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Here at @BSPparasitology, I will be live-tweeting today from the Veterinary Parasitology session at Appleton Hall 2 & from 11:30 am-13:00 PM, from the Protists 5 session: Genomics & Evolution at McEwan Hall! So I will retweet from parallel sessions! Beautiful #BSP2023 final day! Image
Beginning #BSP2023 Day 4 and opening our Veterinary Parasitology session today, is Dr Lynsey Melville (taking over from Fiona Kenyon) of @MoredunComms who is telling us about "Making #roundworm data ewe-niversal for all". #parasitology Image
Dr Melville of @MoredunComms tells us about her research in monitoring the development of anthelmintic resistance in the treatment of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep, particularly focusing on Nematodirus battus resistance to benzimidazoles:… #BSP2023
Read 38 tweets
Day 3 of #BSP2023 begins today with our @SPPIRITnetwork ECR session! SPPIRIT is an excellent ECR organisation for parasitologists working in Scotland, but all ECRs will benefit from the expertise today in publishing & attracting funding! #parasitology Image
Here are the talks for today's @SPPIRITnetwork ECR session at #BSP2023! A big thanks to @CambridgeUP who are here in person as sponsors (so visit their table!). They are publishers of the journal "Parasitology" & an original sponsor of the BSP!… Image
Our 1st talk at the #BSP2023 ECR session with @SPPIRITnetwork is from @StothardRuss, Parasitology Editor-In-Chief with tips on getting your manuscript 'in press'! There is also a webinar available with tips from @CambridgeUP at #parasitology Image
Read 40 tweets
Elon's mother was #Canadian.
Did she, like #Justin's mother, get herself impregnated by a #Communist leader???
Official history makes out that #MaoZedong was some random peasant, but #British and #Jesuit schemers had been sowing wild oats in #China for generations previously. ImageImage
Of course, the #KGB may also have been sending Red Sparrows to #China in order to collect the #Genes of #MaoZedong, knowing that anyone created by #British or #Jesuit schemers would have been top level #Genius. No surprise that Mao has offspring in #Soviet lands.
And it could be even DEEPER.
Remember how Skull and Bones stole the bones of #Geronimo, the #Apache leader? Apache people spoke a language related to Navajo and Dene, thus were part of the 2nd wave to move from #Siberia into the Americas. And in the land of Astana (Satana)...
Read 6 tweets
Are You Struggling with IBS, Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, or Flatulence?

Possible Root Causal Factor: Internal Parasites 🪱

Know Thy Enemies, Vanquish Them!
🧵⤵️ Photo Credit:
Parasites can enter the body through Contaminated Raw Food, Water, and even Insect Bites.

Parasites can also be Transmitted from Person to Person (Faecal-oral transmission, sexual contact) or from Animal to Human.

#parasite #parasites #parasitecleanse #parasitedetox Photo Credit:
Once inside the body, Parasites can Thrive and Reproduce.

Parasites can cause a range of symptoms:

- Fatigue
- Skin Rash or Hives
- Digestive Problems
- Bloating/Flatulence
- Neurological Issues
- Abnormal Weight Gain
- Blindness (Severe Cases) Photo Credit:
Read 25 tweets
Struggling with Diarrhea, Constipation, Gas, Abdominal Pain, and other Gut Issues?

You May Need a Parasite Cleanse!💥

Learn How to Get Rid of Parasites and Flush Them Out
🧵⤵️ Image
Parasites can enter the body through Contaminated Food, Water, and even Insect Bites (Blackfly).

Parasites can also be Transmitted from Person to Person (Faecal-oral transmission, sexual contact) or from Animal to Human.

#parasite #parasites #parasitecleanse #parasitedetox ImageImagePhoto Credit: https://www.r...
Once inside the body, Parasites can Thrive and Reproduce.

Parasites can cause a range of symptoms:

- Fatigue
- Skin Rash or Hives
- Digestive Problems
- Bloating/Flatulence
- Neurological Issues
- Blindness (severe cases)
- Weight Loss/Poor Appetite
- Abnormal Weight Gain Photo Credit: https://www.c...
Read 25 tweets

This is the cement that "Built America".

