"If your life is in danger, then what better & safer place than the prison."
Abhijit, you are strong. We are with YOU.
Does the hon'ble Chief Justice of India still feel @Iyervval would be safe in Odisha?
Or does he believe that the punishment for sarcasm in this country is being fed to crocodiles?

Well, I STILL stand by Abhijit. Will always do. This is why:

All this for his comments on the origins of Roshogolla.
India, 2018.
Forget shows. Tweets on @Iyervval's arrest on Oct 23 by police under @Naveen_Odisha:
@republic: 0
@timesnow: 0
@cnnnews18: 0
@mirrornow: 0
@indiatoday: 1
@ndtv: 1
The Odisha courts are on strike and the Supreme Court goes on a long vacation tomorrow.
There is no silver lining to this cloud. None.
Any politician worth his salt would have on day one complained of breathlessness and palpitation, and gotten himself transferred to a hospital. But not @Iyervval.
Abhijit, I respect you even more now.
So much has happened on matters relating to Defence and Foreign Policy, that Abhijit would have churned out a clutch of articles in these past two weeks.
I hope he is writing.
Man can survive yet.
But a land without justice?
Be brave, Abhijit. We are all with you.
But they can never break him. He will emerge stronger.