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Sep 20th 2022
What comes to your mind when you read the word #Metaverse? πŸ€”πŸ’­

Do you believe that Metaverse = #gaming or trade of virtual real estate?

Well, let's take you through a whole new perspective & show you what the MILC #media Metaverse is building for the global audience!🌎

MILC #Metaverse, powered by #UnrealEngine5, presents a #3D #VirtualReality ✨

It's not just limited to a gaming platform. And we don't trade in virtual land, rather we'll provide free townhouses to the #MILCians 🏘️❣️

So what can be traded here?

#content media industry is set to be revolutionized with the birth of MILC Metaverse & #web3 social community. πŸ”₯

πŸ”ΉTrade media assets like movies, television, streaming, music, online publishing, etc.

In a first, it allows direct interactions btw the traders of content πŸ‘
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