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Mar 1, 2023 139 tweets 210 min read Read on X
This is a threaded version of Chapter 22, titled,

“Healing Crisis:

of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/1
Chapter 22 begins PART THREE
of *Psychology of Apocalypse*, titled:

“Healing Crisis & Regression in the Service of Humanity”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #prenatal #WoundedDeer

PA 22/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We have this legacy where we think the opposite of insanity is sanity, usually conflated with ‘normality’ & conformity.” []

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PA 22/3
[] “These insane times, with the fate of the world in the balance, are the first time we are able to see that the opposite of insanity is not normality. It is heroism.” []

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal

PA 22/4
[] “Heroism is the only sane response to an insane situation where lives are at stake...the only sane response.” []

READ &/or dwnld entire CHAPTER free AT SITE... wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs

PA 22/5
Chapter 22, “Healing Crisis,” is subtitled,

“Prenatal-Perinatal Awareness,

“Being Weller but Appearing Sicker,

“Trancing Versus Suffering, & We Shall Overcome”

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PA 22/6
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “This difference between trancing & suffering may be likened to the difference between being a fish in water & totally oblivious to that fact versus living out of water & experiencing a downpour.” []

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology

PA 22/7
[] “When one is in less of a trance state, one is aware of alternative ways of being; in the example, that would be being dry.” []

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PA 22/8
[] “Consequently, one suffers & struggles amidst these forces & options...& one has at least some ability to choose one’s actions.” []

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PA 22/9
[] “Those of the Baby-Boomer—or Sixties—generation also indicate their closeness to their prenatal & perinatal in their campaigns against some of the act-outs of the pre- & perinatal….” []

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #TheUnconscious

PA 22/10
[] “These include actions against pollution; a rejection of city life, with its gridlocks, pollution, & crowding, & a return to the country, in communes or otherwise;” []

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PA 22/11
[] “an awareness & rejection of polluted foods & creation of a natural & organic foods movement;” []

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PA 22/12
[] “& actions against global overpopulation including support for birth control, a pro-choice stance on abortion, & delaying of baby-making on their own parts along with a reduction in the size of their families.” []

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth

PA 22/13
[*Chapter 22 text begins:*] “What does this all mean? What does this portend? What might be the outcome of this emerging prenatal-perinatal unconscious both causing as well as made stronger by the environmental apocalypse brewing?”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 22/14
“Is it the end, & the planet will see millions of years of a Mars-like state of virtual deadness? Or will the future necessary for the continued survival of life sprout among us?”

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PA 22/15
“*Healing Crisis*

“To answer what an emerging pre/perinatal unconscious might mean on a macrocosmic or societal-global scale, it is helpful to look at what an emerging pre/perinatal unconscious portends on the individual or microcosmic level.”


PA 22/16
“What we have learned from the experiential modalities—holotropic breathwork, primal therapy, entheogens, rebirthing, shamanism, gestalt, & others like them—is that unerringly people need to get “sicker” before they can get well.”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psyche

PA 22/17
“This should not be news to psychoanalysts or any of the other mainstream psychotherapists or counselors either.”

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PA 22/18
“Basically, the underlying repressed material must come to the “surface,” must become more conscious...& obviously when it becomes more conscious its accompanying symptoms are exacerbated.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/19
“This can be called a *healing crisis* in that the symptoms get worse, more obvious, more blatant; & there is a period of acting them out before integration & resolution happens.”

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PA 22/20
“There is an acute part of this process that can occur, which is termed a *spiritual emergency*.”

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PA 22/21
“When Grof talks about birth/death scenarios in the perinatal unconscious, he is including these sorts of healings, where one must“die” to one’s sickness b4 one can be “reborn” into another way of being, without those sick patterns or symptoms.”


