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Feb 25th 2021
Impact of Social Identity on Perceptions of Interprofessional Collaboration and Teamwork
Daniel Herchline MD, MSEd, Rebecca Tenney-Soeiro, MD, MSEd, Jay J. Mehta, MD, MSEd
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) has been proposed as a means to strengthen health systems and improve health outcomes. Recently, calls have increased for grounding IPC interventions in theory in order to strengthen their impact. #MCGConf2021PIF
Social Identity Theory (SIT) has become a well-established framework for conceptualizing group dynamics over the past 4 decades, particularly in discussions surrounding intergroup relations and social conflict. #MCGConf2021PIF
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Feb 25th 2021
Hi! I’m Danielle Lorenz, a PhD candidate at @UAlbertaEd & Knowledge Mobilization Editor for @TheCJDS.

My presentation comes from my lived experience as a disabled & chronically ill woman. #MCGConf2021PIF
I’m tweeting from what is currently called Edmonton, located w/in Treaty 6 lands. I mention this b/c as an educator, I want ppl to think about the histories of the land they live on, and how non-Indigenous peoples benefit from settler colonial processes. #MCGConf2021PIF
#Disability in Eurowestern nations has long been constructed as an “individual deficit” [a] or a “problem that exists in a person’s body.” [b] This perception, carried by laypeople and medical professionals alike, situates disability as a deficiency [c] #MCGConf2021PIF [a] Shakespeare et al., 2009, p. 1815 [b] Goering, 2015, p.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
What is Professional Identity Formation (PIF)?

Think about it in terms of studying what shapes and influences the transformation of a person into a physician.

You can think about PIF as a gradual transformation of an individual, which shapes them into a physician.

Read 7 tweets
Feb 9th 2021
On February 25th @AUG_EII is hosting a #MedEd Twitter Conference on Professional Identity Formation.

Here are some basics about how to participate in #MCGConf2021PIF

Find more conference info here:…

#medtwitter #education #medicine
The first presentation, from 11:15am - 11:45 EST, is '“I’m on your side. I understand you.” Exploring the professional identity formation of physician assistants.' Full abstract here:…

@pharmacprof @SoniaCrandall @DrTashaWyatt
11:45am - 12:15pm #MCGConf2021PIF #MedEd

"Moment of Reflection: What Medical Education Can Learn From Student Responses to #COVID19"

Full Abstract here:…

@ToddABates_PhD #medicine #medtwitter #education
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