Let's compare them to one of the most widely-accepted yardsticks for a fascist movement - Umberto Eco's 14 points.

The Nazis - Worshiped & venerated German history & a prehistoric Aryan tradition. Valued families.
Antifa - Honestly couldn't give a fuck most of the time, often challenge tradition within context of other activism.
Nazis 1, Antifa 0

The Nazis - Considered jazz, art and other media 'degenerate', saw Judaism as creating a rotten modern culture.
Antifa - Arguably constantly push progressive causes and multiculturalism, via their activism.
Nazis 2, Antifa 0

The Nazis - Saw a great value in actions to get them into the spotlight, via marches, rallies, charitable drives.
Antifa - Yeah, okay, Antifa love direct action.
Nazis 3, Antifa 1

The Nazis - Beat, killed dissenters in their street-fighting days, imprisoned them in Dachau as early as 1933.
Antifa - Get two Antifa in a room and there'll be a raging argument. Try it.
Nazis 4, Antifa 1

The Nazis - Hated Jews, Communists, Roma, Sinti, Homosexuals, the Unemployed...
Antifa - Accepts and often comprises Jews, Communists, Roma, Sinti, Homosexuals, unemployed... and much more!
Nazis 5, Antifa 1

The Nazis - Leveraged the anger of the German people at their defeat and treatment by the Allied powers to come to power.
Antifa - Just hate fascists. That's all. They know what they can do.
Nazis 6, Antifa 1

The Nazis - Saw the world as ruled by a cabal of evil Jewish bankers AND Bolsheviks, determined to humiliate Germany.
Antifa - Don't much care, just want Nazis out of their neighbourhoods, towns, cities.
Nazis 7, Antifa 1

The Nazis - They considered Jews both an inferior race & simultaneously controlling the world, dominating Europe.
Antifa - Yeah, okay, Antifa take the piss out of Nazis while seeing them as a threat, you can have that.
Nazis 8, Antifa 2
The Nazis - Told Germans that if they didn't turn against the Jews, they were complicit in their imaginary schemes.
Antifa - Yes, Antifa tend to think that if you let Nazis be, you're complicit in their growth.
Nazis 9, Antifa 3

The Nazis - Euthanised the disabled as part of Aktion T4, saw them as burdens. Imprisoned the mentally ill in concentration camps.
Antifa - Stand up for the differently-abled, those struggling with mental health difficulties.
Nazis 10, Antifa 3

The Nazis - Individuals are singled out, venerated - see figures like Horst Wessel.
Antifa - Collective action is the norm, heroes rarely if ever emerge.
Nazis 11, Antifa 3

The Nazis - Worshipped the male form, promoted masculine sports & pursuits through Pimpf & Hitler Jugend, tapped into German weapons culture.
Antifa - Comprise women, don't venerate weapons as an integral part of what they do.
Nazis 12, Antifa 3

The Nazis - Claimed to represent the German people, continuously featured their representation in media.
Antifa - Wear bandanas heaps, often try not to be identified by security services. Trade on the name, not who they are.
Nazis 13, Antifa 3

The Nazis - Introduced their own vocabulary, phrases into the language - plenty of euphemisms, see 'relocation East'.
Antifa - Ok, often insist on politically correct or gender-neutral language. You can also have this one.
Nazis 14, Antifa 4