Dinakar Peri Profile picture
Senior Assistant Editor @the_hindu, Non-Resident Fellow @CSDR_India | @cheveningfco, @StateIVLP | @Claws_india, Ex biologist | Defence/Geopolitics/Climatechange
Jan 27 9 tweets 4 min read
.#Thread: Imp highlights from 🇮🇳 🇫🇷 joint statement
-Adopt defence industrial roadmap: for codesign, co-dev, co-prod
@SAFRAN establishes MRO for LEAP engines in 🇮🇳
-to add MRO for Rafale engines
-heptor partnership/JV 4 IMRH engine b/w @HALHQBLR & @SAFRAN

-Increased indigenisation in addl @navalgroup_IN Scorpene submarines to be built by @MazagonDockLtd
-Early conclusion of Arrangement MoU b/w @DRDO_India & French @DGA for jet engine which will power indigenous #AMCA
Related story in today’s @the_hindu👇🏻
Jun 5, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
.#Thread: @SecDef Austin's India visit: Held bilat with @rajnathsingh in the morning. 🇮🇳🇺🇸 concluded a roadmap for Defence Industrial Cooperation which will fast-track tech coop & coproduction in areas like air combat & land mobility systems; ISR, munitions & undersea domain... Image Roadmap, aims to change the paradigm for cooperation between U.S. and Indian defense sectors, including a set of specific proposals that could provide India access to cutting-edge technologies and support India’s defense modernization plans: US statement
Jan 12, 2023 28 tweets 11 min read
.#Thread: Annual press conference by Army Chief Gen Manoj Pande. Touches upon fallout of Russia-Ukraine war, impact of COVID still being felt, challenges in the immediate neighbourhood… Northern borders: Situation is stable and under control yet unpredictable,
Five of 7 flashpoints resolved: Gen Pande #LAC #LadakhStandoff
Feb 3, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
.#Thread @indiannavy Chief Adm R Harikumar at @OfficialCLAWSIN webinar outlines 3 factors influencing the contours of #warfare - contemporary geopolitical climate specifically return of #GreatPower Competition, technology and evolution of #cyber as a vital domain for warfare …Great Power Competition. Underscored by a multipolar world order with overlapping spheres of influence, this comp. is leading to jostling between nations on day-to-day basis, across regions and domains. …if unchecked or unregulated is likely to lead to conflict: Navy Chief
Feb 3, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Thread @IAF_MCC Chief at @OfficialCLAWSIN webinar: In past rise n fall of nations was dictated by size & prowess of fielded forces. However, conflicts in last few decades clearly established w/o doubt preeminence of air power as instrumnt of choice for almost all op contingencies Knowing that budget will always remain a constraint, prioritization of procurement at national level for key combat elements and enablers becomes very critical. We need training and equipment not to fight the last war but to fight n win tomorrow's wars: ACM VR Chaudhari #AirPower
Feb 3, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
.#Thread Gen Naravane at @OfficialCLAWSIN webinar: We hv observed sme nations challenging globally accepted norms & #RulesBasedOrder. This challenge has manifested in various forms of creeping aggression n opportunist actions to alter status quo keeping threshold below allout war Dev in #Afghanistan have again brought to focus use of proxies & nonstate actors to decisive effects. They thrive on local conditions, innovatively exploit low cost options to devastating impact n create conditions that limit full use of sophisticated cpblt avl to the state: COAS
Sep 15, 2021 11 tweets 7 min read
.#Thread Gen Rawat at @iicdelhi
We are heading back to bipolar/multipolar world, is it good/bad 4 int community only time will tell. Wht we r certainly seeing is more aggression on part of nations, specially 1 thats tryin 2 go into bipolar world or makin presence felt thts #China They (China) are becoming more n more aggressive and we share land borders with them. Its time for us to start looking at our strategies as to how we are going to deal with the two borders... aggressive adversaries, Pak on Western front & China on the North: CDS Gen Bipin Rawat
Aug 3, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
.#Thread Our procurement process unfortunately hasn’t kept pace with requirements of time. Many the procedural lacunae have crept into acquisition process due to overbearing nature of our rules & regulations, leading to a ‘Zero Error Syndrome’: @adgpi Chief Gen Naranave @USI_1870 Needs of Info Era Warfare cant b hamstrung by procedures of Industrial Age. Need of the hour is to have metamorphosis here too, perhaps even doing away wth concept of L1 vendor altogether. For real transformation 2 take place, we require a Revolution in Bureaucratic Affairs: COAS
Apr 15, 2021 9 tweets 6 min read
Conflict over the island of Taiwan will be a disaster for the people of the region and something we all must work to avoid: Gen Campbell @CDF_Aust Australia, with Chief of Staff @joinstaffpa, Gen Bipin Rawat, CDS India @HQ_IDS_India, @TimSCahill1 & @BBCYaldaHakim #Raisina2021 Geopolitics coupled with geoeconomics is seeking to reshape the rules governing the world order. This leads to conflicts and thats wht we are witnessing on our northern borders... we are witnessing a nation first approach...: Gen Rawat @HQ_IDS_India, @BBCYaldaHakim #Raisina2021
Apr 14, 2021 11 tweets 9 min read
We have seen regular naval Chinese presence in Indian Ocean for over decade now. Their trade, energy all come frm their West. It wont b surprising to see thm coming into IO soon, as its said the flag follows trade: @indiannavy Chief Adm Singh on PLA Navy #Raisina2021 #IndoPacific .@indiannavy Adm Singh stresses on information sharing in #IndoPacific, coz info leads to awareness... Once we are comfortable in the white shipping, we must move to the grey shipping. Ultimate idea would be to be able to plug and play, he says with @raji143 #Raisina2021
Apr 13, 2021 8 tweets 7 min read
NATO SG @jensstoltenberg: Rise of China is a defining global issue which has implications for all of us, that #NATO cant ignore. It has positive implications... But we must be clear headed abt challenges, It is matching its military power with its economic power #Raisina2021 NATO SG @jensstoltenberg: China does not share our values. It persecutes religious minorities... We see new assertive moves by Beijing to challenge rules based int order. It is openly threatening Taiwan, coercing its neighbours and hampering navigation in SCS #Raisina2021
Apr 7, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
#Thread CDS Gen Bipin Rawat @vifindia webinar
Accepts there is capability differential b/w India & China.