But How?

When 'America' didn't even INVENT [read: rediscover] Natural Cement until most of these #Tartarian buildings were made?

Lets start with some chronology in, so-called-'Rome'
#Pliska with #RomanCement, 700 years AFTER Rome 'fell' and "officially" had already "Lost" the technology.

But here we are with #Pliska, and the #Ologies have no excuse how this is possible, this was built 700 years after 'Rome Fell', 'in the style of Rome' but NOT by Romans, built by Bulgarians, they say.

But that is impossible, they didn't HAVE the #RomanCement recipe.

The truth is, it is an Original Roman Structure, prescribed TO the Bulgarians 700 years later to enforce the fake Timeline [read: the added 1000 years]

2/ Image
There is an endless list of buildings built before they had the #NaturalCement to do it👇

Read 38 tweets
A 44-YO♂️, stayed in a rural cottage of France 2 weeks previously: cramping upper abdominal pain with watery diarrhea.
He had passed what he thought were worms in his feces
#GITwitter #IDtwitter #microbiology “Worm” specimen brought to clinic by patient (petri dish
The specimens: identified as the larvae of the drone fly, Eristalis tenax
These larvae are 2.5–3 cm in length; the posterior tube gives them the name of “rat-tailed maggots”

#parasites #GIPath #Doctor “Worm” specimen brought to clinic by patient (petri dish
Myiasis caused by E. tenax:
✔️rare but have been
✔️reported from various countries including Europe
✔️most often intestinal myiasis, but cases of infestation of the nasal cavity, urinary tract, and vagina have been described.

#Doctor #MedStudentTwitter
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The Human Body can be a Breeding Ground for PARASITES.

These Internal Invaders can Cause Harm to their Host, often without being noticed until it's too late...

Learn Effective Strategies to Eliminate Parasites and Expel Them!

Note: Not Professional Medical Ddvice. DYOR.🙏🏻🙏🏻 Photo Credit: Photo Credit:
Parasites can enter the body through contaminated food (Raw Meat), water, and insect bites (e.g. Blackflies).

Parasites can also be transmitted from person to person (Faecal-oral transmission, sexual contact) or from animal to human.

#parasite #parasites #parasitedetox Photo Credit: Photo Credit:
Once parasites enter the body, they can multiply, leading to a range of potential symptoms:

- Fatigue
- Skin Rash or Hives
- Digestive Problems
- Bloating/Flatulence
- Neurological Issues
- Abnormal Weight Gain
- Blindness (Severe Cases)
- Weight Loss/Poor Appetite Photo Credit:
Read 25 tweets
The Human Body can be a Breeding Ground for PARASITES.

These Internal Invaders can Cause Harm to their Host, often without being noticed until it's too late...

Learn How to Get Rid of Parasites and Flush Them Out!

🧵⤵️ Photo Credit:
Parasites can enter the body through contaminated food, water, and insect bites (Blackfly).

Parasites can also be transmitted from person to person (Faecal-oral transmission, sexual contact) or from animal to human.

#parasite #parasites #parasitecleanse #parasitedetox
Photo Credit:
Once inside the body, Parasites can Thrive and Reproduce.

Parasites can cause a range of symptoms:

- Fatigue
- Skin Rash or Hives
- Digestive Problems
- Bloating/Flatulence
- Neurological Issues
- Blindness (severe cases)
- Weight Loss/Poor Appetite
- Abnormal Weight Gain Photo Credit:
Read 32 tweets
A 17-YO: a 3-week of dizziness, headache, & weakness of the R leg

MR: ring-enhancing lesions in the frontal lobe & basal ganglia on the L side (A; T1-W) as well as surrounding edema & midline shift (B; T2-W)

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm2202196
#neurology #radiology #IDTwitter
IgG ab for Echinococcus multilocularis & E. granulosus: ➖

Surgical excision🔬: necrotic tissue, granulomatous inflammation, echinococcal laminated membrane (C, arrow) & an intact cyst (D, arrow)

RT-PCR: ➕for E. multilocularis

#parasitology #Pathologists #pathology
CT imaging of the chest and abdomen did not show any other sites of disease.


DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm2202196
#microbiology #MedTwitter #Doctor
Read 6 tweets
You can ONLY learn from #HIStory if it is included IN the history books.

If the #Parasites and #Usurpers erased the complete #Tartarian empire from the 'record books'..

..would you know?👇 Image
@catwalkersky Seems they were created for this purpose [read: #Oddfellows in every town ect)
Read 11 tweets
A 64-YO ♂️ from a rural community: pain, itching, bleeding in the L ear, & mobile larvae occluding the L external auditory canal

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm2005407
#primarycare #Otolaryngologist Image
An ear aspirator, forceps, and irrigation with sterile water were used to remove the larvae
Perforation of the tympanic membrane was identified.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm2005407
#healthcare #parasitology Image
Aural myiasis:
📌infestation of the middle or external ear
📌by fly larvae of the order Diptera.

Risk factors:
✔️chronic otitis media,
✔️diabetes mellitus, and
✔️impaired hygiene.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm2005407
#Otolaryngology #parasites
Read 4 tweets
A 32-YO♀️ from Guatemala, Ph+ B-ALL post #chemotherapy: #dyspnea
CT: ground-glass opacities (2A yellow box), interstitial pulmonary edema with septal thickening (2B yellow circles), & pericardial effusion (2C yellow arrows), lymph nodes (2D yellow arrows)
Due to normal ejection fraction, the differential diagnosis of dyspnea included non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, pneumonitis secondary to chemotoxicity, and infection.
#haematology #radiology #IDtwitter
She progressed to acute hypoxic respiratory failure.

🔬bronchoalveolar lavage: numerous larvae (3A,3B) with short buccal grove (arrow head) and prominent genital primordium (arrow) consistent with STRONGYLOIDES HYPERINFECTION

#lungdisease #parasitology #Pathologists
Read 7 tweets
A 24-YO ♂️ 2 years prior bitten by an insect on his left mid-arm in Nicaraguan: within a week, developed a lesion at the site of the bite; over time increased in number and spread in multiple hyperkeratotic, wart-like papules.
#IDtwitter #dermatology
Wet mount slide from cultures of biopsy using rabbit blood agar slant: aggregates of Leishmania promastigotes (arrow), which can be identified based on their elongated shape and flagella.

#parasitology #MedTwitter
Biopsy cultures in “triple N” media, PCR and DNA sequencing: Leishmania panamensis.

He received a 10-day course of intravenous liposomal amphotericin B. His lesions slowly regressed over 3 months.
#Doctor #microbiology
Read 8 tweets
A 6-YO Bedouin ♂️: a limp, headache, left facial nerve palsy, & left hemiparesis.

Blood eosinophil count of 890/μL.

MRI: a brain cyst.

#neurology #pediatric #MedTwitter
Abdominal ultrasound and chest radiography did not reveal additional cysts.
Blood serology (ELISA) for ECHINOCOCCOSIS: ➖

The brain cyst was fully removed surgically.

#neuro #Pediatrics #surgery
Histopathological examination of the brain cyst fluid showed several echinococcal larvae (C and D), confirming CYSTIC ECHOCOCCOSIS diagnosis.

Over the following 4 months, he was treated with albendazole without complications.

#parasitology #microbiology #IDtwitter
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A 65-YO man, from North African: asymptomatic dorsolumbar mass for 30 years with normal skin appearance.

MRI: ?
#radiology #MedTwitter #parasitology
MRI: a multivesicular cyst in the latissimus dorsi muscle (arrow)

🧪for Echinococcus granulosus: ELISA, & Western blot➕
Surgery: multiple daughter vesicles of E. granulosus, with the presence of multiple scolices


#parasites #medicine #radres
No puncture should be performed, to avoid dissemination of the cysts that can cause an anaphylactic shock.

The patient received 3 other courses of albendazole: serologic control became negative after 1 year.

