If you lead with a bunch of numbers and facts, you sound like a boring West Wing episode.
Get the hook into your feelings to lead to you why you should care, it's like Dom Draper's "Carousel" pitch to Kodak.
They play with mystery and anger and distrust. They’re appealing to the reptilian instincts, and it’s hard to counter that with “reason” and high abstract thought. Or, “mammal brain.”
- I crack wise, post a ton of .gifs, and bad puns so you relax.
- Then, I repeat a bunch of jokes about “birds are dinosaurs” or “Raptors are bad” to counter depictions in popular culture. Facts cloaked as punchlines.
“I don’t know, but I’m not going to let someone I don’t know tell me how to FEEL.”
Reference common things, like culture or experiences.