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Most recents (2)

Jun 22nd 2019
10. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world?

#Hypocrites #DoubleStandards #Liars #Warlords #USRealTerrorists
Wrong US policies in the Middle East. Sanctions against Iran. Sanctions used by the USA as a war weapon🤨👇🏼
1. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world? 🤨👇🏼…
Read 107 tweets
Jun 22nd 2019
Tucker Carlson destroying John Bolton and the Neo-Cons for trying to get us into a War with Iran.

Tucker Carlson:

“War may be a disaster for America, but for John Bolton and his fellow neocons, it’s always good business."

Time to #FireBolton. We need people in the White House who believe in America First!
Tucker Carlson showing his viewers that John Bolton has been planning a War with Iran for years. #FireBolton
Read 3 tweets

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