This would become known as the red zone, or "Zone Rouge".
(Olivier Saint Hilaire…)

The ruined villages were overgrown with trees & vines, while grass crept over the troughs of the scarred landscape.
(Michael St. Maur Sheil

(Michael St. Maur Sheil

Its authors describe a peculiar flourishing of snails & rodents, voles & collared mice, as well as an "explosion in the population of wildcats".

On two pieces of land close to Ypres and Woëvre, a study by Bausinger et al ( found that 99% of plants still die, & arsenic can constitute up to 17% of the soil.

"Douaumont, destroyed village"
(Olivier Saint Hilaire…)

"Here stood the church"
(Olivier Saint Hilaire…)

"School hall" / "High street"
(Olivier Saint Hilaire…)

(Olivier Saint Hilaire…)

(Olivier Saint Hilaire…)

"At these sites a sense of place is powerfully created by a legacy of destruction"
- Stephen Miles, in "Displaced Heritage", ed. Convery et al.

Monsters still lurch up out of the earth. Enormous shells are dug up. Whole tanks dredged from the ground where they sank over 100 years ago.
(Olivier Saint Hilaire…)

- Rising Above the Ruins in France, by Corinna Haven Smith (…)
- Displaced Heritage, ed. Convery et al. (…)
- Parent G.-H., 2004. Trois études sur la Zone Rouge de Verdun... (…)

Please also check out the work of the photographer Olivier Saint Hilaire here: