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Mar 14th 2023
Allerorten wird jetzt eine #Pandemieaufarbeitung gefordert. #HeribertPrantl auf @BR24 Peter Dabrock (@just_ethics) fordert eine Versöhnungskommission und @alex_neubauer spürt im Spiegel seinem inneren kleinen Diktator in der #Pandemie nach. 1/
Also Ärmel hochgekrempelt - packen wir es an. Es folgt ein very #LongRead
Aber davor noch zwei Verweise zu anderen Threads 2/
Der vormals angeheftete Tweet zum Wandel der Natur der Pandemie durch zunehmende Immunisierung findet sich hier:

Wem dieser Tweet hier zu lange ist, der kann gerne auch bei #65 im Thread starten.
Read 63 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
Back in the days of John Humphrey Noyes before he got suspended for posting a study indicating there's viral persistence in epithelium of kids, because everyone includes kids.
How does a twit like this get 108K views propagating “what if viral persistence is REAL”?

It’s almost like we are back to banning twitter accounts for insisting SARS is airborne!
WHEN the rest of non-SARS experts acknowledge that “viral persistence is a thing”, we will be one step closer to acknowledging the true immunity dysfunction threat of SARS
Read 42 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
Die FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2022 in Katar und die Kamel-Meisterschaften erhöhen das Risiko einer #MERS-CoV-Übertragung und einer weltweiten Verbreitung

Massenveranstaltungen wie Sportereignisse und Festivals schaffen ideale Bedingungen für die Übertragung…

einer Reihe von Infektionskrankheiten von Mensch zu Mensch, die sich aufgrund der einfachen Reisemöglichkeiten schnell weltweit ausbreiten können. In Katar finden gleichzeitig zwei Massenveranstaltungen statt, die FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2022 und das
Kamel-Schönheitswettbewerb-Festival des Camel Mzayen Club. Diese haben Hunderttausende von Menschen aus dem Nahen Osten und der ganzen Welt angezogen. Viele von ihnen nehmen an beiden Veranstaltungen teil und interagieren eng miteinander und mit Kamelen, was ideale Bedingungen
Read 10 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
I see #MERS trending - a few thoughts on it. MERS is a coronavirus, just like SARS-CoV-2, but there are many differences: MERS is primarily transmitted from camels to humans by zoonotic transmission. It is continuously circulating in camels which themselves do not get very sick
Unlike SARS-CoV-2, the virus is replicating in humans in the lower respiratory tract, therefore it's not easily transmitted between humans unless there are special conditions that favor transmission (eg health-care related). At-risk of infection are those with close camel contact
Very unlikely that someone who visits a soccer game without close camel contact contracts MERS. So while I am not worried about MERS in this setting, constant spillover gives the virus a chance to adapt. We should keep an eye on MERS but also important to be clear about risks
Read 5 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
Hablemos del MERS. 🦠

El día de ayer fue trending topic en Twitter: #MERS

Pero, ¿qué es el MERS? Es el Síndrome Respiratorio del Medio Oriente [the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)] y al igual que el SARS-CoV-2 es una enfermedad respiratoria de humanos producida
por un coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

Los síntomas de la infección -si los hay-, son comunes a otras enfermedades respiratorias: fiebre, tos, dificultad para respirar, neumonía que pueden provocar la muerte en alrededor del 30% de los casos. Pero estas muertes son debido a la edad
avanzada u otras enfermedades crónicas subyacentes.
Esta enfermedad fue comunicada por primera vez en 2012 en Arabia Saudita, lo cual dio origen a su nombre. Todos los casos registrados hasta ahora han ocurrido en Medio Oriente o tuvieron relación con individuos que visitaron
Read 21 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
#SFPI #SFPV #covidlong #EM #sévérité
Clem - Flagada Combative a illustré 1 des échelles permettant d'évaluer la sévérité de l'Encéphalomyélite Myalgique, 1 maladie neuro-immunitaire qui se développe, svt, après 1 infection virale comme c'est le cas pr moi avec le #SARSCoV2
Au-delà des atteintes multisystémiques variées que les malades connaissent, et qui permettent de dessiner des sous profils (en attendant que les recherches sur les étiologies, la physiopathologie et partant qui sait les traitements curatifs progressent) l'épuisement 'à ne
(presque) rien faire' & les #MPE (malaises post effort qui correspondent à 1 aggravation de l'état des #paEM ds les heures qui suivent 1 activité avec apparition de nouveaux symptômes et/ou exacerbation de symptômes existants) sont les 2 constantes communes de ts les profils.
Read 29 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
#disease risks in the new #IPCCReport

