"Dynamic Branch Prediction with Perceptrons", HPCA 2001 cs.utexas.edu/~lin/papers/hp…
"Neural Methods for Dynamic Branch Prediction", ACM TOCS, Nov 2002 cs.utexas.edu/~lin/papers/to…
D. Jiménez, PhD Thesis, 2002 repositories.lib.utexas.edu/handle/2152/11…

二つ前ツイの一つ目引用 RT:CGO 2015での発表
のベンチを Meltdown、Spectre対処パッチをあた環境で行ったらどういう影響が出るだろうか (性能低下?)。
ラストの Seznec教授 (IRISA/INRIA) は Alpha EV8 branch predictorデザイン等に参加された分岐予想研究の大家です。
Design Tradeoffs for the Alpha EV8 Conditional Branch Predictor,
A. Seznec, et al., ISCA 2002
PS ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/local/caps/EV8BP.ps
PPT ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/local/caps/PresISCA.ppt
canceled in Jun 2001
*This work was done while the authors were with Compaq during 1999

"Finding a CPU Design Bug in the Xbox 360", Jan 7 2018 randomascii.wordpress.com/2018/01/07/fin…
"Back in 2005 I was the Xbox 360 CPU guy."
Xbox 360 CPU:
In-order CPU
Branch predictor with very long pipelines
"we hit something similar on the Alpha processor"
"TimeWarp: Rethinking Timekeeping and Performance Monitoring Mechanisms to Mitigate Side-Channel Attacks",
R. Martin, J. Demme, S. Sethumadhavan, Columbia, ISCA 2012 dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?i…
Slides cs.columbia.edu/~simha/TimeWar…
"Side-channel vulnerability factor: a metric for measuring information leakage",
J. Demme, R. Martin, A. Waksman, S. Sethumadhavan, Columbia, ISCA 2012
Slides cs.columbia.edu/~jdd/papers/is…
Top Pick '12
IEEE Micro, May/Jun 2013 ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/64840…
"Side-Channel Vulnerability Metrics: SVF vs. CSV",
John Demme and Simha Sethumadhavan, Columbia, WDDD 2014 PDF cs.columbia.edu/~jdd/papers/wd…
"Overcoming the Intuition Wall:
Measurement and Analysis in Computer Architecture",
John Demme, PhD Thesis, 2014, Columbia academiccommons.columbia.edu/catalog/ac:171…
Thesis Advisor: S. Sethumadhavan
4 Measuring Side-Channel Vulnerability

"Iso-X: A Flexible Architecture for Hardware-Managed Isolated Execution",
D. Evtyushkin, .., D. Ponomarev, N. Abu-Ghaza, ..,, MICRO 2014 ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/70113…
"Flexible Hardware-Managed Isolated Execution: ..",
IEEE TDSC, Jul 2016 ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/docum…
"Covert Channels Through Branch Predictors: A Feasibility Study",
D. Evtyushkin, D. Ponomarev, N. Abu-Ghaza, HASP 2015 dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?i…
"Understanding and Mitigating Covert Channels Through Branch Predictors",
ACM TACO, Apr 2016 dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?i…
"Jump over ASLR: Attacking Branch Predictors to Bypass ASLR",
D. Evtyushkin, D. Ponomarev, N. Abu-Ghaza, MICRO 2016 ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/77837…
Slides researchgate.net/publication/30…
"Securing Systems with Isolated Execution",
D. Evtyushkin, PhD Thesis, Aug 2017, SUNY Binghamton
Binghamton Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Research
Advisor: D. Ponomarev
Co-adviser: N. Abu-Ghazaleh, UC Riverside
"BranchScope: A New Side-Channel Attack on Directional Branch Predictor",
D. Evtyushkin, D. Ponomarev, N. Abu-Ghaza, ASPLOS 2018, Mar 24-28, 2018
The Case of Spectre and Meltdown",
D. Gruss, M. Lipp & M. Schwarz, TU Graz, Mystery Keynote, BlueHat IL, Microsoft, Jan 24 2018
PDF bluehatil.com/files/Beyond%2…
D. Gruss gruss.cc
Meltdown and Spectre meltdownattack.com

[Video/Slides] "Exploiting modern microarchitectures Meltdown, Spectre, and other hardware attacks", Jon Masters, Computer Architect, Red Hat
Stanford EE380, Jan 31 2018
FOSDEM 2018, Feb 4 2018
"A Primer on the Meltdown & Spectre Hardware Security Design Flaws and their Important Implications", The CCC Blog, Feb 13 2018 cccblog.org/2018/02/13/a-p…
PPTX cs.wisc.edu/multifacet/pap…
Prof. Hill (CCC Vice Chair) pages.cs.wisc.edu/~markhill/

"A Brief History of Speculation",
Mikko H. Lipasti, Keynote, WS on Pioneering Processor Paradigms, Feb 25 2018, with HPCA 2018 PDF wp3workshop.website/pdfs/WP3_lipas…
46 pages
MICRO ToT Award microarch.org/Micro-ToT-Awar…
Prof. Lipasti pharm.ece.wisc.edu/mikko/

"Impact of Meltdown/Spectre Patches on HPC Application Performance", TACC, IXPUG, Mar 5 2018 Zipped PDF ixpug.org/images/docs/IX…
Stampede 2: KNL & Skylake
WRF Ver 3.6.1
GROMACS Ver 2016.3
NAND Ver 2.12
Centos 7 Patches
Kernel Update
"KNL/SKX impact < 5% in most cases"

"BranchScope: A New Side-Channel Attack on Directional Branch Predictor", D. Evtyushkin, et al, ASPLOS 2018, Mar 28 2018 PDF cs.ucr.edu/~nael/pubs/asp…
"Jump over ASLR: Attacking Branch Predictors to Bypass ASLR", MICRO 2016

"A Survey of Techniques for Dynamic Branch Prediction", Sparsh Mittal, IIT Hyderabad, arXiv, Apr 1 2018 arxiv.org/abs/1804.00261
106 references, 37 pages

"Software-based Microarchitectural Attacks", Daniel Gruss, Graz University of Technology, 2017
PDF gruss.cc/files/phd_thes…
Slides gruss.cc/files/phd_defe…
Jan 2018
Best dissertation in CS at an Austrian institution, Jun 15 2018

"Microarchitectural Attacks: From the Basics to Arbitrary Read and Write Primitives without any Software Bugs",
Daniel Gruss, Talk at Radboud Univ Digital Security Gr, Jun 19 2018 PDF gruss.cc/files/nijmegen…
309 pages
PhD Thesis, 2017
Best dissertation