PA 22/22
“*Degrees of Disease*

“Applying this on the societal level, we see evidence of a drawn-out healing crisis going on for humanity over the better part of the last century.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal

PA 22/23
“There has been a progression in human events & human personality, which has been most clearly evident in generational differences, changes in parenting modes, & a generational progression.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/24
“*It’s YOU! YOU’re the f&^$#r!*

“This evolution began with complete dissociation from the prenatal-perinatal unconscious by those of the Fifties, the World-War-Two, & previous generations—hence complete projection of it on The Other.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho…

PA 22/25
“Then, for many reasons, which we will get in to, this changed to lesser dissociations from the prenatal-perinatal unconscious by the generations since, Baby-Boomer & afterward.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious

PA 22/26
“These latter involve more awareness of these unconscious dynamics as being a part of oneself, hence there is less projection of it on The Other.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting

PA 22/27
“*Wounded deer.*

“In this latter instance, there is more suffering from it & more individual acting-out of it, so that in a sense one appears “sicker”—”

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PA 22/28
“”[one appears “sicker”]—the pre- & perinatal is more obvious in one’s behavior, taking more individual forms, & it is more easily recognized & seen to be a personal problem...a “sickness.””

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious

PA 22/29
“I describe this consciousness as being the way of the centaur, for it reflects Chiron, in ancient mythology, having an ongoing wound but eventually becoming a teacher & healer.”

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PA 22/30
“To understand the ways the perinatal manifests depending upon one’s “closeness” to it, let us contrast the two extremes of being totally split off from it & being relatively close to it.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #TheUnconscious

PA 22/31
“*Sick, But Denying It—WWII Generation, Nazis, KKK, Right Wing, Tea Party*

“First, let us take a look at what the perinatal appears like when it is completely split off from one’s conscious personality.”

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PA 22/32
“This total lack of interaction between the aware consciousness & the unconscious prenatal & perinatal entails a total repression & denial of it.”

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PA 22/33
“*Can’t Know That You Don’t Know*

“Consequently, one has absolutely no access to it; thus, one is in total ignorance of the underlying motivations of one’s actions.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth

PA 22/34
“One unconsciously acts out pre- & perinatal elements & traumas & manifests them in one’s behavior, rationalizing all the while that one has really good—non-perinatal, “real world”—reasons for why one is doing the things one is doing.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 22/35
“More important still, what is “in the dark” inside of oneself appears in the outside world. It is projected on the people & events there & determines how one sees, interprets, & acts within it.”

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PA 22/36
“*What’s in your head, zombie?*

“Psychohistorians deem this state to be such an oblivious one that they use the term *trance-state* for it, fully intending all the implications & connotations that term engenders.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth

PA 22/37
“That is, they are saying that people who are this repressed & split off do their acting zombie-like & out of motivations completely hidden to themselves.”

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PA 22/38
“*Birth Woes ~ World Wars*

“In such total ignorance, & of course being totally ignorant that one is in ignorance,..”

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PA 22/39
“[In such total ignorance,] people in the past one-hundred years have been able to act out their perinatal underbellies in ways to make such hideous & all-encompassing wars as World War I & World War II possible.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth

PA 22/40
“Leaving aside for a moment the myriad ways the perinatal has unconsciously been acted out in this Twenty-First Century in creating the current situation in which we are on the brink of extinction—”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness

PA 22/41
“[extinction]—which can be considered the most serious consequences of this splitting off imaginable—simply focusing on last century’s major wars as evidence of perinatal acting-out alone is instructive.”

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psyche #birth #awareness

PA 22/42
“The Nazis, in particular, were extreme in their dissociation from their perinatal, in their projection of it onto the Jews, & their consequent ability, operating within a trance state, to act it out in horrific ways on Jews & others.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho…

PA 22/43
“Alice Miller & Lloyd deMause have each detailed the psychodynamics of this projection of primal pain—both perinatal & childhood—in the creation of the people that Adolf Hitler & the Nazis became in their adulthood.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth

PA 22/44
“The Nazis present us with the patterns of these processes of dissociation & projection in blatant & bold relief.”

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PA 22/45
“The way Nazis, especially in concentration camps, acted out perinatal trauma on their prisoners has been described in great detail by Grof as well.”

