Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #100DaysOfNocode

Most recents (24)

Apr 28th 2023
One big advantage of a cohort based course,
compared to self-paced learning,
is the community 🙋

In addition to your peers,
here are 12 experts that will join us too,
to support you during the No-Code MVP Bootcamp ⚡️

🆕 This time we also have an AI expert! Experts to support you duri...
The order of the experts presented below,
is when you’ll meet them during the program.

You can find the complete course schedule here,
starting on May 1st 🗓️…
💯 @HainingMax

The first expert you’ll meet is Max,
the founder of #100daysofnocode

With his challenge and community already 1000’s of people learned how to use No-Code 🚀

Max started this bootcamp in the fall of 2021
and you’ll meet him at the kickoff session
Read 17 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
Are you new to No Code or Indie Hacking?

The space is huge and it can be overwhelming but a strategy that I'd like to advise is specialisation.

Here's a thread on different specialisations within the No Code ecosystem 🧵
Platform specialisation

Some platforms such as Bubble or Webflow are emerging as dominant players within the field. As such, more and more people are looking for developers with those specific skill sets. Deep domain knowledge in a particular platform can be fruitful.
Industry specialisation

A platform is nothing without being used for real-world use case. Can you leverage your background in a particular industry(s) to use No Code for companies in that industry.

Example: No Code for LawTech, FinTech, ClimateTech etc
Read 11 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
From 0 to 700 followers in 1 month 🎉

Here are my 10 learnings on Twitter growth 🧵⬇️

#buildinpublic Image
1. Friendly copywriting ✏️

C2 vocabulary and academic sentences are great.

But not for Twitter 😅

My rules:
🔹 1 thought = 1 paragraph
🔹 simple vocabulary
🔹 sentences not longer than 1 line
🔹 grammar check with @Grammarly
2. Use CTA in threads ⛳️

Your thread can be brilliant. But...

... No Call To Action = no engagement.

Choose the best match for your next thread:

🔹 share
🔹 save
🔹 subscribe
🔹 comment
Read 13 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
How to kill your terrible ideas faster.

1. Build a landing page + start collecting signups
2. Hit your signup threshold + build the tiniest version of that product.

🧵 Here are 7 ideas about to get (in)validated over the @100daysnocode Build Weekend.

Who's your money on? Image
@100daysnocode 1/ There are hundreds of tools for Twitter now and more being developed every day.

But how do you know which tool is the best for you based on your needs and budget? @maxwellcdavis's idea is to build a solution for this...
@100daysnocode @maxwellcdavis 2/ Aaron's idea is to help event managers create guestlists with photo's, bio's, links etc, so attendees can better connect before, during, and after an event...
Read 9 tweets
May 14th 2022
This is amazing!

Here are some of my chrome extensions and how they work…
Crypto Scam Detector

A chrome extension to detect crypto scams…

Backend: The chrome extension cross-references the current tab with what's in the database. If true it displays X, if false it displays Y

A chrome extension for Twitter to get reliable information on Investors

Backend: The extension cross references the current website with the database and displays the corresponding information e.g fund name, industries etc
Read 6 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
Build in Public 101. Everything you need to know:

🏁 14 Players
🔮 2 Predictions
☁️ 4 Opportunities
🏔️ 3 Risks
🔑 3 Key Lessons
🔥 2 Hot takes

Let's dive in👇
💎 Why It Matters

Building in public helps you:

• Validate ideas
• Stay top-of-mind
• Get fast feedback
• Build connections with stakeholders
🔍 Problem

You need to break through noise to share your story.
Read 28 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
Finding your purpose is simple but not easy

With 7 career changes and getting laid off 3 times…

I felt like I failed at everything 😔

Last year it seemed

I STILL didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up

My wake up call came from a series of events

Getting laid off from a cool job on the innovation team at a bank was hard, but the last layoff stung the most.

I shattered my target

They still let me go

Despite what grandma says.

There’s no security in being employed

My dad passed away last year.

He had been counting down the days to retirement since his 30s.

He passed away with a year to go.

I questioned:

What am I doing?

What is the point of anything?

