Rep. Rodriguez breaks down the bill & why it is so important #copolitcs
He says “people want to work & you’re going to hear why this is important - anyone that doesn’t support this believes in retaliation and that’s not good”
Kevin Vic from the @ColoradoEA speaks to the importance of the bill & how respect is the name of the game here - giving all public workers the right to make their schools better #copolitics
“As a public educator I should be able to advocate for myself and staff and students - this is already a protection for private sector employees, we need that for public employees” #copolitics
YES on SB23-111
The founder of the defenders union of colorado #copolitcs is speaking now - “Colorado does very little to protect public employees & Colorado is going to change this” #advocacy
“Public employees avoid bringing this stuff up out of fear”
@cwa7799 member is speaking and speaking about the protection that she had & she speaks to a story of a doctor who tried to protect his staff and patients “it’s not just about public employees it’s about the public they serve” YESon SB23-111 #copolitics
@WoodrowForCO speaks up on behalf of SB23-111 #copolitics “it is imperative that #workers have protections - SB23-111 does that, it’s past due”
YES to SB23-111 🚨 so that #public workers can advocate for themselves
A member of UC Health speaks up
She was a L & D nurse - she faced retaliation and unfairly faced discrimination when she tried to #organize#copolitcs
This is horrifying to hear nurses deal with this on top of their job. #workers
She says that this bill impacts us all cause everyone needs medical & #healthcare she has been at her facility for 12 years and she won’t be scared of the retaliation - she’s staying at her employer so that she can continue to unionize #copolitcs
Incredible work Rachel
We’ve got a phenomenal speaker from #denverhealth who is speaking to patient outcomes “you do not want a hot seat - you want a well person taking care of you” he tells us that “we need SB111 to fight for our patients in #colorado#copolitics
Update! Bill passed out of committee and we LOVE our #union siblings and all workers that risked a lot to speak today - we don’t take your leadership for granted! #copolitcs SB23-111 continues!
SB23-168, "Concerning gun violence victims' access to the judicial system." This legislation gives gun violence victims and survivors the ability to take legal action when firearm industry members violate standards of responsible conduct. We urge support. #copolitics#coleg
The testimony against SB-168 is riddled with misinformation as usual.
Sen. Tom Sullivan erupts in response to testimony by gun dealers shirking responsibility for their products: "What is the profit margin on 4000 rounds of armor-piercing ammunition? What is the profit you need to make that sale?" #copolitics#coleg
Senate Bill 23-170: building on the success of Colorado's "Red Flag" law, this bill allows medical and mental health providers as well as teachers to join law enforcement and families in petitioning the court for an extreme risk protection order. We urge support. #copolitics
Jane Dougherty, whose sister died in the Sandy Hook shooting, testifies in support of the ERPO enhancement bill: "what if all those lives could have been saved?" #copolitics#coleg
Barton High School Teacher - Rachel is here! she is sharing about what's it like being a teacher in a high school where we have #GunViolence & regular #lockdowns & she talks about going from giggling with 9th graders to watching in horror
We are hearing the bill today for ACTION only as we heard tones of testimony last week for #fairworkweek
By passing Fair Workweek legislation, Colorado strengthens its economy and workforce. #copolitics
We are voting on predictable schedules for working Coloradans olordans
Thank you again sponsors @EmilyForCO & @SerenaForCO are wrapping up with the committee - on the importance of predictable schedules & why #workers deserve fair work week
All workers that testified were in SUPPORT of fair work week #copolitics
Here we go folks! Reading HB23-1100 on the floor @lorenaforsenate@NaquettaR intro the bill on the floor this morning
YES on HB23-1100 - it is not a state value to make profit off of immigrants that happen to be brought to a prison because of IGSA contract #copolitics
Alright folks! We heard two racist remarks already!
Rep. Holtorf is pleading that we consider Teller county - where they are making .01% off keeping immigrants in prison who are awaiting immigration cases
Other then Teller County just wanting to make $ off the back of immigrants in a IGSA contractual hosting facility - which has been an avenue to shipping immigrants farther from where they are in the first place
YES on HB23-1100 - END these harmful contracts now #copolitcs
Correctional facilities are not mandated to track or report pregnancy-related data & most facilities do not have any routine process for collecting such information - another reason why we are saying YES on HB23-1187 #copolitics#leadership#reproductivehealth