READ &/or dwlentire CHAPTER free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psyche #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious

PA 22/46
“*Being “Weller,” But Appearing Sicker—Generations Since*”

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PA 22/47
“As I said, contrasted with being completely split off—dissociated—from one’s perinatal unconscious, as the Fifties & WWII Generation are predominantly, is being less cut off from it & having some access to its energies.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psyche

PA 22/48
“This means that rather than being totally & blindly driven by these forces, which are acting on one *indirectly*, one actually feels them somewhat:”

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PA 22/49
“One has a sense of their being a *part* of one’s experience as opposed to living within them so thoroughly that one has not a clue of their existence.”

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PA 22/50
“This means that one has more options than to act them out. It also means they make one aware of one’s perinatal sickness. One feels them, suffers from them, struggles with them.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious

PA 22/51
“On the other hand, one does not suffer or struggle from unconscious energies that one is compliant with & that are completely manifest & supported in one’s social & cultural environments—e.g., the worlds of the WWII & previous generations—”


PA 22/52
“[one does not suffer or struggle from unconscious energies that one is compliant with & that are completely manifest & supported in one’s social & cultural environments]—however destructive that makes one’s actions.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth

PA 22/53
“*Trancing Versus Suffering*

“This difference between trancing & suffering may be likened to the difference between being a fish in water & totally oblivious to that fact versus living out of water & experiencing a downpour.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psyche

PA 22/54
“When one is in less of a trance state, one is aware of alternative ways of being; in the example, that would be being dry.”

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PA 22/55
“Consequently, one suffers & struggles amidst these forces & options...& one has at least some ability to choose one’s actions.”

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PA 22/56
“These more aware folks might even become the screen upon which the deluded one will project his dark & twisted unseen insides, unknowingly. Cue Donald Trump & his band of unhappy followers.”

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PA 22/57
“This person might even attack or war upon these others & be certain he is operating in a way that is fully justified. Ahem. Tho a look at matters with such curtains pulled to the side sees everything in a completely new & more positive light.”


PA 22/58
“I do not believe it is simply coincidence we are currently going from the Piscean Age—symbolized by fish in water—to the Aquarian Age—symbolized by a water bearer. This change was a big part of the consciousness during the Sixties,..”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 22/59
“…& I think we are beginning to see why: Going from a state where one is oblivious to the forces around one to a state where one can see the things one is dealing with (carrying the water) is no small thing.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psyche #birth #awareness

PA 22/60
“We are doing this with the perinatal unconscious as it arises in our lives, feelings, & social & physical environments.”

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PA 22/61
“We will see how other elements of our postmodern times—such as our multiculturalism, our most advanced state of knowledge in our social sciences, & our internet with its worldwide mind—provide that same quality to our times:”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology

PA 22/62
“We exist in a world, unlike any other time, where the factors & forces affecting us are visible, or easily revealed.”

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PA 22/63
“Hence for the first time we have the choice to act unconsciously, pushed by the cultural forces we were born into, or to struggle amid the mental dissonance of diverse, contrary, & often conflicting ways of looking at the same things.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho…

PA 22/64
“It seems everything about evolution in humans has something to do with being between two mediums & the advance, the added perspective that comes with that,..”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Centaurs

PA 22/65
“…going all the way back to being the only ape to take to the water so much as to become partly aquatic—placing our species between water & land, halfway between a dolphin & a chimpanzee.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/66
“I think we are heading toward being like the fairies & angels we imagine—halfway between land & air, earth & heaven, most accurately, between this world of Form & the No-Form State—but that is a whole other publication of mine.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psyche

PA 22/67
“Another analogy I have heard of this difference between the two modes of being either completely oblivious or being somewhat aware of one’s unconscious is that between living full-time in an Arctic environment...”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #awareness

PA 22/68
“…where one has to wear a heavy coat versus living in a milder climate. In the warmer climes, one is both aware of what it is like to not have a coat...one has capacity to feel better ways of being...”

