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Sep 25th 2021
1/24 🧵#CDNpoli

Expect this news will make most of you uncomfortable. Plz let me begin with a declaration that the #ClimateCrisis is real & requires immediate action

But you've also heard me address conflict of interest in #CDNmedia & this #thread has serious legal implications
2/24 🧵#CDNpoli #CDNmedia

It's outrageously serendipitous that #Huawei's Meng Wanzhou signed a plea deal today, the #2Michaels are coming home from China, & that Grimes is reporting marital troubles with Elon Musk

Could've never imagined those topics would intertwine like this
3/24 🧵#CDNpoli

When it comes to conflicts of interest in #CDNmedia my criticisms are not partisan

For #J_school legal reasons it has always been imperative for journos to decline reporting on people or matters that involve them & to ethically disclose when that isn't avoidable
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