"The biggest differential lies in the field of cyber. We know that China is capable of launching cyber attacks on us and it can disrupt a large number of systems": Gen Rawat What we are trying to do is create a system wch will ensure cyber defence. We have been able to create a cyber agency within armed forces & each service has also own cyber agency, so that even if we come under a cyber attack the downtime of the attack doesn’t last long: Gen Rawat
Feb 12, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
#Thread @adgpi Chief comments at @USI_1870: The regional security environment is characterised by #Chinese belligerence in the #IndoPacific, its hostility towards weaker nations and relentless drive to create regional dependencies through initiatives like #BRI: Gen MM Naravane The resultant Sino-US rivalry has created regional imbalances & instability. The rising footprints of China in India’s neighbourhood n its attempts to unilaterally alter status-quo along our disputed borders have created an environment of confrontation & mutual distrust: COAS
Feb 11, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
#Thread @adgpi Chief Gen Naravane at @OfficialCLAWSIN: Large platforms which were once mainstay of 20th century battlefield: MBTs, fighter A/C & large surface combatants, have been rendered relatively less significant in face of emerging battlefield challenges in newer domains We have seen how the very imaginative and offensive use of drones in Idlib and then in Armenia-Azerbaijan, challenged the traditional prima donnas: the tanks, the artillery and the dug in infantry: Gen MM Naravane @OfficialCLAWSIN
Feb 11, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
#LadakhStandoff Gist of disengagement from Def Min Rajnath's speech in Parliament:
Disengagement at Pangong Tso in phased, coordinated and verified manner
PLA troops to move beyond Finger 8
India troops at Dhan Singh Thapa post, Finger 3
No patrols till agreed diplomatically Agreement on disengagement in North & South Bank of Pangong Lake. It has also been agreed to convene the next meeting of Senior Commanders within 48 hrs after the complete disengagement in Pangong Lake area so as to address and resolve all other remaining issues: @rajnathsingh
Feb 10, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
#Thread #LadakhStandoff China announced that frontline troops from India and China had begun disengaging in a “synchronised and organised” manner from the north & south banks of #Pangong Tso which an official source in Delhi said is 1st step in long disengagement n de-escalation #LadakhStandoff This restarts the stalled process of disengagement in the most protracted military standoffs between India and China in decades which has resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers and an unknown number of Chinese casualties at Galwan on June 15 last year
May 1, 2020 21 tweets 15 min read
Press conference by #CDS Gen Bipin Rawat and three Service Chiefs at 6pm today is about thanking the #COVID2019 warriors from armed forces. #thread On May 03 there are some special activities the nation will witness from all the three Services. @IAF_MCC to conduct flypast from Srinagar to Trivandrum and another from Dibrugarh, Assam to Kutch, Gujarat: CDS Gen Rawat #COVID2019
Feb 17, 2020 14 tweets 9 min read
#Thread #CDS #TheatreCommands Peninsular command should start taking shape by end next year and theatre commands by 2022, Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat said on Monday in an interaction with media @the_hindu Army’s Northen & Western borders to be converted into 2-5 theatres with Jammu has Kashmir being a separate theatre command: Grn Rawat #CDS
Jan 11, 2020 15 tweets 7 min read
#Thread @adgpi Chief Gen MM Naravane outlines vision as Chief. Advocates ABC: Allegiance, Belief and Consolidation. “We swear our allegiance to the constitution of India... As in the preamble Justice, equality and fraternity. That is what we are fighting for. Gen Naravane: Belief in ourself, our organisation. Our superiors and subordinates.. We will not fall prey to vile rumors and innuendos. Belief is what will keep us strong.

Consolidation leads to continuity... Somewhere along the way there will be midcourse correction. #ArmyDay