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We need to track down Kendall's court docs to find out what years this stuff actually happened since Kendall claims it was in the 90's. His prison photo from his conviction for molesting a 12 year old boy is from 2006 when he was 34 years old. #mepolitics Image
Kendall claims he was trans when he was arrested. He claims to had been a trans for over 20 years. There are only 6 photos of Kendall dressed as a woman which he repeatedly uses as proof of his past. None of this adds up.
Though Kendall is surely lying about formerly having A.I.D.S. before God cured him, he has repeatedly claimed to have intentionally infected minors on purpose while supposedly luring teenage boys by being trans. #mepolitics
Read 6 tweets
One good thing about Richard Ward coming out of the closet as a Nazi is that it's bringing other Mainer Nazis out of the woodwork on Twitter. Makes it easier to keep track of these assholes. Case in point. #mepolitics
This is another NSC 131 affiliated account that is interacting with Richard Ward.

Richard Ward was interacting with NSC 131 Twitter accounts immediately before they showed up in Portland.

Notice that Ward was absent that day.
#mepolitics Image
On March 31st Richard Ward was replying to an NSC 131 affiliated Twitter account.

On April 1st, multiple masked Nazis showed up in Portland.

Ward is obviously connected to NSC 131 showing up in Portland.

Read 49 tweets
Today a small pack of middle aged men will be descending upon Deering HS in Portland to spend the day screeching about a short elective talk initiated by the students in the gay/straight alliance. #mepolitics
The lineup will include Maine's top child grooming expert, Shawn McBreairty who is dilligently bombarding social media calling for others to join them in standing outside on the sidewalk to protest this student event. #mepolitics
Also jumping on the bandwagon, is Nick #partypantsgnome Blanchard. A perennial public nuisance and Jan 6th rioter known mostly for harassing women and elderly people. #mepolitics
Read 18 tweets
Heidi Sampson is a property-stealing, wealthy and totally out of touch, Q-brained, nearly literal Frankenstein monster connected to dark money grifters from away.
She's one of the most vile politicians Maine has produced in recent history.
Heidi Sampson, the same queen bee of the Maine GOP Karen Squad who suggested Janet Mills be executed for invoking anti Covid measures.
Heidi Sampson, the same ghoulish lummox who gambled her political capital on sharing a stage with a well known Holocaust denier in Belfast.
Read 4 tweets
Just woke up from my cat nap to see that convicted serial child fondler David Arthur Kendall is back on Twitter.

And @TheMaineWire's middle aged 4chan troll friend, Richard Coffron aka @unquirer) is excited to get involved with him. 😸 Image
In Kendall's numerous videos, he has also admitted to molesting more children than just the one that he was convicted for.

Let's thank @TheMaineWire and @unquirer for making this pedophile feel so comfortable. 😸😸😸


And let us not forget that David Arthur Kendall was originally brought to Maine by Mike Heath, creator of the "Fa****s are Maggots tour" and former director of the Maine Christian Civic League.
Read 88 tweets
1/3 This is Sam Bridges, the new vice chair of the #Maine #GOP and an 18-year-old #ChristianNationalist hoping to lure more young people to the party. Problem is, Sam is anti-gay marriage, anti-trans, and most recently, anti-drag show for adults. #mepolitics
2/3 Also, Sam says God encouraged him to run for GOP vice-chair as part of the far right coup d’etat that seized control of the @MaineGOP on Jan. 28. In E2 of the Disinfomaniacs podcast @aobrien2010 , @nathanTbernard and I...
speak to Sam, plus hear about the rest of the folks behind the GOP takeover. Listen via the Crash Program, wherever you get your podcasts.…
Read 3 tweets
On Wednesday, I supported and proposed many policy amendments to improve LD 3. #mepolitics (1/9)
1. A sales tax holiday, fuel vouchers, and Maine heating accounts were all submitted as ideas to extend relief to Maine people. (2/9)
2. A sunset was proposed on a grant of executive power over sulfur policy, to allow for proper legislative review. (3/9)
Read 9 tweets
Easy to loose the forest from the trees with this stuff, so here's a quick thread/timeline on the relationship between Susan Collins and Martin Kao, her biggest contributor to her 2020 campaign, who plead guilty of illegal donations to Collins yesterday. #mepolitics 1/X
1. Kao and his wife give the maximum legal contribution to Susan Collins campaign (early 2019)