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PA 22/69
“…as well as knowing how bulky, obstructing, & uncomfortable it is to have the coat on—so, suffering more from it, suffering from one’s pre- & perinatal underbellies.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth

PA 22/70
“Finally, one is better able to decide when to have it on & not; one has more options. In the terms of primal psychology, one still has one’s defenses, just like before; but one can decide when to use them & when not to.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psyche #birth

PA 22/71
“Going through what we all experience at our life’s beginnings, it is impossible to not have a defensive structure constituting our egos.”

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PA 22/72
“However, we have come a long way in our personal evolution when we can orchestrate those defenses as needed, while setting them to the side for the most part. Like having the choice when to put on the coat:”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness

PA 22/73
“In cold weather—the psychological equivalent would be when in a truly hostile social environment—one might just want to wrap it round oneself, i.e., ones’ defenses, employed consciously, regardless it hampers one’s free movement.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 22/74
“One analogy I find esp provocative for this difference between unconscious, oblivious trancing & freer, more aware suffering is the difference between watching a movie & being fully engrossed in it so that one does not know it is a movie,..”


PA 22/75
“…which is equivalent to acting out unconsciously from one’s early imprints. Compare that to watching the same flick with equal interest, but being aware that one is in a theater.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious

PA 22/76
“You can see where in the second instance one would feel there are more options; & one would feel that one could step back prior to finding oneself caught up in horrific actions.”

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PA 22/77
“*Wounded Deer & Centaurs*

“However, being aware of one’s discomfort, i.e., having “more access” to the perinatal, one suffers like the wounded deer—”

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PA 22/78
“[the wounded deer]—the innocent who feels things & so struggles with society’s sickness that many others are unconsciously perpetrating. Nonetheless, with time & success in handling this pain, one can become the wounded *healer*—the Centaur.”

> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho…

PA 22/79
“Now, why & how would this occur? As I have said, some access to the perinatal & more blatant & direct acting it out is exhibited by many of the Baby-Boomer generation.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psyche #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth

PA 22/80
“This is in large part due to their having been raised in a way that required less in the way of ego defenses to keep their primal pain suppressed. Psychohistorians such as Glen Davis (1976) & Lloyd deMause…”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psyche #birth #awareness

PA 22/81
“…[psychohistorians] have detailed a slow advance of child-caring techniques, with generations since the WWII Generation being raised with more attention to their needs & less harshness & cruelty...increasingly more love.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology

PA 22/82
“*“What the World Needs Now, Is…”*

“Before anyone begins thinking “permissive” or “spare the rod, spoil the child,” let me point out I will be continually stressing how this development is not only a good thing...why wouldn’t love be good?...”


PA 22/83
“…[this development is not only a good thing] but is one of the few sources of hope for our future we really do have.

“For less childhood pain & trauma means one is stronger & more able to face the even deeper perinatal pain.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psyche

PA 22/84
“*Choosing lesser evils.*

“At any rate, the extreme acting-out & total dissociation from the pre/ perinatal exhibited by the WW2 Gen was followed, in the gens coming after, by less relative dissociation & less horrific forms of acting it out.”


PA 22/85
“Quite simply, generations on an average had better ability to refrain from the more blatantly evil act-outs—wholesale murders & world wars, pogroms & genocide, inquisitions & witch-burning, racism & slavery.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psyche #birth #awareness

PA 22/86
“They were more able to choose seemingly milder forms of suffering & self-destruction—polluting the atmosphere, water, & food; population explosions & crowding of cities; & traffic jams.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/87
“Of course, they are only seemingly milder because, though their dire effects are hidden from us—which is a problem in that the natural empathy that would be triggered in us that would move us to do something about them does not come into play—”


PA 22/88
“—they are ultimately far more dire. The fact that there is such a gap between what we do & the consequences of them upon ourselves & our loved ones is probably the biggest hindrance to our being motivated to act.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth

PA 22/89
“As an example of the way we act-out in lesser ways than war, tho, the common everyday traffic jam is especially instructive. Gridlock & traffic congestion re-create prenatal & perinatal dynamics as they replicate asphalt birth tunnels…”

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 22/90
“…[asphalt birth tunnels] where one not only breathes exhaust fumes from trucks & other autos—fetal malnutrition, PME 3, poisoning—but also they can become gridlock at any moment,..”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #TheUnconscious

