Tomás Daly Profile picture
Professor @MelbLawSchool // Director, Demoptimism Project // Director, ERRN // Convenor, Constitution Transformation Network
Mar 17, 2023 30 tweets 21 min read
On #StPatricksDay2023 I want to shout out to my compatriots from #Ireland producing some of the most incisive, compelling, and agenda-setting scholarship in global constitutional law today. Read them, follow them, connect with them.

A loooong (but very incomplete) thread 🧵 A few quick starting notes for a global audience.
I often think constitutional law research by Irish scholars is so rich because of our unique context, in a constitutional system that has one foot in colonialism and conflict, and one (today) in the rich Global North.
Mar 16, 2023 9 tweets 10 min read

I've had the pleasure of being invited to review or respond to a range of excellent books in recent times, on a range of aspects of #constitutionallaw and #democracy worldwide.

A short thread on 7 reviews 🧵 Mark Tushnet @Mark_Tushnet, The New Fourth Branch: Institutions for Protecting Constitutional #Democracy
I see this is as a landmark book in the rapidly expanding literature on 4th branch/guarantor institutions and raise key qs
🔓 Open access @icon_journal…
Nov 14, 2022 26 tweets 19 min read
This day 3 years ago I gave a talk on the global decay and renewal of #democracy @VicParliament. Wow, it feels like a decade has happened since then, and we see major positive and negative trends:

An impressionistic (non-comprehensive) thread 🧵 In 2019 the dominant narrative was of alarming regression in democratic commitments, with a growing crop of neo-authoritarians, incl #Trump #Orban #Kascynski #Erdogan #Bolsonaro #Modi, and seeming ascendance of #Putin #Xi, spurring explosion of research…
Nov 13, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Did you know there are acts of protest happening every weekend in #Naarm/#Melbourne in solidarity with the women of #Iran? Yesterday this group, who come from different walks of life in Iran, stood for 10 hours. Their first silent vigil.
#MahsaAmini #WomanLifeFreedom They invited others to stand with them, and in the time I was there, I listened to:
- frustration with the low visibility in Aus of this major intl issue
- observations that the Iranian community is quite small in Aus, and unlike eg NZ, no/few pols with Iranian heritage in govt