Dame Sa 🐝 3.5% Profile picture
Raising awareness for #LongCovid and the need for treatment. I suffered heart, lung & eye damage from a 2020 Covid infection. 🦋 https://t.co/uABvFVZ6tF
Jan 18, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Why do so many still minimise COVID? Despite so much evidence and lived experiences of millions?

Because denial is human nature, especially where money is concerned.

Miners Lung

Governments ALWAYS put money and “normality” above public health. HIV:

“By 1984, AIDS had ravaged the US. Scientists had identified HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) - yet leaders remained silent & unresponsive. It wasn't until 4 YEARS later that President Reagan addressed it. By then AIDS was a full-blown epidemic”

Nov 2, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
“Covid doesn’t affect kids” was the biggest and cruellest lies of the pandemic.

We’re now seeing:

Impaired immune systems

Type 1 diabetes

Blood vessel damage

Child mortality rising

Covid as one of the leading causes of death in kids

#LongCovidKids ox.ac.uk/news/2023-01-3… “Virtually children who tested positive for Covid [in this study] showed signs of blood vessel damage”

(All kids were unvaccinated.)

Oct 23, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
“Virtually all children infected with SARS-CoV-2 show signs of blood vessel damage, a study shows.

Making matters worse, this sign of cardiovascular damage is being seen in asymptomatic children as well as kids COVID-19 symptoms.”

#LongCovidKids #Health studyfinds.org/children-with-… Tagging to stop those in charge claiming “they couldn’t possibly have known”… 🙄

#KeeptheReceipts #LongCovid

@UKHSA @educationgovuk @RishiSunak @ChildrensComm @GillianKeegan @SteveBarclay @NHSEngland @Rachel_deSouza @covidinquiryuk
Oct 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Do people ignore the harms of #Covid to themselves and their children because they wrongly believe that we can’t avoid infection without lockdowns?

Is it really as simple as that?

There are MANY things we can do to avoid infection without lockdowns.


#CovidisAirborne 1. Airborne mitigations - proven-to-work air filters in every indoor space (like the ones MPs have in parliament…)

2. Free Covid tests & access to PCRs

3. Proven-to-work UV light tech to kill pathogens (like the rich have…)
Jun 20, 2023 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
“The only other virus that attacks and kills T-cells is HIV, which causes AIDS, said Katzenback.”

Maybe repeatedly infecting our kids with SARSCoV2 wasn’t such a great idea?

Guess we’ll find out.

#Covid #LongCovid #LongCovidKids #Health #CovidIsntOver therecord.com/news/waterloo-… “With the loss of these T-cells, we are now more vulnerable to all of these other infections, other viruses, other bacteria,” said Katzenback.

#Covid #LongCovid #Health #Strep #StrepA #Flu #pneumonia
Jun 19, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
“They wouldn’t let #Covid spread if it was THAT bad…”

Miners Lung
Sewage in waterways

Historically, governments ALWAYS put short-term financial gains above public health.

Studies showed organ damage in 2020! (Pre vaccines)

bmj.com/content/371/bm… Wilful denial?
Jun 2, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
My friend has a blister like rash on her face & chest, blisters in her mouth, painful swollen glands, sore throat & headache. She called 111 who have told her to go to a Boots pharmacy in a busy shopping centre this morning!

Infectious disease control in England! 🤯

#monkeypox Shall I tell her to go to A&E?! At least a hospital would be better equipped to deal with it than an unsuspecting pharmacy…
Dec 2, 2021 • 18 tweets • 6 min read
With overwhelming evidence of the impact of #Covid in children, why does the #media still refuse to acknowledge it? Censored by the government? Or scared of being unpopular with #COVID19 deniers? Why is the UK ignoring dead & sick kids? It’s weird, right?! #LongCovidKids #schools “Children are getting ill. Some, tragically, are dying. Many are winding up in hospital. Ask a friend to guess how many kids are hospitalised with Covid each month in the UK. They will gasp at the answer: over a thousand.”