PA 22/91
“…[gridlock at any moment,] thus re-creating the intense frustration & no-exit hopelessness, & rage, of BPM II, especially that part of it related to PME 1, crowdedness, prenatal claustrophobia.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/92
“*Baby-Boomer Perinatal Awareness*

“Other examples of the scenery of modern times where the perinatal is manifesting but is less projected onto another:”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs

PA 22/93
“*We Know *That* We Don’t Know...We Could Be Wrong*

“Many Baby-Boomers had enough access to their perinatal underbellies to question the absolute rightness of the Vietnam War & so they campaigned against it.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psyche #birth #awareness

PA 22/94
“This is indicative of closeness to the perinatal because it shows an ability to doubt one’s egocentric defenses—as given by society & family of origin—& to look at situations from the eyes of the Other.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness

PA 22/95
“So much was this evident in Boomers that some were even able to see the Vietnam War through the eyes of the enemy—exemplified by Jane Fonda’s trip to Hanoi, the waving of North Vietnamese flags at demonstrations,..”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology

PA 22/96
“& the carrying of little red books of the sayings of Chairman Mao Tse-tung.”

READ &/or dwnld entire CHAPTER free AT SITE... wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #WoundedDeer #psychohistory

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“*But it’s clear you’re wrong.*

“Those of the Baby-Boomer—or Sixties—generation also indicate their closeness to their perinatal in their campaigns against some of the act-outs of the pre- & perinatal mentioned above:”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth

PA 22/98
“These include actions against pollution; a rejection of city life, with its gridlocks, pollution, & crowding, & a return to the country, in communes or otherwise;”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #Earth

PA 22/99
“an awareness & rejection of polluted foods & creation of a natural & organic foods movement;”

READ &/or dwnld entire CHAPTER free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #prenatal

PA 22/100
“& actions against global overpopulation including support for birth control, a pro-choice stance on abortion, & delaying of baby-making on their own parts along with a reduction in the size of their families.”

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth

PA 22/101
“The sexual excess that is characteristic of the perinatal, specifically BPM III, was evident in Boomers’ “free love” ideal & promiscuous sexual behavior.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs

PA 22/102
“Many more examples could be given. However, the proof of their closeness to their unconscious dynamics lies not only in their actions—as mentioned above,..”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs

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“…in their more blatant acting them out or in their actual actions against the blatant acting out, both of which indicate closer access—but also in the study of their unconscious dynamics.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/104
“Kenneth Keniston (1965), in his classic work, found in his study of the psychodynamics of the Sixties generation when they were in their youth an unusual amount of perinatal symbolism & self-analysis.”

drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/105
“Among other traits, Keniston found these youth to be characterized by fantasies of a “rage to reenter” the womb; & a “fantasy of fusion” with the mother, which took pre- & perinatal forms of all kinds…”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/106
“…incl stories of wishing to dig one’s way back into the earth; a fascination w & wish to return to the past, the long forgotten,& the under ground;& a desire to find oblivion in some enveloping medium...even at the price of self-destruction!”


PA 22/107
“Some of the other noticeably perinatal elements of Sixties youth were existential angst, being enamored of death & dying, & a refusal of “normal” adulthood.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #Unconscious #primal #Centaurs

PA 22/108
“*Boomer Rage, Perinatally So*

“We also see perinatal feelings in the focus of the Baby-Boomers on *empowerment*. This word appears to come up in every area of their lives.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #Unconscious #primal

PA 22/109
“Hence Baby-Boomers are of course also closer to the frustration, rebellion, & yes, rage, that is part of the perinatal complex. We saw it exhibited by them in their anger at authority in the 60s, thr rebellion against the Vietnam War.”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

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“*“Get the &%$ OFF me!” *

“Keep in mind that a huge aspect of the perinatal is feelings of restriction, thus frustration, &, consequently rage against large entities of obstruction—like the womb was in relation to the small & helpless fetus.”


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“Aware of that, we see that the reason for their rage is simple & understandable.

