31 states are subject to Open Records/Meetings Act. But not Oklahoma. Will push to make Legislature come under act as governor. #FOIOKDebate
Also said he would push to include Legislature in Open Records/Meeting Act. Has "Open Friday" plan to meet with residents.
"I'm a cowboy with a big heart...I have a real heart for Oklahoma, our country, our world." Decided to file for governor on the last day.
Wants to rebuild the state.
"We have so many loopholes in the Open Records Act." Wants to update the act and have all agencies follow the law. #FOIOKDebate
Q: What are your plans for educational funding.
A: @okcspowell: More authority at local level within reach of parents.
A: @DrewForOklahoma: Put gross production tax at 7 percent; cigarette tax at $1.50.