Jokes on all of you! I have no soul LEFT to crush! It has evaporated from the Half Blood Prince. There's no way it can get worse.
This is gonna be all sunshine, puppies, and fucking rainbows.

Oh shit Bill Nighe? I have no idea how to spell his name.
But I fucking love him.
Did Hermione just erase herself from existence?
Dude. Already with this tearing up shit?
Hey look its a room of people I kinda trusted.
... Not so much on the last one. But you get it.
And then Sirius came back and arrested everyone with wolfboy and then Matt Smith came out of nowhere and Doctored all up in that bitch and made Dumbledore come back and all was right.
I don't have to worry about waking up at 5AM for work tomorrow, so I am NOT holding back on the whiskey tonight.
Feel like I might need it.
I'm just gonna go punch noseless people after this
If you ain't got a nose, stay the fuck away from me
The sword does what it wants.
It might be off having a nice holiday somewhere.
Let the sword be.
Hey guys
I think this wedding is gonna end poorly
If this were three movies ago, the gag would be they'd get all hyped up on caffeine and cause some hijinks. JESUS I CAN'T RELAX FOR A SECOND.
So what happened to the people who they're impersonating's clothes? Did they just leave three naked strangers in an alley?
If I gave someone a passionate kiss and it turned out to be Ron
I wouldn't be
The MOST mad.
I can actually feel my pulse in my fingers. This is true anxiety.
This is not good for my blood pressure.
Oh they're going to a HOLLOW where people DIED
Its like a HALLOW of DEATH.
Maybe like a DEATHLY... ah nevermind
She broke his fucking wand?
I never thought I'd be able to say that with a straight face, let alone be sad about it.
Jesus Helena Bonham Carter is unstable.
This character is kinda off the wall too.
Dude snapped his finger.
Is Dobbie like as powerful as Dumbledore or something.