Elon's mother was #Canadian.
Did she, like #Justin's mother, get herself impregnated by a #Communist leader???
Official history makes out that #MaoZedong was some random peasant, but #British and #Jesuit schemers had been sowing wild oats in #China for generations previously.
Of course, the #KGB may also have been sending Red Sparrows to #China in order to collect the #Genes of #MaoZedong, knowing that anyone created by #British or #Jesuit schemers would have been top level #Genius. No surprise that Mao has offspring in #Soviet lands.
And it could be even DEEPER.
Remember how Skull and Bones stole the bones of #Geronimo, the #Apache leader? Apache people spoke a language related to Navajo and Dene, thus were part of the 2nd wave to move from #Siberia into the Americas. And in the land of Astana (Satana)...
There are #Kazakh people carrying the same 40,0000 yo founder #DNA of a certain Y chromosome #Bloodline. Could this be the original #Mongol bloodline of "Die Familie" as the #Illuminati call themselves? #Goth means drop (of blood) Danes would pronounce it like Jud (Yud).
This short thread is based on #Research over the past 6 years. Not just a few random photos showing people who could be cousins of some sort. All the DROPS of info beyond Elon and Justin, can be backed up.
Why did #Q call them drops? Water or Blood or both?