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Jun 8th 2020
At 10:00PM local time, this C-130H of #USAF's 386th Air Expeditionary Wing (from Ali Al-Salim AB in #Kuwait) overran runway of of #CampTaji Air Base in #Iraq and struck a wall resulting injuries in four crew members, also structural damage to the airplane & small fire.
#IRGC backed Hashd Al-Shaabi (#PMU) is falsely claiming that they have targeted this airplane. But the pictures which they have released are showing C-17A not C-130H! They are clearly lying. ImageImage
This is official statement of Public Affairs Office of CJTF-OIR about the incident: Image
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Mar 17th 2020
#BREAKING: #IRGC backed #KataibHezbollah and Al-#Najba movement just carried-out two rocket attacks at #US targets minutes ago. 1st target is #USEmbassy in #Baghdad's #GreenZone & 2nd is the #USArmy encampment area in #CampTaji, North of #Baghdad. No casualty is reported yet! ImageImageImage
Rockets launched by the #IRGC proxies at #USEmbassy in #Baghdad's #GreenZone hit a civilian building in Jadriyah neighborhood 👇👇👇 ImageImageImageImage
According to the spokesman of the Operation #InherentResolve, No unguided rockets hit the #USArmy encampment area in #CampTaji in North of #Baghdad and all reports earlier published in #Iraqi media are false:
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Mar 14th 2020
#BREAKING: #CampTaji is under #IRGC's attack. The #USAF airstrikes at #PMU's weapon storage facilities degraded its combat capability. To save its face & increase morale of its terrorists, they just carried-out another rocket attack at #CampTaji in North of #Baghdad minutes ago!
This video is recorded exactly when the rockets hit the #CampTaji again minutes ago.
#BREAKING: As the result of #KataibHezbollah's rocket attack at the #CampTaji, two officers of #Iraqi Air Force are seriously wounded.
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