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Mar 8 18 tweets 9 min read
Feminism in India has a deep and complex history. On Women’s Day, this #EPWThread of articles attempts to trace the evolution of feminism and feminist theory in India, in an attempt to shed light on the institutionalised challenges that still hold women back. Image In this 1989 Discussion piece, Ashok Rudra argues against the anti-theory bias of Indian Women Studies, noting most books do not reveal any deep understanding of the complex problems that are required for comprehending the feminine condition.…Image
Feb 18, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Tamil cinema has offered space for dissent in popular culture. It has tried to engage with the current politics and simultaneously questioned social constructs. Read this thread of readings from EPW on cinema and politics. Most mainstream films that centre caste have, even if unknowingly, not understood the historical roots and cultural background of Dalits. Read B Prabhakaran:…
Apr 30, 2021 51 tweets 18 min read
Did the #COVID19 lockdown relief measures help refigure the livelihoods of informal workers?

In this conversation #thread, professor @JeemolUnni
examines the impact of the lockdown on workers.

Join the discussion and send us your questions in the comments. We are currently in the midst of the second wave of #COVID19 in India. People and the government are struggling with the public and private health system caving in.

The question before us for the second time in a year is to save lives and/or save livelihoods? | @JeemolUnni
Apr 28, 2021 15 tweets 9 min read
The #COVID19 pandemic has triggered a global crisis, but its impact is not shared equally.

Social hierarchies, inequalities, and injustice reproduced during the pandemic have added to existing challenges faced by vulnerable categories of people. #Thread Image The fear of contagion ignited by #Covid19 has renewed old associations between dirt, disease, and particular communities.

@kanthiswaroop and Joel Lee discuss society's reaction to sanitation workers during the pandemic.…
Jan 26, 2021 37 tweets 20 min read

Our #RepublicDay #TwitterTakeover with @glorious_gluten has begun!

For the next hour, she will be discussing the relationship between the #police, #State and the #law.

Join the conversation and send us your questions in the comments section. On #26January, 2021, the Indian republic completes 71 years since its formation; against the background of a global pandemic that has starkly exposed its fault lines. | @glorious_gluten
Jan 26, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
How was the #Constitution of India drafted?
This #RepublicDay, we revisit @epw_in articles that look at the debates and discussions involved in creating the framework for a democratic India. #26January The Indian state was an amalgamation of separate, and distinct identities. Aditya Nigam writes that the Constituent Assembly provided ways for states to assert their selfhood within a united India, and thus included different regions in "nation forming."
Dec 4, 2020 28 tweets 10 min read
#EPWConversations: We are live with @vabhis, and we invite you to send your questions about public transportation in India in this thread. He will be tweeting through EPW's account for the next hour. Our cities happen to be the places where distortions of development are amplified and more visible. Transport and urban equity is one major indicator to assess this distortion. One class of cities (particularly, metropolitan cities) gets priority over the smaller cities and towns
Dec 3, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Cars and two-wheelers constitute 85% of vehicles on roads but only 29% of overall trips in India.

@vabhis explains how most of the urban poor cannot afford even the most inexpensive motor vehicles. Yet, they bear the maximum brunt of road accidents and vehicular air pollution. Rapid urbanisation and haphazard planning have had disastrous consequences for urban poor, leaving them without proper access to employment, education and urban services.

