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May 10th 2022
@RoyalFamily @KensingtonRoyal @ClarenceHouse @HouseofCommons @UKHouseofLords

♦ "Of her body" or no royal title passes.
♦ Monarchy depends on legitimacy.
denies children born "using a surrogate" the right to succeed to titles.
Where Is Archie?
♦ Summer Holiday... none
♦ Halloween... at home
♦ Thanksgiving... at home
♦ Christmas... at home
♦ Ski Trips... none
♦ US Baby Dr visit?
♦ This is Brynn Gingras' son Gavin
#WhereIsArchie #WhereIsLilibet
Master Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor
♦ No "christening", fake or photoshopped pics on #Archie royals page.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 24th 2021
humble little tribute to #MeghanMarkle
#TheBench #weloveyoumeghan
#Archie #Lilibet
#TheBench #weloveyoumeghan
#Archie #Lilibet part1
Read 32 tweets
May 9th 2021
MM & H lie to an unimaginable degree. Image
Meghan was overwhelmingly welcomed by the RF & Commonwealth

I would like to say I have compassion for Meghan's naïveté

I see in Meghan the loose character Princess Ann opposed prior to the wedding. Colour has nothing to do with my assessment. Lies do.
#OprahHarryMeghan So many lies.
Security for the RF is assessed & provided by London's Metropolitan Police & Scotland Yard.

Meghan, a long-time Royals groupie.

Securing Royals' passports didn't stop Meghan's travel. Image
Read 39 tweets
Mar 8th 2021
El momento ha llegado: la entrevista entre los Duques de Sussex y @Oprah Winfrey ha llegado.

¿De qué están hablando? Te contamos, en tiempo real, las declaraciones más inauditas de esta histórica reunión 🗒️

En la entrevista #OprahMeghanHarry, @Oprah le dice a Megan: "Recuerdo estar sentada en la capilla ... y recuerdo tanto el sentido de la magia que nunca había experimentado algo así. Cuando bajaste a la isla fue como si estuvieras flotando".
#Meghan asegura que la pareja sabía que el momento de su boda "no era suyo", si no para todos los demás.

Dice que "ingenuamente" nunca pensó en cómo sería casarse con un príncipe. No entender completamente cuál era el trabajo. “¿Qué significa ser miembro de la realeza?
Read 68 tweets
Mar 7th 2020
Delighted to attend the #DuchessofSussex #MeghanMarkle ‘s final engagement Friday in Dagenham at the Robert Clack Upper School on Friday March 6th ahead of International Women’s Day (IWD) tomorrow Here the Duchess meets with students learning about female poets #HarryandMeghan
And a lighter moment from Head boy in Dagenham telling Meghan “She really is beautiful, innit”
Meghan told students “ “No matter how small you might feel, how low you may feel on the ladder or the totem pole, no matter what color you are, no matter what gender you are—you have a voice, and you certainly have the right to speak up for what is right."
Read 5 tweets
Jan 22nd 2020
(1/4) #PrinceHarry e #MeghanMarkle ha translocat se a #Canada in un grand dom sur li Insul #Vancouver, u li tempe es ideal, mem in li hiverne. Ili hat fat un surprisant anuncie que ili vell partialmen renunciar su titules e deves quam reyal cuple, pos

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/4) quel li Reyessa #ElizabethII clarificat que on es u reyal, u ne, e que ili devet renunciar tot por esser líber de lor deves. Malgré to ili stat firm e translocat se. Ínfelicimen quelc #paparazzi ha sequet les mem til Canada, inter queles quelcs hat petit li capitan de un Image
(3/4) taxi aquatic aportar les al insul u vive li reyal cuple, ma il refusat, diente plu tard al presse que il "ne volet esser memorat quam li mann que aportat li paparazzi a lor dom". Li Palace #Buckingham clarificat que ili desde nu ne posse utilisar li titul "Reyal Altesse", Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
Day 3 of #RoyalVisitAfrica in Cape Town
- Meghan & Harry will visit Archbishop & Mrs Tutu at their foundation ⛪️
- Harry then departs for Botswana🐘
- Meghan visits @WIP_CT to meet female entrepreneurs 👩🏻‍🏫
- Meghan visits @m2mtweets to meet HIV ‘mentor mothers’. With Archie??👶🏼
Meghan & Harry take baby 👶🏼 Archie to meet Archbishop Tutu!
Archie looking very smart in blue dungarees & white romper with cute white socks. You can even him chat to his mummy as she tickles his hand on the SussexRoyal instagram feed.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 23rd 2019
Harry, Meghan & baby Archie are due to touch down in Cape Town to begin their Southern Africa tour in a couple of hours! There’s no official welcome at the airport, so we’ll see them first at a township around 1.30pm local time. 🇿🇦#sussexroyaltour
Day 1 will see #Harry & #Meghan visit a Cape Town township for a workshop that teaches kids about their safety, particularly self-defence & empowerment to girls. Then they’ll visit District Six, where 60,000 were forcibly removed in Apartheid, museum, centre & community cooking.
Harry, Meghan & baby Archie have just arrived in Cape Town, around 10.45am local time! Their BA flight ✈️ from LHR was delayed. Let the #sussexroyal 🇿🇦🇦🇴🇲🇼🇧🇼tour begin!
Read 19 tweets

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