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Oct 3rd 2020
THREAD RT: My dad #MarkUrquiza was an actual warrior, @IvankaTrump. Your father killed my father. I know you know who I am and what I think. I saw you nod at me when you and your caravan of vectors walked past me at Tuesday night's debate. (1/9)
I practiced restraint to show respect to you, your Dad, the rules @debates, and @ClevelandClinic set before us, @JoeBiden, and democracy. I had a copy of my Dad's obituary ready to hand to you. (2/9)
But I don't have to show the same kind of restraint here, especially in light of the developments that your family and the ghoulish republican party in complete arrogant disregard of the rules the rest of the attendees agreed to put our lives in danger. (3/9)
Read 9 tweets
Oct 3rd 2020
RT THREAD: At the #DNC I spoke of two Americas. We see it on full display this evening. #POTUS was taken to a hospital out of "caution" to monitor is reported symptoms of low-grade fever, chills, cough, and low-energy. On June 11th my Dad woke up with the same symptoms (1/4)
My dad was told to come back if he couldn't breathe. Five days later on June 16th, my mother rushed him to the hospital as he gasped for air. His ICU doctor said he wished he would have come in sooner to the hospital. (2/4)
Would #MarkUrquiza be here today if he in his America he had access to that type of care? But it's not just Mark what about the families of the Rio Grande who called for an ambulance and were told the backlog was 3 hours to receive emergency transport? (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
Today should have been #MarkUrquiza's 66th birthday. So we planned a National #DayOfAction to demand a coordinated, data-driven approach to #COVID.

Get involved by participating in the #MarkedByCOVID tweet storm, started by a supporter in Florida - RT below or create your own.
Governors @GovRonDeSantis, @GregAbbott_TX, @dougducey, and @POTUS were late to close and early to re-open, needlessly jeopardizing lives along the way including #MarkUrquiza's. #MarkedByCOVID
.@GovRonDeSantis, @GregAbbott_TX, @dougducey, and @POTUS: If we can’t even get our hospital workers #PPE, how are we going to get it to schools? We can’t even get textbooks to schools. #COVID19 #MarkedByCOVID #OnlyWhenItsSafe #TeacherSafetyIsEssential #BackToSchool
Read 5 tweets

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