Botin Kurdistani Profile picture
Independent Kurdish journalist, focus on War zones ( Turkey & ROJAVA , Syria , Kurdistan , IRAQ, IRAN ) . بوتین کۆردستانی کوردستانی کۆردستان
Feb 20 5 tweets 2 min read
#BREAKING News : Clashes between Turkish forces and Kurdish youth continue in many Kurdish cities in Turkey. The clashes began after Erdogan ousted the Kurdish mayor of Van and appointed a loyalist. In just 7 days, 243 Kurds have been arrested in Van, Mersin, Istanbul, Ankara, Diyarbakir, and Adana. #video #SON DAKİKA: Türk güçleri ile Kürt gençleri arasında Türkiye'nin birçok Kürt şehrinde çatışmalar devam ediyor. Çatışmalar, Erdoğan'ın Van'daki Kürt belediye başkanını görevden alıp yerine bir yandaş atamasının ardından başladı. Sadece 7 gün içinde, Van, Mersin, İstanbul, Ankara, Diyarbakır ve Adana'da 243 Kürt gözaltına alındı video link:…
Feb 17 7 tweets 3 min read
The Iraqi army attacked Kurdish farmers in the village of Shanagha, located in the Sarkaran district of Kirkuk Governorate. The attack was accompanied by restrictions preventing farmers from plowing their lands, negatively impacting their agricultural season and livelihood. This is exactly what Saddam did to the Kurds in the past, and now the new Iraqi government is repeating the same actions
#iraq #kirkuk #kurdish #kurdistan #erbil #barzani #video 2) هاجمت القوات العراقية المزارعين الأكراد في قرية شاناغا، الواقعة في منطقة سركران بمحافظة كركوك. وترافق هذا الهجوم مع فرض قيود منعت المزارعين من حراثة أراضيهم، مما أثر سلبًا على موسمهم الزراعي ومصدر رزقهم. هذا بالضبط ما فعله صدام بالأكراد في الماضي، وها هي الحكومة العراقية الجديدة تكرر نفس الأفعال.

video link:
Mar 13, 2020 13 tweets 17 min read
General Siamand Mashhadani, #Iranian Revolutionary Guards Top Commander , was killed by the #American airstrike in #Iraq.

مقتل الجنرال سيامند مشهداني أحد قادة الحرس الثوري الإيراني بالقصف الأميركي


#BreakingNews #Baghdad #Trump #BREAKING NEWS:
General Siamand Mashhadani, one of the #Iranian Revolutionary Guards Top Commander , was killed by the #American airstrike in #Iraq.

مقتل الجنرال سيامند مشهداني أحد قادة الحرس الثوري الإيراني بالقصف الأميركي
Nov 9, 2019 7 tweets 15 min read
Here is the list of 76 #ISIS fighters & commanders who are working With Turkish army right now in the war against #Kurds in north #Syria .first section of the list includes the names of ALL ISIS terrorists
#ISIL #DAESH #IslamicState #داعش… 2/ #Leaked
#ISIS Intel has returned to Tal Abyad in N #Syria working with Turkish Army & appeared on Turkish state TV propaganda shown as freedom fighter who misses his home town with tears on his eyes
#ISIL #DAESH #IslamicState #داعش
report link…
Oct 13, 2019 7 tweets 15 min read
Kurdish Human right activist & The secretary-general of the Future Syria Party,Ms #Hervin_Khalaf ,has been raped & then stoned to death by #Turkey backed Jihadists near #Hasakah during Turkey's ethnic cleansing operation against #Kurds in Syria. @brett_mcgurk #amnesty @brett_mcgurk "This happened almost precisely 3 years ago:Kurdish forces raised the US flag in Tal Abyad, while US soldiers were threatened by Turkish-backed rebels.

The President
could learn something about honour & loyalty from these fine men & women"
via @MsJulieLenarz