Read 13 tweets
Feb 25th 2022
Here's my 30 minute video on The Power of Asking Questions

I'd like to thank @Kamphey for the nudge. It wasn't as scary as I thought and @loom was incredibly easy to use.

No time for a video? Summary 👇…
Asking questions is a theme throughout my life starting when I got in trouble all the time as a kid for asking too many questions
I had an upbringing where things were very binary
Read 15 tweets
Feb 17th 2022
Taking a step into the unknown is scary.

I’m currently navigating a life shift and am:

1. Moving to a new country.

2. Exploring alternatives to a secure 9-5 job.

The Pathless Path by @p_millerd, has been an incredible source of inspiration. Here are my key takeaways 🧵👇
1. Question the default path.

It easy to default to following society’s definition of success (e.g. get a “prestigious” job).

The problem is when we blindly accept this as our own definition, we can end up chasing goals that aren’t fulfilling and disconnected from ourselves.
2. Get clear on your values

Figure out what is most important to you so that you can make decisions and shape your future in a way that gives you meaning and fulfilment.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
Day 39/39 #100DaysOfNoCode

Shipped my first digital product!

Great learning experience.


Biggest challenge:

I got stuck on trying to figure out how to get the properties to display on the page without the table. @HainingMax helped.

Create table then open a page from a cell. Anything in the table displays as a property Image
Databases are what makes @NotionHQ special. You can:

• see a calendar right on the page
• see how items connect in a calendar
• store files
• create tags for filtering

This is just the beginning

Read 8 tweets
Jan 16th 2022
UX research using @airtable for Day 16 of #100DaysOfNoCode

Wanted to look into how Airtable could help me synthesize and present research!

Findings below 👇
In the past, I've used Rainbow Spreadsheets + Notion for usability testing:…

Although both tools were useful, I felt that this system could be more efficient
So I considered using Airtable as a single source of truth, and found these:……

The second link includes data viz, not just insights
Read 4 tweets
Jan 16th 2022
Finally catching up on all the week 2 #100DaysOfNoCode challenges I missed!
Day 9: build a voice app with Voiceflow

I tried this one out, but didn't invest time to actually building it.

I couldn't see any relevant use cases for me since I never use voice apps (I'm hard of hearing so prefer not to)
Day 10: build a wiki with Notion

Skipped this one since I'm very familiar with Notion and I use it for a lot of complex projects.

Ooh maybe I should make a Notion page for all my no-code projects...
Read 8 tweets
Jan 3rd 2022
Changing design to change behaviour: a🧵for no-coders
As part of #100DaysOfNoCode, I made a journal on @airtable.

What I thought was just a spreadsheet transformed into something more: a place to record all my learnings.
But who wants to keep a journal on a spreadsheet?

Sure, it has all the necessary content, but:

👉 it's hard to look at
👉 it's overwhelming
👉 it's hard to read when there's too much text
Read 6 tweets
Nov 24th 2021
Be part of a community and grow faster!

Learning together with other like-minded no-coders will help you grow faster. But where to start?

These 11 communities might be interesting for you! Thread below 👇

Build anything without writing code. The #1 ranked platform for no-code education and community. Become a founder without being technical!

The #1 community for non-technical founders, makers, and entrepreneurs. Join 10,000+ founders building businesses with #NoCode
Read 12 tweets
Jun 26th 2021
Excited to share that I've officially completed the #100DaysOfNoCode challenge 🥳 🎉

Over time I've built lots of cool things and also earned 💸

Here is a short story of what all happened!

// Thread 🧵
Thanks to @HainingMax Who supported my idea of posting one nocode tool per day for straight 100 days.

I have explored tons of tools during this time and learned a lot about how to build MVP faster with nocode tools.
I started to record all the tools in the Notion Database and once I had hit 90+ tools I started a free giveaway to this database by putting it on @gumroad

Here is the complete story
Read 14 tweets
May 26th 2021
How I made $100+ on @gumroad in less than 48 hours of launching my FREE content

All my learning's complied because I'm confident you'll earn the same way! 💪🏻

A complete teardown 🧵

⭐️ How I got this idea from?

I was following @aaditsh for a long time and his journey was inspiring to me.

