People with hypermobile EDS or Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder often spend years misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia…
#fibroawarenessday #EDSAwarenessMonth
None of those professionals seem to know to screen for hypermobility syndromes…
Occupational therapy can provide equipment and teach behavioural changes that reduce stress on joints, Orthotics can support ankles…
Physiotherapy can improve the stability of joints to reduce subluxations (partial dislocations).
Strategic use of splinting can improve hand and wrist pain…
My dietitian was even able to make suggestions that improved my IBS symptoms once we knew that I had a connective tissue disorder…
If your joints are loose and floppy but also clicky…
If you have 'travelling' pain where different joints become crunchy at different times…
Give your GP or your Rheumatologist or Pain Management team this resource on Hypermobility Syndromes and hEDS!…
But pain management for 'fibro' became a *whole* lot more effective once my connective tissue disorder was identified and we started working on reducing joint subluxations etc!