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Words @TheEyeopener @Much @CTVSciFi Interests in disinformation, security issues, extremism and culture
Jan 29, 2022 8 tweets 10 min read
Last night I detailed one of the main #misinformation narratives surrounding #TruckerConvoy2022 of "antifa" infiltrating the demonstration to discredit it via violence. There's been a few concerning updates 🧵

#cdnpoli #onpoli #OttawaConvoy #antivaxxers

So a few people have been taking this alleged threat very seriously and have been calling on convoy supporters to perform "citizens arrest" on those they suspect of being "antifa"

#cdnpoli #onpoli #OttawaConvoy #antivaxxers
Jan 29, 2022 7 tweets 12 min read
Out of all the #misinformation narratives surrounding the #TruckerConvoy2022, there is one that I think needs highlighting. There are claims that "antifa" has infiltrated the demonstrators and are planning for violence tomorrow. 🧵

#cdnpoli #onpoli #OttawaConvoy #antivaxxers It's important to note that the universal belief of what "antifa" is in this context is a group paid by Justin Trudeau to riot and or stage a false flag attack in a similar vein to the January 6th incursion.

#cdnpoli #onpoli #OttawaConvoy #antivaxxers
Jan 28, 2022 12 tweets 18 min read
So for the past week I've been keeping an eye and an ear on the #TruckerConvoy2022 and tracking some of the prevailing narratives. Here's a rundown on the misinformation and concerning rhetoric I've been hearing

#ottawa #onpoli #antivaxxers #cdnpoli First bit of misinformation is the number of trucks participating. The numbers range from 10,000 to 150,000 and seemingly got larger with media visibility. The most common number cited around 50,000, how this is almost certainly false

#cdnpoli #onpoli #antivaxxers #OttawaConvoy
Sep 25, 2021 42 tweets 47 min read
So I decided to shake things up and I'm here at Dundas Square where a few demonstrators have arrived. Rally is supposed to kick off at 12 but there's far fewer demonstrators here compared to the crowd at Queen's Park

#cdnpoli #Toronto #onpoli #antivaxxers People are still coming in as the merch booths are being set up

#cdnpoli #Toronto #onpoli #antivaxxers
Sep 25, 2021 6 tweets 9 min read
So what's more hectic then one anti-vax demonstrations this weekend? TWO anti-vax demonstrations!

Yes Toronto, there seems like there will be two rallies tomorrow, one at Queen's Park North and one allegedly at Dundas Square Ft. Chris Sky

#cdnpoli #Toronto #onpoli #antivaxxers Now this has been met with some mixed reviews. Some see Sky as a "fraud", others see him trying to hijack the movement and some have accused him of being "controlled opposition"
#cdnpoli #antivaxxers #Toronto #onpoli
Sep 24, 2021 5 tweets 7 min read
So I decided to come by Scarborough Town Centre and can confirm that's there's a small antivax demonstration happening here. Many familiar faces from the video taken at Eaton Centre. #Toronto #Cdnpoli #antivaxxers #Scarborough Compared to the Eaton Centre video where they kept to themselves this time the group could be seen gojng out of their way to interact with other patrons at Scarborough Town Centre
#cdnpoli #Toronto #Scarborough #ONpoli
Sep 24, 2021 5 tweets 7 min read
Last minute thing but it seems like Antivaxers might be coming to Scarborough, specifically STC today. The goal is to eat indoors without a vax-pass. This was posted this morning so turn out may be low but this form of demonstration is a growing trend
#cdnpoli #Toronto #onpoli This seems in part to be inspired by the recent arrest of a PPC candidate after they tried to enter a Tim Hortons without a mask or a vax-pass

#cdnpoli #Toronto #onpoli
Feb 25, 2020 31 tweets 30 min read
TPS has arrested 3 people so far Wetsuweten #onpoli #TOpoli #canpoli Police are methodically arresting peaceful protesters on the rail tracks
May 4, 2019 34 tweets 29 min read
Here at Unoversity and Armoury. This is the current situation. Police have uped security by cutting off armoury street and having 2 lines of cops #onpoli #cndpoli #torpoli Security is tight. A second cordon of police officers are to the side. 80 counter protesters compared to 30 far right protesters