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Aug 3rd 2022
🧵 "A #biologist's perspective of #process and #pattern in #innovation"
by SFI External Professor @HochTwit

Starting in just a few minutes on our YouTube channel.

Follow this thread for select slides and quotations...… Image
"I'm not going to pretend there's a unified theory of #innovation, and I'm going to explain why."

We begin with a tale of #Minitel: the original, now-extinct French "Web"...and then back further to #ARPANet...and then to theoretical precursors.

@HochTwit ImageImageImage
"There is no first-principles definition for #innovation."

"How could a company start with selling books online when people want to see a book in person and look through it? Nonetheless, @amazon survived..."

Before Amazon, on TelNet, later bought by B&N ImageImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Jun 1st 2021
In our latest @BlackRock Market Insights commentary we argue that #inflation’s role in the #economic order can be misinterpreted, and therefore that #policy seeking to achieve positive ends can ironically become the means by which those ends are undone:
Today, policymakers face a set of increasingly critical choices that could end up shaping our quality of life for a generation. Changes to the #Fed’s #inflation framework, without being fully debated, may ironically end up exacerbating the very problems they seek to alleviate.
One might paraphrase the #Fed mandate of full employment and stable prices as being intended “to preserve the purchasing power of as many as possible” – or, to create the best quality of life for the community. So, how do varying levels of #inflation impact that mandate?
Read 10 tweets

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