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Thread by @ARanganathan72: "This made my day. Man who says he wants to enact the anti-superstition bill changes his car because a crow sat on it This made my day. Man w […]" #RightToPrivacy

, 48 tweets, 31 min read
This made my day. Man who says he wants to enact the anti-superstition bill changes his car because a crow sat on it
This made my day. Man who asks people to obey traffic rules drives around without a helmet.…
This made my day. Woman who introduced a bill to curb wedding expenditure came in a chartered plane to her own wedding that had 1 lac guests
This made my day. Man who says visit temples instead of cutting birthday cake enjoyed birthday cake-cutting himself.…
WATCH: BJP man who says visit temples instead of cutting cakes, himself lighting candles, cutting the cake, and distributing it joyously.
This made my day. The Supreme Court that ordered the govt to not make Aadhar mandatory, then passes an order that makes Aadhaar mandatory.
This made my day. Man cautions against stealing electricity, at a function run on stolen electricity.
This made my day. Man who said he was afraid to speak his mind for fear of losing his job tells others to speak their mind and be fearless.
This made my day. Man who alleges illegality of a TV channel had his own TV channel indulging in the same illegality.
This made my day. Man recently accused of hit-and-run counsels others on safe-driving.
This made my day. Man uses an image of an area destroyed by coal mining, to promote coal mining.
This made my day. Man who asks others to gift books instead of bouquets himself gifts bouquets instead of books.
This made my day. An explosive report of a scam perpetrated by a man is tweeted by the man himself.
This made my day. Man hired by a client in a defamation case turns witness against the client.
This made my day. A party that has taken advantage of its dynastic connection accuses someone of taking advantage of his dynastic connection
This made my day. Man who says Indian courts should stay out of Muslim personal law matters now says Indian courts should decide on them.
This made my day. Man who happily told the court to not deprecate a 1400 year-old practice is now happy that the court deprecated it.
This made my day. Man whose govt said we don't even have right over our bodies says his govt wanted #RightToPrivacy as a fundamental right.
STUNNING piece by @LiveLawIndia that blows to smithereens the spunky lies of @rsprasad on #RightToPrivacy. Must-read…
This made my day. NGO that promotes kindness to animals & Veganism, and whose activist was thrashed for this, now promotes slow slaughter.
One barbaric assault is all it took for 'Try Vegan' to change to 'Try Slow Sawing of a Petrified Animal's Neck'. Moral: Violence Pays.
This made my day. Man who censored kissing, sex, nudity, even the word 'Intercourse', now presents a film that promises all of the above.
This made my day. Channel whose anchor was caught fixing interview & lauding the tutoring with a phrase now runs a show with the SAME phrase
This made my day. Man who cautions against sending libel notice to a blabbering critic, himself sent a libel notice to a blabbering critic.
This made my day. An article that preached journalistic integrity and punishment for plagiarised content, itself had plagiarised content.
This made my day. Man who says those who go to the West to study come back as spies, himself sent three of his children to the West to study
The same people now vilifying the Bullet Train had their own govt endorse and sanction it, despite urgent need for normal rail infra upgrade
This made my day. Man who now screams Bullet Train is evil was silent when his own Prime Minister and Railways Minister sanctioned it.
This made my day. Man who angrily called for a Sangh-Mukt Bharat will soon be pleasantly calling up on the Sangh Chief.
This made my day. Man who asks others to say no to crackers swaggered through a cracker boulevard at his own wedding. (h/t @AmulButterBaby)
This made my day. Man who forcefully says no to fireworks enjoyed a farrago of fireworks display himself (h/t @ShashiTharoor @CrimeMasterV2)
This made my day. Man who is fine with hurting animals gleefully accepted the Person Of The Year Award from PETA. (h/t @SeCoolar_Right)
This made my day. Man who mocked the taking down of a report by a media house is silent when his own report is taken down by his media house
This made my day. Woman tells other women to boycott tweeting for a day, through a tweet dispatched on the same day.
This made my day. NGO promoting safety of animals on Diwali was promoting their slow slaughter on Eid.
This made my day. Woman who taunts her former colleague on nepotism herself got hired as "Roy's Boys", in a company WITHOUT an HR department
This made my day. Man who forces children to take an oath to not burst firecrackers enjoys bursting them with his child. (h/t @Dev_Fadnavis)
This made my day. The Supreme Court lashes out at the government for following the Supreme Court order. (h/t @GappistanRadio)
This made my day. Woman who warns others of suffering caused through fake news makes them suffer through fake quotes. (h/t @TrueIndology)
This made my day. Man who says Bullet Train Project is an exercise in vanity promised, permitted, and planned the Bullet Train Project.
This made my day. Man who asks others to gift books instead of bouquets himself gifts bouquets instead of books.
This made my day. Party that wants to stop crop burning in Punjab, burns crop in Punjab.
This made my day. Party that wants others to know their legacy doesn't know its own legacy.… (h/t @iAnkurSingh)
This made my day. A rating agency that didn't upgrade India EVEN ONCE during the ten years of the UPA, was in fact waiting for the UPA to leave so it could appreciate its work and upgrade India.
This made my day. Man who doesn't believe in caste is a proud janehudhari brahmin.
This made my day. Man who once called the sitting Prime Minister of India a Eunuch, and refused to apologise for it, now says he is pained by the new low in politics.
This made my day. Woman who has done nothing to reopen Cinemas banned because of Islamic Fundamentalism in her own state, congratulates the opening of Cinemas by an Islamic Fundamentalist state.
This made my day. Woman honoured with PETA Hero to Animals award releases a video four days later on how to be a hero by roasting a poor hapless animal. (h/t @Anand_G9)
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