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Sep 1st 2022
The case for #MVHR…we retrofitted our home to the #passivhaus #EnerPhit standard, family and friends thought the MVHR was intriguing but couldn’t really understand the point “can’t you just open windows Sarah?” Here is why our MVHR is amazing for health & wellbeing in 3 graphs…
#MVHR installed 3rd June 2021 - where the grey line is. Before the 3rd of June we were diligently opening windows and putting up with draughts, carefully tracking levels on our monitoring system but still could avoid high daily averages well over 1000ppm Image
And the relative humidity 😳 relative humidity was up around 75% regularly & this is just in the living room, even worse data was recorded in the bedrooms over night. Last winter humidity actually got a bit low in the living room so we had to invest in some extra house plants 🪴 Image
Read 5 tweets
Sep 13th 2021
This is not to say all we need to do is electrify transport and build renewables, we should also be looking to radically reduce car ownership and miles driven, and to radically increase miles by 🚲 🛴 🚶‍♂️🚃 🚊 and 🚌.
Nails arriving tomorrow so time for a bit of cleaning before putting the floorboards down. Not much use in having the low-dust house (airtight and filtered fresh air through the MVHR) if there’s a load of dust right under the floorboards! #Passivhaus #EnerPHit ImageImage
Making some more holes so I can measure exact distance between studs so @Drew_Carr_ can finalise the downstairs window sizes.

What on earth is building paper anyway? Just waxy paper? Does anyone still use it? Image
Read 691 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
I'm in the middle (well, actually still close to the beginning! 🤣😬) of an #EnerPHit #Retrofit of a 1970s timber frame 🏠 in the W Highlands of 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. I've decided to tweet this as one long (hopefully ~1yr from now) thread. Buckle up for the ride! #TimberFrameRetrofit #Passivhaus Image
And some folk who've expressed an interest in previous threads (feel free to stop notifications on this if you're not interested):
Read 54 tweets
Nov 24th 2019
It’s a bit overdue, but I did promise to write a report on my trip to China, to attend #IPHC23. (23rd International Passive House Conference.) Here it is.... as long, and probably rambling,🧵.
I’ll break my #iphc23 report into chapters: 1. Plenary & Policy Overview, 2. Conference presentations, 3. Expo, followed by 4. An editorial. (And perhaps some highlights of the short vacation I took afterwards to #Xinjiang, if I have time.)
1. Plenary & Policy: it was clear from the first moment I landed in Beijing that this event would not be a typical #Passivhaus conference. The Chinese Gov rolled out the red carpet, not just for practitioners, but as an all out International trade event. #IPHC23
Read 40 tweets

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