His swipe file triggered me to think of launching something. I wasn't sure about what, but I was determined to launch my content soon 💪🏻
⭐️ Thinking of what to do?

It's always better to do something in your expertise, so I thought to curate a list of nocode tools that would help people build things faster.

+ I also wanted to bring awareness to be people around me about nocode tools and how they are helpful.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 28th 2021
How I created a Mini Bank App using low-code in less than a week 🏦 💰

// THREAD 🧵 👇🏻

#nocode #lowcode #100DaysOfNoCode #BuildingInPublic
✨ Overview

Built a Web application that mimics the behavior of the bank like show balance, transaction history, FAQs, Block cards. It's a mini Bank 🏦

Stack Used

@airtable as Backend
@UiBakery for Frontend
@MailerLite for Email Integration
@zapier for workflow
✨ Frontend


Used UiBakery components via drag and drop visual builder, modified some styling according to our theme, and hooked REST API via built-in Data Connection.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
How I build a complete WebApp using lowcode in less than 2 weeks.

An Interesting thread 🧵 ⬇️

#nocode #lowcode #100DaysOfNoCode #BuildingInPublic Image

Built a Web application that allows you to Login via OTP and access the portal having a different demo, case studies, video.

Stack Used

@airtable as Backend

@UiBakery for Frontend

@zapier for workflow automation
Read 8 tweets
Feb 28th 2021
10 big startups that use no-code tools.
A thread 🧵

#nocode #startup #makers #100daysofnocode #buildinpublic #sidehustle #sideproject #bubbleio #webflow
1. @incomeeapp
Simple accounting tool made for freelancers
Tool: @bubble
2. @we_remoto
Spanish remote Job Board
Tool: Sheet2Site
Read 12 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
1. Open AI ( @OpenAI )
GPT-3 and artificial general intelligence.
2. CoinGecko ( @coingecko )
Cryptocurrency metrics.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 30th 2021
1/ 🏆 Trends #0049 — Internet Challenges

A thread with:

🏁 19 players
🔮 2 predictions
☁️ 4 opportunities
🔑 2 key lessons
😠 3 haters
2/ 🔍 Problem

You need to build a strong brand and community.
3/ 💡 Solution

Internet challenges are time-bound games with clear rules and incremental steps.

Challenges build new habits, identities and communities.

Turning non-coders into no-coders, coach potatoes into runners and consumers into creators. Through action.
Read 23 tweets
Jan 20th 2021
Day 8 #100DaysOfNoCode

I've created the product description page aka "landing page" for makerprofile in @softr_io and connected it to sections. When you click on the tiles with upvotes on you'll get to the details page.

My thoughts 👇🏼

It was very quick and easy to build makerprofile with @softr_io, it's really straight forward ❤️ UI is not exactly customizable to look like in my early wireframes but it still looks quite good I think.
I have connected the email sign up input, too. Upvoting works like a charm.
I think I could manually add slugs for anyone who wants a profile. As far as I see, I'd have to set the site up manually vor each profile, unless I pay for user accounts and let people create their own. But then I don't know how creation of slugs work.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 18th 2021

I just completed the #100DaysOfNoCode challenge and wanted to share a few thoughts about it.

It might be of help for your own #nocode journey🚀, or maybe you feel like you didn't ask for it and you decide to unfollow me 😅

Anyway, a letter to my self in day 0 🧵

💡Got an idea you wanna work on later? Take notes before you forget it or something/someone distracts you

🗺️ Want to go from A to B? Identify and document the single units that compound the result you're looking for (aka a plan)
Don't overestimate your ability to remember and to escape from mental models and biases. By writing things down yo get clarity about:

✅The things you're interested in
✅The amount of effort needed
✅What went well or not

If you care about improving it, then document it🤓
Read 9 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
1/ 💬 Trends #0045 — Paid Communities

A thread:

• 🏁 24 Players

• 🔮 3 Predictions

• ☁️ 7 Opportunities

• 🔑 4 Key Lessons

• 😠 5 Haters
2/ 🔍 Problem

Free communities tend to be noisy without a barrier to entry.
3/ 💡 Solution

Paid communities use strategic friction to build high-signal environments.
Read 27 tweets

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