2. Susan Collins helps Kao's company win an $8,000,000 contract with the Navy and joins him at a press event to celebrate (August 2019) #mepolitics 2/X
3. Kao writes to Susan Collins campaign and asks what more he can do to help (September 2019)

4. The campaign notes that he's given the maximum and so encourages him to get friends or family to contribute (September 16, 2019) #mepolitics 3/X
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1 of 3: Last night's gathering of Christo-Fascists at "Constitution Hall" in Ellsworth #Maine featured covid-denialist and witch-hunter Rev. Greg Locke baptizing Jan. 6 insurrectionist Nick Blanchard (aka Corn Pop aka Jerry Boloshield aka #PartyPantsGnome) #mepolitics Image
Locke also baptized event host Tiffany Moody (failson Eric Brakey's longtime paid staffer) and multiple other chuds. The baptismal font: 150 gallon galvanized cattle watering trough. Image
Next up at Constitution Hall (owned by wannabe state rep John Linnehan) is Saturday's "Army of the Awakened" event featuring "Doctor" Christiane Northrup, along with convicted J6er Brandon Straka and Maine state Rep. Billy-Bob Faulkingham. Image
Read 3 tweets
1/12 Leonard Leo is trying to run Federalist Society operations from Maine. The locals are trying to stop this from happening. #mepolitics

Here's why:…
2/12 Leonard Leo is trying to run Federalist Society operations from Maine. The locals are trying to stop this from happening.

Here's why:…
3/12 Leonard Leo is trying to run Federalist Society operations from Maine. The locals are trying to stop this from happening.

Here's why:…
Read 14 tweets
In anticipation of Susan Collins inevitable PR offensive to mitigate the reputational damage of Roe getting reversed after she set herself out as a reliable last line of defense for abortion rights...some thoughts. #mepolitics 1/X
Though media reflexively called Collins "pro-choice" till recently, her abortion record has actually always been pretty mixed.

E.g. in 2000s she voted for the Unborn Victims of Violence Act and was silent re: a Bush admin rule meant to limit contraception access. #mepolitics 2/X
Collins also voted to put Alito on the Supreme Court even after it emerged he'd written a memo explicitly affirming that he didn't believe the Constitution protected the right to an abortion and that he was super proud of his efforts to kill Roe under Reagan. #mepolitics 3/X
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Last week (6/10) @PaulLePage2022 was on the Ray Richardson show and he made a series of bizarre and untrue claims about relief checks, immigration and Medicaid expansion. He’s either totally misinformed or happily spreading lies.

A thread #mepolitics
LePage says funding for the $850 relief checks is “based on a forecast” and that “the money is never going to come in” because the economy will go into recession. It’s true that all budgets are made on forecasts. But a big drop is very unlikely…
There would need to be a big spike in unemployment to cause a big revenue dent. In the short term, Maine’s summer season, which brings in a lot of sales taxes, looks strong.

What’s more, the relief payments will go out regardless. Any shortfall would manifest later in the year
Read 11 tweets
Shawn McBreairty's got me blocked but he still can't resist checking in. Its official McBreairty is adamant in supporting convicted child molester, David Arthur Kendall. #meopolitics
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Can tell by the grammar that someone else obviously wrote this apology for Heather Anne Sprague. Did you help her with this @JustinDavis207? LOL #mepolitics
Compare the grammar #mepolitics
"Reliability" LOL #mepolitics
Read 4 tweets
It's hopeful that so many people contacted the Presque Isles schools about Kendall. We don't have the luxury to pretend these people don't exist, they wrote the goddamn amendment to the Maine GOP's platform. #mepolitics
This is very disturbing. Chalk one up for @mainegop and Maine First Project. Unfortunately it appears that their resident child predator, David Arthur Kendall was allowed to speak at the Presque Isle school board meeting last night. #mepolitics ImageImage
Just got confirmation from a parent who emailed the school. Maine First Project's David Arthur Kendall was allowed to speak at the school board meeting after talking to the district attorney and letting law enforcement know . #mepolitics Image
Read 156 tweets
This week I’ve heard from 3,500+ constituents who are outraged that millions of Americans are poised to lose control of their own bodies after nearly 50 years.

