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Nov 20th 2021
1/ Αυτό το #διαγγελμα δεν πήγε καθόλου καλά...

Οσοι βλέπετε #BigBrotherGR & #fosstotounel, την προσοχή σας παρακαλώ...

Thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️
2/ disclaimer 1:Τα παρακάτω δεν αποτελούν επιστημονική/τεκμηριωμένη γνώμη παρα μόνο προσπάθεια ανάγνωσης της γλώσσας σώματος και της λεκτικής επικοινωνίας του συνεντευξιαζόμενου.
3/ disclaimer 2:Το μόνο που κάνει είναι να παραθέσει ορισμένες παρατηρήσεις και να τις αξιολογήσει σε μία κλίμακα παραπλανητικής συμπεριφοράς.Οι αντιδράσεις κάθε ανθρώπου, μπορεί να είναι μοναδικές και να παρεκλίννουν από τις αναμενόμενες
Read 43 tweets
May 31st 2021
Whence this Evil Glee?

A weaponized Industrial Disease made a Murderous Juggernaut
(And why the MAGA don’t see it)

by Arthur Malraux
A contagious disease has knowingly been unleashed upon America.
It is thinly disguised but the evidence is there, and there is more coming. It’s called Mobbing Syndrome.

Now, I’m not saying the last 4 years of near-daily assaults on decency, truth, reason, and precedent resembles Mobbing Syndrome.

I’m saying it is EXACTLY that.
I first saw Mobbing Syndrome 3 years ago at my work.

I’d never heard of it.

Mobbing is found in animal behaviour; crows often do it.  When a crow detects a threat to their nest, be it a snake or owl, they rally other crows for help.
Read 31 tweets
Mar 8th 2021
I would like to highlight the crackdown in Myanmar, most people haven’t picked up five important issues in a way to depict the nature of violence. The media tends to focus on the numbers more than the “nature”. @RapporteurUn @SchranerBurgen1 @DrSasa22222 #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
These issues are: (1) significant number of #headshots (some chest or neck wounds); (2) #snipers (other points to note: sub machine gun & tear gas from fighter jets in North Okkakapa March 3, & five fighter jets flying over MDL Mar 4, and today Mar 8 in #Myintkyina) @BobRae48
(3) extra judicial executions (there were at least two videos of killing people after arresting them), (4) terrorizing neighbourhoods which is beyond crowd control — e.g shooting at houses and bystanders after dispersing the crowd, & looting food/properties/money at nights, and
Read 4 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
We are ready for an #inclusive deliberation: Towards a #PolicyFramework for #Indian #SciComm in partnership with @scicommsci.🥳
Will be discussing #Ecosystem & #Training, #Diversity & #Inclusivity for #Indian #Scicomm.

Day 2 discussion commences in a few minutes!!
This live-tweet thread is curated by @AnamZille, @yaskap94 & @ChampakSuchitha on behalf of @spf_in & @scicommsci. 👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻
🗣️🗣️Yesterday we discussed #funding and #infrastructure, #multidisciplinary #scicomm #research. Here’s the live tweet thread:
Read 51 tweets

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