“Baby-Boomers, characterized as being closer to their unconscious, especially the perinatal, have more access to their anger:”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psyche #birth #awareness

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“This means they feel their anger & are less likely to act it out in more hidden, disguised, & dire ways such as war-making, racism, & anti-Semitism.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs

PA 22/113
“This does not mean their rage would not be troublesome. The perinatal lets no one get off scot free. We see lots of pre- & perinatal anger coming out in the last few decades in the phenomenon of the “angry electorate.””

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psyche

PA 22/114
“The huge political & cultural divisions in America & around the world are themselves a measure of how deeply our global culture & its events are imbued with, pushed, & shaped by prenatal & perinatal dynamics…”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth

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“…[prenatal & perinatal dynamics] which are now, in a way unique to theses times, coming to the surface. Let me show you what I mean.”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #prenatal

PA 22/116
This has been the entire Chapter 22, titled,

“Healing Crisis:

“Prenatal-Perinatal Awareness,

“Being Weller but Appearing Sicker, Trancing Versus Suffering,

“& We Shall Overcome”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #Boomers #TheUnconscious

PA 22/117
of *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

which is

a comprehensive look at into the deepest psychological reaches of humans.

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/118
*Psychology of Apocalypse* seeks to explain how, with humans on the cusp of the end of all life on this planet, including their own, humans could look away.

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth

PA 22/119
In doing so—i.e., seeking to understand why humans would be apathetic in the face of their own deaths, & all other Earth life— *Psychology of Apocalypse* presents a major new theory in psychology, the *Prenatal Matrix of Evil* or the PMEs.

->… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho…

PA 22/120
The *Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil* theory traces our drive to annihilation to the unique human experiences prior to birth, occurring in the third trimester, which arise of the fact that in our evolution humans became bipedal.

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 22/121
Bipedalism affected human psychology in that the new pelvic structure changed how babies would experience birth & gestation.

READ &/or dwnld entire CHAPTER free AT SITE... wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Centaurs

PA 22/122
The resulting birth trauma & fetal malnutrition, unique in Nature, accounts for our drive to kill ourselves—*humanicide*.

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #prenatal #WoundedDeer

PA 22/123
The complete book is available online at the links.

you can read the book, which is posted on the blog, or you can follow the directions there & download a free copy of *Psychology of Apocalypse*.

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #birth #awareness

PA 22/124
This is the completed document for *Psychology of Apocalypse*

It is a pdf file& looks exactly as the book looks.


To read &/or download a copy, click link above:

#psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs

PA 22/125
Feel free to download the book, pass it around, use it to help get word out to save the planet to whoever or to whatever outlet you know.

Unless major actions by the world's governments happens fast, it is all over for life on planet Earth.


PA 22/126
Unless major actions by the world's governments happens fast, it is all over for life on planet Earth.

You can use your copy of *Psychology of Apocalypse* to get word out to whoever or to whatever outlet you know.

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psyche #birth

PA 22/127
& please send any comments/reviews of the book to me at


The idea being I might be able to use your comments in describing it in my own sharing on social media.

-->… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #resist #FBR #activism #Earth #birth #climate #nuclear

PA 22/128
Finally, if what you prefer are paperback or ebook/Kindle versions, you may acquire them at the links below.




#psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #prenatal #WoundedDeer #FBR

PA 22/129
Up next,

in *Psychology of Apocalypse:

"Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

is Chapter 23

“Prenatal Politics, Generationally Speaking:”

#birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #prenatal #WoundedDeer

PA 22/131
Chapter 23 is subtitled,

“Panicky Electorate, Biting the Feeding Hand,

“Perinatally Oblivious Right-Wing “Hate Groups,” the Tea Party, & the Fifties Generation...