Climate change and variability are facilitating the spread of:
- #chikungunya virus in North, Central and South America, Europe and Asia
- tickborne #encephalitis in Europe
- #RiftValleyFever in Africa
- #WestNile fever in south- eastern Europe, western Asia, the Canadian Prairies, and parts of the USA
- #LymeDisease vectors in North America and Europe
- #Malaria in East and Southern Africa
- dengue globally
#Dengue risk will increase with longer seasons and wider geographic distribution in Asia, Europe, Central and South America and sub-Saharan Africa, potentially putting additional billions of people at risk by the end of the century
Read 5 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
#DueAnniFa, 30-12-2019. Funzionari cinesi indagano sulle cause di un'epidemia di polmonite a #Wuhan! 🤨 #originofcovid…
#DueAnniFa, 31-12-2019. "#HongKong adotta misure di emergenza mentre una misteriosa polmonite colpisce dozzine di persone nella città cinese di #Wuhan"...🤔…
#TwoYearsAgo, 1-1-2020. "The World Health Organisation (@WHO) said it is in ongoing contact with authorities in #China over an unidentified outbreak of viral pneumonia in the central city of #Wuhan, amid concern it may have been transmitted from animals"🤨…
Read 19 tweets
Sep 5th 2021
#Thread Qui détient le brevet sur 2P Spike, cette protéine modifiée utilisée dans tous les vaccins contre le Covid ?

La fondation Gates... Mais pas seulement.
Les informations sur les 2 brevets associés à la 2P Spike sont disponibles sur le site des @NIH (Instituts américains de la santé), institutions gouvernementales US qui s'occupent de la recherche médicale et biomédicale :
Les deux brevets sont détenus par une vingtaine de chercheurs :

1/ : des chercheurs fédéraux du NIAD
2/ : des chercheurs du Scripps Research Institute
3/ : des chercheurs du Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College
4/ : des chercheurs de l’Université d’Austin, Texas
Read 35 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
In 2018, CEPI partnered w/ @Inovio to advance the development of a vaccine against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (#MERS) coronavirus.

MERS is part of the same family of viruses that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) & #Covid19 (1/7) 🧵
MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-1, in particular, pose a significant recurrent pandemic threat.

The fatality rates of these viruses are 10-35%, making them 5-16 times worse than SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19; 2/7)
No vaccine or specific treatment against MERS-CoV are currently available.

However, several MERS specific vaccines and treatments are in development, including 4 vaccine candidates funded by CEPI. (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
May end 2020, I made a video explaining the root cause of the problems associated with #COVID19 , why it became a pandemic but #SARS and #MERS couldn't and why #lockdown was an essential evil to stop the spread.
When I showed this video to a few friends of mine, some had an opinion that #COVID19 is blown out of proportion as:
1. Deaths are concentrated mainly for 70+ age group(90% of the deaths)
2. Death rate for <50Y is even less than 0.5%
3. Vaccines would be available soon
When I expressed my concerns about potential mutations which could
1. increase the death rate (Now : #B117)
2. can escape immunities (Now : #B1351 and #P1)
3. kill younger people (Now : #P1)
I was called pessimist and -ve thinker
Read 7 tweets
Apr 3rd 2021
💉Estudio muestra q SputnikV, tiene⬇️eficacia para prevenir infecciones de variantes🦠con mutación E484K(como B.1.351🇿🇦P1,P2🇧🇷)tal como se observó con AstraZeneca y quizás con SinoVac por todas estas usar la estructura de proteína S nativa
Abro hilo🧵1/4… Image
Sin embargo, vacunas q usaron el spike S modificado con 2Prolinas para hacer fija la estructura de esta proteína antes de fusionarse con el receptor ACE2 de las células, (como lo hizo Pfizer, Moderna y J&J) muestran⬆️eficacia frente a estas variantes 🦠2/…
En 2017 en búsqueda de vacuna contra virus #MERS se encontró q al modificar la proteína S(spike)del virus con 2Prolinas le daba mayor estabilidad; razón por la cual al diseñar💉contra COVID-19 de RNAm, Ad26 de J&J y subunidad de Novavax las utilizaron3/…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 2nd 2021
Here's the latest episode of #COVID19 : Updates from Singapore
This series of webinars is brought to you by @WHOGOARN and @NUSMedicine

It's hosted by @profdalefisher , Prof. David Allen, and Dr. Louisa Sun
Watch here:
Read 70 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
1. Anonymous Microbiologist Spills the Beans on early SARS-COV-2 sequences, CCDC and GISAID…
2. The Chinese guidance for 2019-ncov on 15th Jan.
Pay Attention to Page 46!

3. This thread uncovers the secrets of the authors of the 1st genome sequences & their own/affiliated private companies which benefited from outbreaks during the decade leading up to covid-19

