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May 22nd 2023
🚨New Paper Alert🚨
Heureux de vous annoncer la publication d'une étude conduite avec des collègues du #CNRM (@meteofrance /@INSU_CNRS) revenant sur l'exceptionnel été #2022 pour les #SST sur les façades maritimes françaises.
Un 🧵 pour parler 🛰️et 🌊:
Vous vous souvenez de mon fil de l'an dernier?
Le but ici est de quantifier la réponse des #SST et d'attribuer ces extrêmes aux conditions atmosphériques en évaluant les contributions des variables atmosphériques.
Le contexte:
L'été #2022 est le 2ème été le + chaud en France depuis 1900 avec une moyenne saisonnière pour la T2m de 22.7°C.
En particulier, la France a subit 3 vagues de chaleur exceptionnelles Image
Read 21 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
Amazing new paper of my (former) PhD student Friedrich Burger (now postdoc), co-authored by @JensTerhaar and @froeltho on compound #marineheatwaves and ocean acidity extremes. A thread (1/n)
#Compound events in two or more ecosystem stressors are considered as a major concern for marine life. This study quantifies the frequency of compound MHW-OAX events, during which marine heatwaves (MHWs) co-occur with ocean acidity extremes (OAX) (i.e., extremely high [H+]).(2/n)
We show based on surface open ocean observations that compound MHW-OAX events occur globally more often than expected from chance. Such compound events occur relatively often in the subtropical oceans and relatively rarely in the high latitudes and the tropical Pacific (3/n) Image
Read 9 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
While a severe 2022 #marineheatwave is affecting the #Mediterranean Sea, what are the lessons learnt from past #MHW?

1⃣ Tens of sessile species belonging to diverse groups (corals, sponges, algae...) can be affected by mass mortality events,.... will new ones enlarge the list?
2⃣ Large scale mass mortality events can affect thousands of km of coastline across all Mediterranean ecoregions, probably most of the affected areas have been already impacted by previous events...will new areas will enlarge the list?
3⃣ #Marineheatwave are not only observed in the sea surface, but they propagate down in the water column, correspondingly mass mortality events impacts are visible from surface down to +40m depth...will the events will reach depths never impacted before?
Read 7 tweets
Dec 24th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/24/2021…
Marine heatwaves can decimate the oldest and youngest coral, raising concerns about the reproductive future of reefs…

#MarineHeatwaves, #CoralDistribution, #ReefEcosystems
Come for the Tool, Stay for the Exchange: Bootstrapping Liquidity in the Private Markets…

#CapitalFlow, #PrivateMarkets, #AssetClasses, #PortfolioDiversification, #bootstrapping, #liquidity
Read 15 tweets
Oct 2nd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/02/2021…
‘Mini psyches’ give insights into mysterious metal-rich near-Earth asteroids…

#NearEarthAsteroids #SpaceMining #metals
Read 8 tweets

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