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May 19th 2022
एक चिट्ठी अंजना,चित्रा और रुबिका के बच्चों के लिए

प्यारे बच्चों कैसे हो..!! आप जब यह चिट्ठी पढ़ रहे होंगे तो आप बहुत अच्छे मुड़ में होंगे क्योकि मुझे पता है कि आप सब समर वेकेशन इंजॉय कर रहे होंगे ..आप मे से कुछ तो अपने नाना-नानी या मामा-मामी के यहाँ होंगे @anjanaomkashyap @chit
उनके साथ खूब मस्तिया भी कर रहे होंगे मैं आप लोगो का मूड खराब नही करना चाहता हूँ पर यह कहते हुए बड़ा दुःख हो रहा है कि आप जैसे बहुत से बच्चे यह सब नही कर पा रहे है उसका कारण तो आप जरूर जानना चाहोगे न...!!! #summervacation
उसका कारण है महँगाई, बिजली की कमी और दिनों दिन बढ़ता कम्युनल टेंशन ..जिसके कारण बहुत से बच्चे के माता पिता वो सब नही कर पा रहे है जो आपकी मम्मी पापा आपके लिए कर पा रहे है मुझे पता है इसमें आपका कोई दोष नही है आखिरकार आप कर ही क्या सकते है आप तो छोटे से प्यारे बच्चे है @Rubika
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Feb 16th 2022
Thread 1/9
BATTLE OF THE FRINGE ! For long if there was one thing that remained undemocratic in India it was PRIVILEGE. A preserve of few who constituted a #FRINGE that made rules for the billion other. That Fringe seems rattled hence battling & battling hard
2/9 Political fringe is angry. Family pedigree no longer matters & rank upstarts are reaching highest. #Politics has become about boring policy & all that fun about election tourism, headgear & tribal dance seems so distant
3/9 Bureaucratic fringe is angry. Queens English, JNU & Das Kapital are no longer qualifiers for the rusted frame. Keats & Shelly are not appreciated & suddenly accountability is not about juggling accounts & lateral entrants threaten to sully the Sunday club
Read 10 tweets
Jun 14th 2021
Let me guide y'all through this @THeHindu trickery.

If picked on defamation (IPC 499) truth is a defence.

If picked on anti fos sections (IPC 153,505) truth is NOT a defence, in fact truth is THE aggravating factor, because "Truth can promote feelings of ill-will even more"
This is actually the most alarming factor in the whole #IdeaOfIndia free speech jurisprudence. "causing provocation to riot" must be an affirmative 'call to riot' not a riot in reaction to what someone said.
Next both in IPC 295 and IPC 505 what is alarming is that the idea of "Truth being an aggravating factor rather than absolute defence"

The offence is 'feelings of ill will' - lies cant do that. Only truth can. Hence true speech = punished.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 2nd 2021
hmm... Imagine that Left+Congress went to ZERO in WB and lost KL big and broke the anti-incumbency pattern. They arent crying. BJP guys groan they went from 0 to 77.

Today I think CON is just a vehicle for #IOI/#D. Maybe that vehicle can speak better through TMC/DMK/Shivasena
Cannot overstate this phenom! You can see the dramatic difference in attitude of Mitrons who are crushed at a poll loss. WB/KL scarcely made a dent even for a minute. They are in high spirits because the backend can talk and project power though others.
Another phenom I found hard to explain - many CON Losses are dramatic, that is inconsistent with the normal decay you will find in purely democratic process.

BJP slides, CON wipes out.

Eg in Delhi for 10 yrs not a single MLA from a 15 yr reign . all lost deposits < 4% voteshr
Read 8 tweets
May 25th 2021
just working backwards.. perhaps the reason why core didnt connect with delhi and rest of india -- is #ideaofindia in TN is maybe 5-10 years ahead of them. similar to how hostilities in frontline wont be felt in HQ.
you need that intellectual effort to extrapolate that and predict the pattern. Without that effort Delhi would consider people like me as miscreants trying to drag them into a fight which is purely local. That was my grand miss.
india would rather deal wholesale with the 'power that emerges' instead of getting deep at a higher cost (braincells) into local fights with some rule of law principles etc. this is how the brits ruled too.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020

Sitting at home during the #JantaCurfew, decided it would be a good time to revisit some of the arguments @samirsaran and I made in our book #PaxSinica. Many of our hypotheses are on full display during the #COVID19 crisis.
International Institutions:

China has steadily occupied leadership positions in international institutions, advancing its agenda and enforcing its domestic politics. We had cited examples from China's behaviour at the @UN, the @icao, the @WHO, @INTERPOL_HQ & @UNESCO.
The @WHO's behaviour amidst the #COVID19 outbreak strongly suggests continued deference to China's interests:…
Read 9 tweets

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