But a disease might, or a computer virus.
To state the obvious.
*They are mostly white, these blood cells.
Yes. Can you imagine what it might be like if we had a corrupt system where more and more people struggled with poverty for lack of resource. Can you. Try to imagine.
Corruption is using a tool for the wrong purpose.
Tyranny is using a tool to harm.
It's not about the tool. It's about applicability and intention.
Capitalism is being used for inapt purposes.
It's being used to deliberately harm.
Careful with that ax, Eugene.
Refusing a corrective change for fear it might lead to corruption is like refusing to leave a burning building because it's hot outside.
But if you love long threads, bon freaking appitit:
3 people don't get wealth equal to the bottom 50% without violent appropriation.
3 people with wealth equal to the bottom 50% IS forceful redistribution.

It's anti 'ist.'
Don't make the tool the important thing. Make people the important thing. Focus on what each tool should be used for. Use that tool for that. Don't use it for other things.
EVERY tool can lead to violent appropriation and forceful redistribution.
Or to healthy appropriation and peaceful redistribution.
The question isn't the tools we use, but what they are apt for and why we use them.
I think say the most important thing is to choose wise values and priorities.
We should decide life is not something you must earn.
We should decide violence does not redeem.
We should decide that every human being is a unique and irreplaceable piece of art, and that only barbarians deface heart.
And our measurement for success should be tied to those values.
Another is "Do the circumstances of their employment honor their intrinsic value as human beings?"
Another is "How do we think about employment relative to human worth and value?"
Employment is also a tool.
Employment by itself is not de facto positive.
How many children were employed by factories in 1897?
When you prioritize a tool over the intrinsic value of humans, you arrive at conclusions like “having children isn’t a right.”
Try using a chainsaw for surgery.
Not wanting to use a chainsaw for surgery is not an anti-chance position.
When somebody is using the chainsaw to carve people up, it is not anti-chainsaw to point that out.
“Do you prefer capitalism or socialism?” is not less weird.
But even before that, we should decide what it is we want to accomplish.
And right now our values give three people as much wealth as the bottom 50%
and healthy systems don’t do that. That’s just an observation of the natural world.