And why @David_Goodhart (of Anywheres vs Somewheres) is fundamentally wrong about ID cards.
I'll try and explain why in fact this is impossible in the UK, and rather the ACTUAL objective of the Hostile Environment is to make life hell for UNDOCUMENTED people. ANY undocumented people.
First, a crucial one - in order to remove illegal immigrants, you need to be able to distinguish not just between illegal immigrants and legal IMMIGRANTS, but between illegal immigrants and legal CITIZENS.
The difference is NOT trivial.…………
The NHS is merely under huge financial pressure.…
You can check EU citizens for EU passports (for now at least, that's enough).
You can check non-UK/EU citizens for e.g. proof of leave to remain.
But what about those who claim they're not EU or non-UK/EU?
(For a bit of diversion, I would HIGHLY recommend The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss).…

What about British citizens who don't have a British passport? Or whose birth certificate doesn't show they were born in the UK?
Well…. occasionally it does also catch out British citizens born here - see this case from last year.……
You go for accent, you go for skin colour.
"27% [of landlords] are reluctant to engage with those with foreign accents or names. Checks are not being undertaken uniformly for all tenants, but are instead directed at individuals who appear ‘foreign’."…
"After being introduced to the prince, she says he asked where she was from. When she replied "Manchester ", he reportedly quipped "Well, you don't look like it", before laughing and walking away."…
It's not an ID card, and it's not something to be carried at all times. Nothing like that. It's just a registration.
No it wouldn't because what about CITIZENS who don't have these biometric ID cards?
How do you prove you don't need one?
Opposition to any mandatory registration for ALL, and an obsession with getting immigration down AT ALL COSTS.
And see this article for the tip of the human cost iceberg. /End