Someone, please explain this to us ASAP cuz we're very very very lost.

A pie chart of wood swatches

Now try to make sense of this graph. You can't.
ht/ @trstndh…

Both a good and bad pie chart at the same time
h/t our many newsletter subscribers who sent this one

Square venn diagram + Similar colors + Jargon = Winning

profoundly meaningless gibberish
congrats consultants!

Just simply follow along and voila…

It transcends borders
It brings people together
Here is a beauty sent to us by one of our awesome newsletter subscribers from Sweden

Until you made this, we had no idea what our strategy should be.
After seeing this, we still don't.
Thank you so much. We hope the fees we paid you got you a nice vacation
Your poorer client
h/t newsletter subscriber Dean Wormell…
h/t @hanskunisch

This data viz is explosive