Cities have become an exclusive space for the elite and white-collar workforce, writes @vabhis.
Dec 2, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
#EPWConversations: We are live with @DrArpitaC, and we invite you to send your questions about international relations and postcolonial feminism. Image What does the discipline of international relations (IR) look like from the personal perspective of a postcolonial subject living in a first-world nation? IR must distance itself from its Eurocentric & masculine moorings if it is to become “international.”…
Oct 26, 2020 48 tweets 41 min read
#EPWConversations: Today, @AnupamSaraph and @sanjana_krishn will be talking about their work on PAN and Aadhaar linkage from epw_in’s handle. We invite you to join the conversation and ask questions. They will present their paper in this #thread. Also, you can view their responses to questions and comments in this thread:
Oct 26, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
#EPWConversations: We are live with @AnupamSaraph and @sanjana_krishn, and we invite you to send your questions about PAN and Aadhaar linkage in this #thread. @abhicheesecake asks you correctly identify that the percentage of PAN holders paying tax has dropped since 2013. However, India's direct tax collection has increased every year since 2019. Can this improvement be attributed to PAN-Aadhaar linkage?…
Oct 26, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
India’s Unique ID (#Aadhaar) and Tax ID (Permanent Account Number or PAN) are being merged by the
Ministry of Finance. Should this be a concern? In 2017, the Minister of State for Finance, Santosh Kumar Gangwar, in his reply to a question in the Lok Sabha, indicated that there were only 1,544 fake PAN numbers
Oct 23, 2020 24 tweets 6 min read
#EPWConversations: Today, Mirza Zulfiqur Rahman (@mirzalibra10) will be talking about his article "Infrastructuring Floods in the Brahmaputra River Basin
Hydrocracies, Hubris, Hazardscapes" from epw_in's handle. We invite you to join the conversation and ask questions. The lived experiences of riverine communities are unique to particular river basins, of its ebbs and flows, geomorphology, social, economic and ecological histories! It is through such community imaginations and experiences that we can have a long duree understanding of the river
Jun 27, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
#Thread: In her @epw_in article, Baljeet Kaur observes that with torture having become one of the key human rights concerns in the last decade, India’s commitment to preventing and abolishing torture continues to remain extremely weak. Kaur states that one of the prominent reasons for the government’s lack of action is that there has been no consistent documentation of torture-related complaints.
Apr 28, 2020 45 tweets 17 min read
#EPWConversations: Today, @RStweet18 will be talking about the recent spike in domestic violence because of #lockdowns following the #COVID19 pandemic from the @epw_in handle!We invite you to join the conversation and ask questions. Stay Home, Stay (un)Safe seems to be what the spike in domestic violence during the pandemic suggests. The first reporting on 3 April said that between 23 March and 1 April, the number of complaints that the National Commission for Women (NCW) received was 257. | @RStweet18
Feb 5, 2020 21 tweets 25 min read
Hello! I'm @busydot and I am part of @povmumbai, a feminist non-profit in #Mumbai. We work at the intersection of gender sexuality and digital technology, and today I'm going to tweet about data through a feminist lens. @busydot @povmumbai So much to say, so little time. :) I'm going to dive deep into looking at how women's bodies have become part and parcel of digital data collection and processing. Think menstrual apps, period trackers, fertility apps, pregnancy apps.
Jan 27, 2020 14 tweets 10 min read
#EPWConversations: Today, @digitaldutta, one of our panellists for #DataSocieties, will be talking about data and elections from @epw_in's handle. We invite you to join the conversation and ask questions. Data is being used to influence us, and our society everywhere. Data is being weaponised during elections now, to spread misinformation using micro-targeting. This essentially involves influencing every individual, uniquely based on their personal data. | @digitaldutta
Oct 14, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer have won the 2019 @NobelPrize in economics for their “experimental approach” to fighting global poverty. This #thread looks at their contribution to development economics, through articles published in @epw_in. Abhijit Banerjee, @emorygethin, and @PikettyLeMonde combine surveys, election results and social spending data to look at the changing nature of electorates in India from 1962 to 2014.
Jun 13, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
@karnikajit, Mala Lalvani, and Manali Phatak's 2019 @epw_in article studied an incumbent candidate’s chances of getting re-elected in different regions in India. Can you guess which region gives an incumbent the highest chance of being re-elected? Have you voted yet? Karnik, Lalvani and Phatak’s article looks at Lok Sabha elections from 1980 to 2014, and found that an incumbent’s chances of getting re-elected depended upon three categories: political affiliation, geographic region, and certain socio-economic factors.