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Jul 3 8 tweets 2 min read
Israel, UN negotiating deployment of Starlink system in Gaza: Report

Israel and the UN are discussing the deployment in Gaza of the Starlink system, operated by Elon Musk’s Space X, to improve security so the UN could fully resume food distribution in the Strip, three Israeli officials and one UN official have told the US news site Axios.

According to the report, the UN asked to deploy the communications system at its headquarters in Gaza. But Israel is concerned that the system, which provides internet service through a network of satellites, might be appropriated by Hamas, which could use it to coordinate attacks without being detected.

Israel asked the UN about the possibility of remotely disabling the system, the report added.
Nov 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Sam Bankman-Fried: The 28-year-old went from billionaire to bankrupt practically overnight.…
Aug 23, 2022 40 tweets 17 min read
In yesterday's Covid-19 roundup: Pfizer submits EUA for Omicron-targeted booster; Novavax EUA expands to teens.… A new generation of coronavirus vaccine, designed to be less sensitive to mutations and equipped for future strains, shows promising results in a preclinical study published in EMBO Mol. Medicine by KI researcher Matti Sällberg and colleagues.… Image
Aug 20, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Avenue, What happened today, Aug, 2021. #fentanyl
Berlinn said her son is suffering from a #fentanyl addiction, which has left him homeless and physically bent at a 45-degree angle.

“A lot of people say, you have to let him hit rock bottom,” Berlinn said.

“My son’s rock bottom I believe is death.”
Mar 24, 2022 43 tweets 14 min read
Just recently, Biden's climate czar John Kerry warned of 100 million refugees in the event of a collapse in food production. Biden on food shortages:

"With regard to food's gonna be real."
Mar 9, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and Russia.

Your MST Team…
Jun 5, 2021 199 tweets 240 min read
A metal ion orients SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to ensure accurate 2′-O methylation of its first nucleotide
The #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus is able to utilize the changes in metal ion concentrations to disguise itself in the human host body thus evading immune responses. Image Efficacy of #clarithromycin on #COVID19 pneumonia without oxygen administration; protocol for multicenter, open-label, randomized-controlled, 3-armed parallel group comparison, exploratory trial #CAMECOVID
Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jRCTs071210011 Image
May 30, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Paolo Barnard @barnard2018 · 21 ago 2017…
"Mani dietro la schiena e passeggerai per i corridoi dei reparti come un pirla, ricordando con nostalgia quelle specie di stampe medievali che una volta si chiamavano lastre, ecografie, TAC, MRI" Image Paolo Barnard @barnard2018 · 24 ott 2017…
"Ma nei labs delle porte accanto sono già nati gli altri computer ‘alieni’, roba da far esplodere il cervello di un mortale, eccoli: Computer Chimici, Computer al DNA, Computer Molecolari, Computer ai Protoni." Image
May 18, 2021 213 tweets >60 min read
🔝5 Concerns about #SARSCoV2 #Biology: A Call to Pause, Deliberate, and Revise Policy─This review is intended both as a basic resource and to initiate an open and critical dialog about SARS-CoV-2 biology for an independent and public call to action.… Structural basis of ribosomal #frameshifting during translation of the #SARSCoV2 #RNA #genome
A unique feature of the SARS-CoV-2 genome controls protein synthesis and presents an "Achilles heel" of the virus. Image
Apr 20, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Apr 10, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Dovremmo pensare ai sistemi di #trasporti. Sono gli assembramenti che diffondono il #SARSCoV2 e anche gli asintomatici con un'alta carica virale trasmettono via #aerosol in condizione di super diffusione.

N.B. Al 1° picco venivano testati solo sintomatici
Apr 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Many are aware of a simulation conducted by World Economic Forum called #Event201 that preceded the #COVID19 pandemic. Event 201 eerily described and seemed to predict the pandemic. (There was also a pandemic simulation: #CladeX)…
Mar 3, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
💡A new study from @WUSTLmed in St. Louis provides evidence that #COVID19 patients’ #heart damage is caused by the #coronavirus invading and replicating inside heart muscle cells, leading to cell death and interfering with heart muscle contraction. Image ⚠️Covid-19 Can Kill Heart Muscle Cells, Interfere With Contraction─“Our study is unique because it definitively shows that, in patients with #COVID19 who developed #heartfailure, the #coronavirus infects the #heart, specifically heart muscle cells.”…
Mar 1, 2021 236 tweets >60 min read
Reducing #COVID19 #Airborne #Transmission Risks on #PublicTransportation Buses
Wearing of #facemasks reduced the overall particle count released into the bus by an average of 50%, the dispersion distance by several feet and #aerosol particles by 84.36%. Image 🔝#SARSCoV2 Infects Human Engineered Heart Tissues and Models COVID-19 Myocarditis
#COVID19 can kill heart muscle cells, interfere with contraction. Details of how #coronavirus infects #heart: models of tissue damage may help develop potential therapies. Image
Mar 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people (Italy🇮🇹)
*Shown is the rolling 7-day average. The number of confirmed cases is lower than the number of actual cases; the main reason for that is limited testing. Image Daily new confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people🇮🇹
*Shown is the rolling 7-day average. Limited testing and challenges in the attribution of the cause of death means that the number of confirmed deaths may not be an accurate count of the true number of deaths from COVID-19. Image
Feb 16, 2021 235 tweets >60 min read
⚠️#Ocular #MRI Findings in Patients with Severe #COVID19: A Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study
All patients had nodules in the macular region, 8/9 (89%) had bilateral nodules, 2/9 (22%) had nodules outside the macular region. Screening needed. Image ⚠️🔝New-Onset #IgG #Autoantibodies in Hospitalized Patients with #COVID19
An international team of researchers studying COVID-19 has made a startling and pivotal discovery: The virus appears to cause the body to make weapons to attack its own tissues. Image
Feb 15, 2021 119 tweets 94 min read
Il giuramento del Governo Draghi
13 feb | TG4 | Rete 4

Mario #Draghi presta giuramento: «Giuro di essere fedele alla Repubblica, di osservarne lealmente la Costituzione e le leggi e di esercitare le mie funzioni nell'interesse esclusivo della Nazione.» Image
Nov 16, 2020 34 tweets 19 min read
"La schiavitù, letteralmente, è già pronta per 10 miliardi di esseri umani. Meglio definirla servitù di una sorta di ‘gleba’, e sarà ‘TECH-GLEBA SENZA ALTERNATIVE’." TECH-GLEBA SENZA ALTERNATIVE. (parte II)
"Please Welcome un bel Rift Head-set, Virtual Reality, la Blockchain, i Drones, la A.I. e 10 miliardi di umani in ‘TECH-GLEBA SENZA ALTERNATIVE’ decerebrati del tutto da FB-Oculus e altri come loro."
Sep 8, 2020 5 tweets 7 min read
💡Simple at-home #TestTestTest for the #coronavirus, some that involve spitting into a small tube of solution, could be the key to expanding testing and impeding the spread of #COVID19. @US_FDA should encourage their development.…
💡Instead of running #TestTestTest for each person, laboratories could #PoolTest small groups of people and analyze them all at once (#PoolTesting). For the ones that come back positive, tests could be rerun with unused portions of the original samples.