwin began insisting instructions to restore accts only be delivered verbally so the moves would not be linked back to her in Twitter’s systems.
And FWIW, I really hoped Ella would actually do right by users and foster a healthy/safe platform. She's just another Musk pawn now. It's one of the things that really infuriates me because going along with these horrifying actions was a choice. #blacklist
Fun Fact: Elon Musk was approached by HR before the mass firing because they wanted to review the plan to avoid possible lawsuits re: disability, discrimination, etc.
NEW: Lotta articles dropping today about Elon Musk & Twitter, and none of it is good.
A long-term fix doesn’t just involve getting Twitter’s costs under control. It has to involve making Twitter a better place for most people to spend time. bit.ly/3Ypsi8M
Twitter’s expenses have definitely gone down. That happens when a company lays off half its workers, watches more resign, and then simply doesn’t pay severance to many of them. #elonmusk#elonQ
Though it created the most obvious immediate problems, I don’t think Musk’s redpilling will be the thing that destroys Twitter’s advertising business. Musk apparently loves being friends with right-wing Twitter users and trolls, and he has unbanned some of them.
Well, the first puff piece on Eliza Bleu has dropped.
Highlight to start- remember how @elizableu made a seemingly throwaway tweet about "Wait til I collaborate with Ye"?
Yeah. Shane gave Ye her number. So Eliza Bleu is now texting buddies with antisemitic Hitler-admirer Kanye.
@elizableu And no, not joking. Shane asked Eliza Bleu if he could connect her with Kanye West, she agreed, and now we have this text screenshot included in the TimCast 'reporter' puff piece. #grift#trafficking#extremism#elizableufiles
@elizableu TimCast 'reporter' states he'd also been in talked to interview... Andrew Tate.
This guy wants to hang out with a really horrible group of people- I think Eliza is the least of these three evils.
Yikes. Evli triumphs through indifference from people like Shane.
🧵NEW: Reporting shows continued deceptive messaging of Eliza Bleu, Ella Irwin, and Elon Musk re: CSAM on Twitter.
CSAM "persisted on the platform, including widely circulated material that the authorities consider the easiest to detect and eliminate." nyti.ms/3l9hXPY
Staff on Twitter responsible for detection/removal of Child Sexual Abuse Material have quit or been fired.
AND ALSO Twitter STOP PAYING FOR DETECTION SOFTWARE that is KEY to its detection and elimination from the platform. #trafficking#safety
"All the while, people on dark-web forums discuss how Twitter remains a platform where they can EASILY FIND the material while AVOIDING DETECTION, according to transcripts of those forums from an anti-abuse group that monitors.."
Exhausting MegaThread
- Ban Evasion (3x+ banned accounts)
- Leads Harassment Campaigns that last Years Online/IRL
- Public $TSLA promoter, Elon Co-Defendant
Here's what's public:
DISCLAIMER: This is aggregated from publicly-available sources. It is wholly observation of a behavioral pattern from public data. I do not condone harassment of anyone mentioned herein + will block trolls/ad hominem.
Also: I don't have stocks/positions on TSLA, nor have I been involved in any of Elon's ventures or know any persons mentioned herein personally. Again, this is what I have observed freely online. It boggles my mind to see this kind of activity, so I'm trying to make sense of it.
Elon Musk replied ““A bunch of sharks on Wall Street wanted Tesla to die very badly. I believe short-selling should be made illegal. It is a means for, in my opinion, bad people on Wall Street to steal money from investors. Not good.”
$TSLAQ #Tesla#lawsuit
“Just because I tweet something does not mean people believe it or will act accordingly,” he said from the witness stand. Regarding Twitter’s character limit, he said, “I think you can absolutely be truthful but can you be comprehensive? Of course not.” $TSLAQ
Best from replies:
Musk tweeted on Aug. 7, 2018: “Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.” He followed that with “Investor support is confirmed. Only reason why this is not certain is that it’s contingent on a shareholder vote.”
Elon Musk oversaw the creation of a 2016 video that exaggerated the abilities of Tesla Inc.’s driver-assistance system Autopilot, even dictating the opening text that claimed the company’s car drove itself, according to internal emails viewed by Bloomberg. $TSLAQ
Musk wrote to Tesla’s Autopilot team after 2 a.m. California time in October 2016 to emphasize the importance of a demonstration drive to promote the system, which the chief executive officer made a splashy announcement about a week later.
The email sheds light on Musk’s mindset before he and Tesla then made claims about capabilities that have yet to materialize more than six years later.