Without free speech, we are not fully human. Censorship is the enemy of progress.
Jul 20, 2020 • 5 tweets • 6 min read
In developed #countries, #government policies to restrict private behavior in response to #COVID-19 have had no effect in reducing #deaths at all. Excess all-cause mortality is actually associated, though insignificantly, with increasing restrictiveness.
In developed #countries, #deaths caused by #COVID-19 have had no — zero – correlation with #government policies of increasing restrictiveness such as #lockdowns.
Our world is not environmentally #sustainable: The #EcologicalFootprint, which equals EF per person multiplied by #population, of the current (2016) world population of 7.5 billion uses the biological capacity of 1.7 Earths.
The maximum #sustainable#population at our current EF per person is only 4.4 billion. The maximum that would give everyone the current #QualityOfLife in the US, as measured by the UN’s #HumanDevelopmentIndex, is only 2.6 billion.
Jul 16, 2020 • 7 tweets • 9 min read
The US is not environmentally #sustainable: The #EcologicalFootprint, which equals EF per person multiplied by #population, of the current (2016) US population of 323 million uses the biological capacity of 2.2 Americas.
The maximum #sustainable#population at our current EF per person is only 145 million. The maximum that would maintain our current #QualityOfLife, as measured by the UN’s #HumanDevelopmentIndex, is only 253 million.