“Perinatal Access of Millennials”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psyche #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/132
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Can anyone at this point still maintain that the politics of the last few decades had anything at all to do with ideology or issues?” []

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psyche #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth

PA 22/133
[] “…without exception right-wingers’ reasons for rising up against the government—representing the overwhelming womb—has to do w frustrations, like the trapped fetus feels, in regard to ‘oppressive’ taxes, governmental red tape,..” []

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 22/134
[] “…laws, & other regulations that they feel restrict their freedom...to move freely, as one wanted to but couldn’t, in the womb.” []

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #prenatal

PA 22/135
[] “We experience compression (oppression), & frustration at our attempts to go forward, & what feels like hopeless unfairness & injustice, when in the throes of BPM II birth trauma.” []

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psyche #awareness #TheUnconscious #Earth

PA 22/136
[] “To see these facets of the fates of minorities, as in racism, or gender or sexual bias, points to this Millennial Generation’s closeness to their own perinatal oppression; hence their ability to empathize with oppressed minorities.” []

->… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 22/137
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Sep 26, 2024
💙📚🧵🧵 "We are the myths in motion..."

How to acquire free copies of Michael Adzema's "Funny God"

FUNNY GOD: THE TAO OF FUNNY GOD AND THE MIND’S TRUE LIBERATION is a composition in three movements. It is activism, a prophecy, and a vision — integrated by the idea of Funny God.

“these times are the coming together of heaven and earth…."

“we walk in realms of the mythical, the archetypal….

“we are embraced by arms of Divinity … and find ourselves as fingers of God Herself…"


Read 18 tweets
Sep 16, 2024
💙📚🧵🧵 Roadmap to Ecstasy …

and How to Acquire free copies of Michael Adzema's latest book, "Dance of the Seven Veils II" (2023)

In “Dance of the Seven Veils II: Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology,& Your Divine Self,” Michael Adzema embarks on a profound exploration of the human psyche, unraveling the intricate web of societal conditioning & personal illusions shaping our perceptions & behaviors.


This book is a deep dive into the core of our collective and individual consciousness, challenging readers to confront the deeply ingrained beliefs and narratives that limit our potential.


Read 18 tweets
Sep 13, 2024
💙📚🧵🧵 The Journey Before Birth and the Divine Self…

*DANCE OF THE SEVEN VEILS* presents the grand overview for understanding your reality and is free, now, on Amazon.

*DANCE OF THE SEVEN VEILS* presents the grand overview for understanding your reality & liberating yourself from limiting perspectives, unconscious prejudices, & denials of the reality before you which would otherwise be obvious.

The first volume answers the question, What is the real self? The second, What is the Divine Self? The third, What is Naked Reality?


Read 17 tweets
Sep 4, 2024
"You will find Divinity there. You will also sense the path to be free, the way of ecstasy." ...

How to acquire "Dance of the Seven Veils II" (2023) by Michael Adzema for free.

“Dance of the Seven Veils II: Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology, and Your Divine Self” by Michael Adzema is a profound exploration into the depths of our being, blending psychology, mythology, and spirituality in a way that is both enlightening and transformative.

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In this third volume of “The Path of Ecstasy” series, Adzema delves into the concept of the Divine Self. He poses intriguing questions:

Do we possess an inner core that is inherently positive, blissful, and interconnected with the universe?

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Read 17 tweets
Sep 2, 2024
"Dance of the Seven Veils II: Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology, & Your Divine Self" (2023) by Michael Adzema is free September 2nd thru 6th, 2024

“Dance of the Seven Veils II” by Michael Adzema is a profound exploration into the depths of human psychology and spirituality. This book is not just a read; it’s an experience that invites you to journey into the very core of your being.

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Adzema masterfully intertwines prenatal and perinatal psychology with mythology, offering a unique perspective on how our earliest experiences shape our lives and our connection to the Divine.

3/ Image
Read 12 tweets
Aug 30, 2024
The Cause of, and Solution to, Human Evil … the Prenatal Matrices of Evil.

Get your free copy of “Psychology of Apocalypse”

1/ sillymickel.blogspot.com/2024/08/free-P…
Michael Adzema's thought-provoking book, "Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, and the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide," reveals how prenatal experiences shape human behavior, influencing perceptions, behaviors, and sociocultural dynamics significantly.

Prenatal imprints of discomfort manifest in personal interactions, leading to misogyny, bigotry, violence, and political divisions.

3/ Image
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