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Apr 8th 2021
Edith Wiggins came to the Town Council circuitously in 1996 after being appointed by the Council to complete the term of the late Barbara Powell. She then was elected in 1997 and reelected in 2001 for a second term. In 2003, she became Mayor Pro Tempore. (1/3)
Previously, Wiggins served on the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education for two terms, from 1979 to 1987. Retired from a university career in student affairs administration, Wiggins served as an advocate for affordable housing, pay equity, and public transportation. (2/3)
#CHTC last night paused for a moment of silence at the beginning of its meeting to recognize her life and the contributions to #ChapelHill, #CHCCS, #UNC, and beyond. (3/3)
Read 3 tweets
Aug 11th 2020
A black sociologist walks into a HOA meeting about BLM signs and what are being called “signs not in support of BLM”.
Them: we only allow political signs

Me: “black lives matter is my political party”
They talcumbout the thin blue line flag is “decorative”.

A. Bish. Got. Time. Today.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
Dear friends and #Resisters. As you might know, I am a #COVID19 survivor. It took 91 days the first round, and 27 the second to get on my feet. Many of my tweets in the next few days will be about the impact on my town (1/x) #NorthCarolina
Due to the poor planning of @unc to account for the fact that having students return to a community in which cases were already rising, @KevinGuskiewicz and other #UNC personnel are endangering the lives of those living here #ChapelHill #Hillsborough #carrboro (2/n)
This is also endangering the lives of our lowest paid workers at the university. @unc4cola , @workersunionunc , including graduate students, black and brown staff members and of course, the housekeepers. (3/n) Listen to staff and students and community
Read 11 tweets
Jan 13th 2019
Good morning! ☕ A nugget from the upcoming @DCHCMPO Board meeting: Growth in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is outpacing population growth in the Triangle and throughout North Carolina.…
@DCHCMPO As more people move here, they encounter land use patterns, transportation infrastructure, and policy making that encourage driving as the primary or only travel mode. So what do they do? They drive.
At the state level, resources through @NCDOT to make lasting, substantial changes in nonhighway infrastructure are paltry compared to those for road widening, intersection and interchange "improvements," and other projects that reinforce driving as the best and only travel mode.
Read 20 tweets

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