Read 9 tweets
Feb 19th 2021
A thread ONLY aimed to present PREVIOUS information on PREVIOUS outbreaks. History sometimes repeats itself, so do persons/institutions/procedures. Any analysis based on reappearance of similar institutions/procedures/persons should take difference in time/tech into consideration
#2013H7N9 #H7N9
The 2013 H7N9 has similarities with COVID-19: first detected, Shanghai public health center et al.
So, let's roll.
#H7N9 Well, it also had online remours, chatting, before authority acknowledged the cases. ImageImageImageImage
Read 302 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
⚠️#Ocular #MRI Findings in Patients with Severe #COVID19: A Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study
All patients had nodules in the macular region, 8/9 (89%) had bilateral nodules, 2/9 (22%) had nodules outside the macular region. Screening needed. Image
⚠️🔝New-Onset #IgG #Autoantibodies in Hospitalized Patients with #COVID19
An international team of researchers studying COVID-19 has made a startling and pivotal discovery: The virus appears to cause the body to make weapons to attack its own tissues. Image
⚠️🔝Patterns of myocardial injury in recovered troponin-positive COVID-19 patients assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Damage to the heart found in more than half of #COVID19 patients discharged from hospital who show raised levels of troponin. Image
Read 235 tweets
Jan 11th 2021
#UnAnnoFa il #genoma di "un #coronavirus" ricavato da un caso relativo al "focolaio di malattie respiratorie di #Wuhan" veniva pubblicato su #GenBank... 🧐#SARSCoV2
#UnAnnoFa... "Il focolaio di infezioni ha indotto timori di una potenziale epidemia dopo che la Cina ha dichiarato che il virus che lo ha causato è sconosciuto, ma proveniente dalla stessa famiglia di virus che ha causato le epidemie di #SARS e #MERS".🧐
#UnAnnoFa Diventa improvvisamente chiaro che il nuovo virus viaggia velocemente... in aereo. Nessun campanello di allarme in giro per il mondo? 🧐 #covid19…
Read 87 tweets
Jan 11th 2021
#OneYearAgo a "coronavirus #genome from a case of a respiratory disease from the #Wuhan outbreak" was published on #GenBank... 🧐#SARSCoV2
#OneYearAgo "The cluster of infections had raised fears of a potential epidemic after China said last week that the virus causing it was a previously unknown type but came from the same family of viruses that caused the #SARS and #MERS epidemics".🧐…
#OneYearAgo It was suddenly clear that the virus was travelling fast... any bell ringing?🧐#covid19…
Read 75 tweets
Dec 27th 2020
Començaré fort. Si no arribem a taxes de vacunació entre el 50-70% l’efecte de les vacunes vs #SARSCoV2 es veurà clarament compromesa. Recordin que les vacunes no ens protegiran, el que ens protegeix és la vacunació, i com més estesa en l’espai geogràfic i grups d’edat millor.
I la rapidesa amb que s’han obtingut aquestes vacunes fa malfiar alguna gent; òbviament hi ha els que no se la poden posar per estar en grups particulars on el quocient benefici/cost no és favorable (immunocompromesos per exemple, gent amb certes patologies) però també estan...
els a-mi-no-em-passarà-res, o els jo-no-la-necessito, jo-controlo, i després els conspiranoics, aquests ja directament estúpids.
Com és possible que hagin trigat NOMÉS 11 mesos en aprovar una vacuna? Si abans s’estaven anys, 5, 7 anys per aprovar-les, oi? Algunes coses que...
Read 25 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
MUST WATCH NOW: #THECOMINGCONTAGION on @CNN: Timely!! Re: #SARS_CoV_2 & the #COVID19Pandemic - what happens when #HomoSapiens messes up with the environment: starting with #Ebola in #Africa, that Equine Virus in Australia, #NipahVirus in #Malaysia, #H5N9Influenza, #SARS, #MERS..
Equine influenza zoonosis - Australia: -
Australian #Hendra Virus zoonosis from race horses which gave clue to the #NipahVirus zoonosis from Malaysian farmed pigs on the edge of the rainforest (eating fruit bats faeces-contaminated fruits on the ground), killing the pig farmers!! Re:-…
Read 8 tweets
Dec 17th 2020
F@h simulations of the #coronavirus Nsp16 protein (1) reveal the structural mechanism of its activation, which ultimately enables the virus to escape our immune system, & (2) detect a ‘cryptic’ pocket to block Nsp16’s action.…
For successful infection, #coronaviruses use a protein called Nsp16 that modifies the viral genome so that the virus avoids an immune response. Nsp16 works by binding 2 substrates: RNA (green) and SAM (pink). Viruses and humans contain similar (homologous) proteins.
Unlike other viruses and humans, #coronavirus Nsp16 requires a binding partner (Nsp10) to activate its enzymatic activity. This difference is interesting from a basic science standpoint, and because it could present a way to target the coronavirus selectively with a drug.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
With the .@NIAIDNews #ACCT1 trial final report published on 05 Nov 2020 and the .@WHO's #SolidarityTrial Preliminary report published on 02 December 2020, thought it would be good to take another look at both trials and find ways forward for the patients we are dealing with today
Motivated by a patient I am dealing with who will survive very severe #COVID19 in the setting of transplant, but her father, who was hospitalized earlier than her with moderate COVID, was left to progress and died before her discharge, given #remdesivir only after going on #BiPAP
Here is the link to the prior analysis and I think the new publications give some interesting details which will follow

Read 39 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
“I have been identified as the contact of someone who has tested positive for #covid19”, says @drtedros who is joining @WHO presser remotely today from his quarantine. “At this time, it's critically important that we all comply with health guidance."
@DrTedros @WHO “While many countries have brought #COVID19 under control cases in some countries in Europe and North America, continue to spike”, says @drtedros. “This is another critical moment for action, another critical moment for leaders to step up..."
@DrTedros @WHO "It's not too late”, says @DrTedros. "We all have a role to play in suppressing transmission. And we have seen across world, that it's possible."
Read 11 tweets

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