82% of them said loud + clear: Congress must pass a bill to protect #RoevWade.
I was moved that so many Mainers shared stories about their own abortions, complicated pregnancies, and miscarriages. Like Cathie from @CityPortland.

Their stories are no one’s business, but they felt compelled to speak up b/c abortion is health care, not a political football.
While we are fortunate to have a Governor who has pledged to uphold abortion access in Maine, our reproductive rights should not be at risk every election year. #PassWHPA
Read 7 tweets
Shawn McBreairty got kicked out of a school board meeting for playing a recording of himself repeatedly saying "hardcore anal sex" in front of a room full of parents, young children, and teenagers. #mepolitics
Some context. There were dozens of children in the room when McBreairty subjected the crowd to listening to him talk about "hardcore anal sex" #mepolitics ImageImage
McBreairty is now banned from attending meetings. #mepolitics Image
Read 26 tweets
Northrup thread starting here.
1. Christiane Northrup has successfully started a Christian cult in Maine. Mostly upper middle class, very monied, and extremely politically motivated. #mepolitics
2. Standing at the pulpit in a church, explaining to her followers that the Right is literally a spiritual path rooted in love as opposed to the Left rooted in fear.
3. "Now I'm going to tell you what to do every morning'. Giving her followers instruction on a morning prayer ritual unbinding all that isn't "goodly" inside of them.
Read 54 tweets
1/Paul LePage just officially began crying wolf about election fraud in Maine. Says people from Massachusetts & college students in the urban parts of Maine are illegally voting. We need to be prepared NOW. He won't accept the results if he loses. #mepolitics
2/Paul Lepage says he knows people who came from Massachusetts to illegally vote for gay marriage in 2012. #mepolitics
3/LePage goes onto to say that the election integrity in rural areas is in good shape because the clerks know everyone in towns but Portland, Bangor, and Rockland all have problems. Audience members brag about having election workers in crowd. #mepolitics
Read 11 tweets
An #antivax anti-mask, Covid-denier #Maine State Rep and his wife both have contracted COVID-19. Chris Johansen (R-Monticello) was one of 7 GOP lawmakers who refused to wear masks during the 2021 leg session and subsequently lost their committee assignments. #mepolitics
This morning, during a brief interview, Johansen, who isn’t vaccinated, acknowledged his illness. “Listen up,” he said. “I have #COVID and I’m really really sick and don’t have time to talk to you today.” Here's a recent post by the state rep. Image
Johansen’s wife Cindy, treasurer for the Aroostook County GOP, said in a FB post she’s unvaccinated & been hospitalized with “Covid and asthma.” She is under quarantine in the ICU at Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital, but a nurse there said she’s NOT in critical condition. ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
We've reached the point in the Tax Committee hearing where the Chamber of Commerce rolls up with the same fake talking points they use every time anyone proposes asking the wealthy to pay their fair share.

Here's some facts 🧵 #mepolitics
1. Tax flight is a myth. Wealthy people have deep roots, and study after study prove that taxes don't drive interstate relocation. Here's one from Maine. #mepolitics…
2. Trickle-down economics don't work. They never have. There's dozens of studies on this. Here's a story on one, from LSE. #mepolitics…
Read 5 tweets
Looks like the workers at the Dollar General in Eliot, Maine have had enough! #Solidarity
I’m told by one of the employees that the manager & three workers all quit yesterday with only one employee left.
"My coworkers were tired of putting up with being treated like garbage. My manager that quit yesterday was working over 70 hours a week for 40 salaried, no days off. So we finally got tired of it." - DG Employee

Time to fix overtime laws for salaried employees! #mepolitics
Read 6 tweets
#NEW: @mainegop leaders pen letter condemning @SenatorCollins for her vote to convict former Pres. Donald Trump. @newscentermaine ImageImageImageImage
.@SenatorCollins has previously defended her position, telling @newscentermaine ‘I think that we need to send a message that you can be a good Republicans and not necessarily agree with every position taken by the party.’ #mepolitics
MORE: @SenatorCollins responds with a letter of her own saying, 'I understand the emotions behind this issue' but emphasizes need to 'improve electoral results' for Republicans in the future. #NEWSCENTERmaine ImageImage
Read 4 tweets

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