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Apr 14th 2023


SEBI HAS EXPOSED MORE DARKER SIDE OF BCG - Misleading disclosures, profits, shareholding patterns, CG issues

Thread 🧵

#brightcom #brightcomgroup #bcg #sebi #redflag
Preface SEBI order covers
1. Misleading Promoter SHP
2. Undisclosed & Non - audited subsidiaries FS
3. DAUM Settlement
4. Misleading Disclosures
5. Statutory Auditor & Indep Director - inelligible
6. Accounting irregularities

This order is one of the best, give it a read
1. Misleading Promoter Shareholding - comparing promoter shareholding disclosed to the exchanges & available with RTA, Sebi found promoters inflated shareholding by 10% to 29% since 2016🧐😯 (see table below), we wrote this about in our previous thread Image
Read 30 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
Unvieling Corporate Mismanagements: #brightcom

A thread:
Imagine a listed company reporting growth in revenue and profits QOQ at more than 30-40% consistent every year!! Should realisticly be a mutlibagger stock for investors?

Well not really - Introducing #brightcom
The Company reported a consolidated PAT of Rs 483 crores in FYE 21, PAT of Rs 912 crores in FYE 22 and PAT of Rs 1141 crores for 9 months of FYE 23!!

Read 31 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
“Good corporate governance is about 'intellectual honesty, not just sticking to rules & regulations, capital flowed towards co that practice good governance'

Mega thread 🧵 of Corporate Governance issues, frauds exposed by us

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Before moving ahead if you want to know who is behind Beat The Street and What exactly Beat The Street does?

Here is thread

All thanks to the team behind the stage @SudzzBTS @nimishshp
If you want to read Beat The Street Corporate Governance Coverage in documentary format you can read here…
Read 20 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
A thread 🧵 on :

Brightcom Group : The Dark Side

Talks about corporate governance issues and business

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SEBI ordered Forensic Audit in Sept-21 which was not disclosed. This is the same time when company was completing preferential issue.

Even if they received reply from SEBI on 25th Feb, why it was not disclosed earlier and disclosed only after stock exch discl ImageImage
SEBI Forensic Audit covers
Impairment of Assets
Manipulation of Books of Accounts
Fund Diversion / Siphoning
Misrepresentation of information

While clarification focused only on Impairment of Assets
Also , SEBI letter not copied to NSE & BSE
Read 38 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
A Picture can speak a thousand words if you are willing to observe.
Keeping it Simple.
Imagining the Possible.
Applying Patience Image
With METAVERSE a completely new Segment for AdTech is emerging and this will create a parallel virtual market.
I had made a note a month ago which is still valid and I am sharing below.
Globally Ad-Tech business is expected to grow at above 30% CAGR for next 5 years. The overall PE itself is growing
Read 28 tweets
Mar 5th 2021
#brightcom (high risk high return)
CMP: 10.45

Target: 10-25-50% / 2x / 4x / higher
SL: 7
Timeframe: 2-5 yrs

Best Buy range: 7-9

Allocate 1-2% of #Portfolio

Analysis in Comments

Please do your due diligence

#brightcomgroup #StockMarket #NSE #BSE #StocksToWatch #bcg

👉Recently became debt free (biggest positive)
👉PE 1.18
👉BV 55
👉Fortune 500 #India Company
👉FII up stake in last qtr
👉Paid Div after 4 yrs
👉400+cr in last 4 yrs
👉Bigger than #Affle
👉22 Office Location

Business Segments:
👉New age Technologies
Read 9 tweets
Nov 20th 2020
Well, doing Video is a lot time consuming, and I wish to add two shares in the #MultiBaggers 👇🏿 as I believe 3-5x over next couple of years in these, if not before ...

1. Yes Bank Ltd.
2. J&K Bank Ltd.

Disclaimer: I am or have been invested in all the shares recommended ⬇️⬆️ Image
Going further than above, ☝️ Bought #VishalFabrics today at the LC @ ₹101.70. Company is back into profit in Q-II 2020 ... 52W High is ₹372 and 3Y High is ₹703 .... And Coy announced 1:2 Bonus on 4/12/2020 with record date of 16/12/2020 😇 #HopeIAmRight 😊 Image
Bought #JumpNetwork today on #LC #LowerCircuit @ ₹16.80 ... Coy showed profits for last two quarters after significant losses last year. Can hope a #Turnaround here ... #HopeIAmRight 😇 (Disclaimer: #InvestAsMuchYouCanAffordToLose in any stock) 😊 Image
Read 33 tweets

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