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Apr 27th 2022
Megan Fox says she and fiancé Machine Gun Kelly drink each other’s blood for ‘ritual purposes’… <--- Clear ref to blood drinking. Note that they're wearing black and there's pink sign behind. Related:… #occultelite #symbolism
Rihanna and ASAP Rocky reportedly host ‘rave-themed’ baby shower… <--- Story is about a dark-skinned couple and baby. Red, pink, purple featured in photo chosen. Fits in with symbolic pattern.
Elite confectionery products… <--- Recall of range of products including chocolate due to salmonella fears. So many of these lately. Yet they don't withdraw one thing causing most damage by far: 💉Why this looks like message for the elite.
Read 94 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
Fairy Liquid has undergone the biggest revolution in its 62-year history with the classic bottle turned upside down for the first time.

Yes, we're really reporting on this - because let's be honest, this brand is ✨ iconic ✨

@Nmozz reports ✍️

The new container sees the liquid dispensed from the bottom, meaning we will no longer have to carefully balance the bottle on its narrow red lid to get the last dregs out 👏
To mark the occasion, Fairy has unveiled a gallery of images showing how the design has evolved since the first bottle in 1960.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
Ah, the story of the Mary Rose, where do we begin?

No, really, where do we begin?

Does the story begin in 1509, when a young ambitious prince becomes king, and decides that one of his first acts will be to increase the number of ships in his late father's 'Army by Sea'?
#OnceUponAtimeMW Henry VIII as a young, curly haired beardless 18 year old, n
Does it begin in 1511, when one of those ships, The Mary Rose, sets sail from Portsmouth to get fitted out with guns in London?

Read 17 tweets
May 10th 2020
1/ I’d like to tell you an #WW2 story close to my family’s heart. That of an incredible bear that was adopted by Polish soldiers in the Middle East and accompanied them during the war through Italy.
His name was Wojtek.


2/Animals played an important role in #WW2. Some were involved actively in the war effort (mules, pigeons) others were pets of soldiers (dogs, monkeys, birds) who boosted morale and often became mascots. #Wojtek was both. But unusually – he was a bear.…
3/ 18 y/o Pole Irena Bokiewicz 1st came across this adorable bear cub in Hamadan,#Iran and bought him off some boys for some chocolate. In Aug 1942 he was introduced to the unit that became the 22nd Artillery Supply Company. Sgt Piotr Prendyś was appointed his principal guardian ImageImage
Read 26 tweets
Dec 31st 2017
I’ve had such a fun year telling science stories with wonderful people around the world 😊 so wanted to say thanks with a thread of some 2017 highlights! 🙏

Kicking off with @BBCEarth & @aluciaprod who I had the real privilege of working with on #blueplanet2 🌍 #ourblueplanet Image
@BBCEarth @aluciaprod Next up is the @cbbc #BluePeter team - they are just fantastic & it’s always a laugh + mega exciting to do science items on such an amazing show

(This year incl giant foamy 🌈 fountains + the epic zipline dangling from just the friction between two interleaved books!) ImageImage
Thanks to the @BBC_Teach team for the two really great #bbcterrificscientific #bbclivelessons. Live is always very fun, especially when it involves super speedy 🏎 or a misbehaving 🐪 & 🐍!! ImageImage
Read 16 tweets

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