Bari Weiss said ‘we’re all fascists now,’ and then someone unironically said “the problem with calling people who don’t deserve it fascists is…”
It’s what happens when those WORDS connect people who feel the same way with POLITICIANS who feel the same way (or those will pretend for long enough to gain power) who turn FEELINGS into harmful policy.
Or do you think I care more about a GROUP of white people deciding it’s okay to target me and people like me in an attempt to reduce my rights and take my power?
HATEFUL WORDS BECOME POLICY. They become Jim Crow and current immigration policy and Kim Davis’ dumb ass and all other manner of mess.
Apathy created the war on drugs, the crack epidemic. Apathy created crime and poverty.
Yes, because when you learn about how history has exploited and subjugated whole populations for the exclusive benefit of a SINGLE population, you realize some things.
You learn how money is power and how, for decades, people have been filtering money to the top and away from the public...
You THEN realize it could be done to ANY GROUP!
In school, you learn the ACTUAL HISTORY of America. Not what made it ‘great,’ but what hid in the shadows because people in dark rooms SHARED WORDS.
I’m not calling for your land to be eminently domained, your business to be bombed, your marriage to be nullified, your loved ones to be deported, your drug-addicted kids to be locked up indefinitely, OR your death.
Because words don’t hurt, but WORDS TURN INTO POLICY THAT HURTS.
Haiti, David French, ‘progressive fascism,’ YAHTZEE!