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Jan 9th 2022
#CarMarketSwitzerland 2021:

Compared to pre-pandemic year 2019, entire market down by -14%. Only a few manufacturers could increase sales, #Tesla's the strongest with +37%. Ø hit of the players in the red was a whopping -29%, #Ssangyong the biggest victim with -95%.

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#CarMarketSwitzerland 2021:

Comparison of Q4 shows that market decelerated towards end of year: Q4/21 down -31% compared to Q4/19. Ø hit the manufacturers in the red had to suffer was -39%, e.g.
- Audi/BMW -30%
- Ford -50%
- Mazda/Subaru -63%
- Mercedes -35%
- VW -38%

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#CarMarketSwitzerland 2021:

In the 'battle' of the propulsion types, we could see 3 historic events in 2021:
- after May, #BEV's startet to leave #PHEV's behind for good
- in August, BEVs overtook the Diesels
- in December, BEVs overtook the plugless hybrids (#HEV)

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Read 15 tweets
Jan 3rd 2021

#CarMarketSwitzerland 2020:
After the great news that #Tesla achieved 500k global deliveries, I dug a bit into the 2020 car market data of🇨🇭and could discover really amazing facts.

- BEV market share Dec 20: 16%
- Tesla with huge push in Q4 & Dec


#CarMarketSwitzerland 2020:
Compared to Q4/2019, the market is down by 14.6% in Q4/2020, with declines of up to 64% (Lexus). #Tesla increased its sales by nearly 30%.

#CarMarketSwitzerland 2020:
Compared to 2019, the entire #COVID19 year is down by 24%, with declines of up to 55% (Opel). With 6’042 deliveries, #Tesla could keep the 2019 level.
Read 15 tweets

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