#IDtwitter #surgery
Read 6 tweets
A 25-YO♂️ in Nigeria 2 years earlier: recurrent itchy swellings on his hands and forearms, appearing every week or so for the past few months.

What's in the #eye (A) & in the blood (B)?
#Ophthalmology #parasitology #microbiology ImageImage
Identification of:
📌an adult worm in the eye
📌the microfilariae on a blood smear

LOA LOA FILARIASIS is a skin and eye disease caused by the nematode worm Loa loa.

#parasites #MedEd #MedTwitter ImageImage
Loa loa is one of three parasitic filarial nematodes that cause subcutaneous filariasis in humans.
The other two are Mansonella streptocerca and Onchocerca volvulus (causes river blindness).

#Doctor #MedStudentTwitter #oftalmologia
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A 17-MO♀️, Morocco: fever, pallor, epistaxis, gingival petechiae, lower limbsedema, & hepatosplenomegaly.

Pancytopenia, hypoalbunemia.
Triglyceridemia, ferritinemia, LDH & fibrinogen:⬆️
Direct Coombs test:➕

🔬myelogram: ?

#parasitology #haematology #Pediatrics
Myelogram revealed the presence of leishmania bodies and figures of hemophagocytosis.

#Pathologists #microbiology #IDtwitter
The patient was put on liposomal amphotericin B and corticosteroid therapy with good clinical and biological evolution.

#MedTwitter #Doctor
Read 9 tweets
Pregnant women are advised not to clean their cat litter tray and to wear gloves while gardening.
Avoid eating raw meat or from eating unwashed fruit and vegetables.
This is to prevent the infection of Toxoplasmosis which is deleterious to the baby inside..
Toxoplasma Gondii is a parasite which can infect many mammals and birds, but can only sexually reproduce inside cats. Its normal lifecycle is to be shed into the environment in cat faeces, from where it may be picked up by rodents and birds, which are then eaten by cats..
For most people, it causes only a mild flu-like illness, but during pregnancy it can harm the fetus.
In people with weak immune systems, toxo can be deadly. .
Read 8 tweets
Worlds largest:
~Railway transfer station
~Ferris wheel (2500 people cap)
~water fountain
~stadiums (350k people)
~glass structures (before barrel glass production)
Worlds highest buildings

ad Infinium
..all for the worlds fairs, with #horseandbuggy people™

uh uhh

99% of these buildings have NO construction photo's.

Most are DEconstruction photos are usually after earth-quakes or fires

Or photo's that SAY they are 'building photo's' but are obviously photo's of domes being taken down, gargoyles taken down, or energy tech removed

IYKYK ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
A 49-YO man “looking through branches in a tree.”: decreased vision in his L eye.

Fundus: linear and arcuate disturbances in the retina (A).

What´s in the vitreous?!! (B)

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm075735
#parasitology #OJO #Ophthalmology Image
A fly larva was initially observed in the macula and after 4 days of treatment with thiabendazole, a segmented fly larva in the vitreous (B).


#oftalmologia #parasites #eye Image
The patient elected to undergo vitrectomy.
Eight weeks after the vitrectomy, the lesions in the retina were attenuated and the visual acuity had improved to 20/40.

#MedEd #IDtwitter #MedTwitter
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Os recomiendo mucho más el de @loserjorge, pero yo también me animo a esto... Image
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce es de las mejores pelis que he visto en mi vida. No voy a poner mi peli favorita de cada año, pero sí la que creo que podéis haberos perdido y merece la pena... Image
#TheSuicideSquad. Nada que ver con la anterior! Buenísima! Image
Read 38 tweets
𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟬:Wojciech “Al” Krotoski et al publish a report in the British Medical Journal describing a dormant liver stage of #Plasmodium cynomolgi in Rhesus macaques. These dormant liver stages, called "hypnozoites" are postulated to be the cause of relapses of this #malaria species Image
- Image references:…;…
- References:;;…
𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟭: In 1981, Dr William C. Campbell of the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research in the US, published "An Introduction to the Avermectins" which described a new series of compounds with potent antiparasitic properties against nematode & arthropod #parasites. Image
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