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Apr 28th 2023
1/ Recent bank runs like Silicon Valley Bank and @CreditSuisse along with the risk of bank run from @firstrepublic have investors searching for safe havens. With the upcoming crypto rally, now's the time to not just safeguard, but also maximize gains.

A Thread 🧵👇👇👇
@CreditSuisse @firstrepublic 2/ As authorities rush to provide help to collapsed banks, @Bitcoin 's value is seeing a massive rally. Bloomberganalyst @mikemcglone11 predicts that the banking crisis is a catalyst for the next crypto bull run, in which Bitcoin is likely to outperform all other cryptocurrencies
@CreditSuisse @firstrepublic @Bitcoin @mikemcglone11 3/ @StanChart also predicts Bitcoin may hit $100,000 by year-end, citing factors like its status as a branded safe haven and store of value. As more investors turn to cryptocurrencies, we expect the rally to continue.

Read 9 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Encontrei a informação de que vários bancos poderiam falir, do Wall Street Journal, porém eles apagaram o site, mas ferramentas que tiram snapshot das páginas confirmar, a matéria que foi apagada do Jornal.

Já sabia disso antes, quase fui bancário 😆

#BankRuns #BankingCrisis
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''Em um novo estudo, os economistas disseram ter encontrado 186 bancos que podem ser propensos a riscos semelhantes''
Correção não foi apagado:…
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Mar 17th 2023
In their own words…

‘As of December 2022, all G7 economies have now moved into the development stage of a #CBDC.’ 🤡

#ProjectCedar #WEF
#BankCollapse #EO14067
#Biden #SVB

Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker - Atlantic Council…
Read 11 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
1/4: The Federal Reserve just announced a new lending program to prevent banks from running out of cash and causing problems for the economy.

2/4: The program is like what central banks have done for many years: lending money to banks so that customers can always access their accounts.
3/4: This new program will let banks borrow money from the Fed instead of having to sell off assets like Treasuries to pay their customers.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
Banks are "running out of cash", starting with SVB.

Right after the pilot program for CBDC.

And there are still some people who think they're not gonna switch over to their cashless surveillance crypto.

It's time for those people to wake up and smell the fascism.

RIGHT now.
Buncha dumb MFs are saying you should blame Trump for everything here, but the #BankCrash and #BankRuns were inevitable, because they need sufficient market shocks to switch to the new system.

Biden wants CBDC too, as do leaders in all WEF-aligned governments. It's the plan.
#SVBCollapse, partly triggered by Peter Thiel - steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, and VC manager for the military and intelligence industrial complex - was obviously useful to their fascist cashless surveillance state.

"Don't want a Great Depression? Get Fedcoin!"
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